Yoga for college student depression treatment
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Yoga for college student depression treatment
This study aimed to explore the potential benefits of Yoga for depressed college students. Specifically, this study aimed to evaluate the potential of Yoga as a treatment for depression using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. We achieved this by surveying 400 college students who participated in the study and conducting semi-structured interviews with 24 college students who had experienced depression. Ultimately, Yoga was found to improve mental health in college students. The study also revealed several variables that may affect the effectiveness of practice as a treatment for depression. Findings from this study have important implications for increasing participation in yoga classes for college students with depression.
short description
This qualitative study aimed to look into the effects of yoga practice on university students who are depressed. Notably, we will look into the effectiveness of Yoga for depressed college students. According to Kamal (2019), interviews were conducted with college students participating in yoga classes. However, they suffered from depression during the study.
Research Aim
This study aimed to look into the effects of regular yoga practice on the signs and symptoms of depression in college students.
Research objectives
This study aims to understand better the experiences of depressed students who attend yoga classes. Also, identify potential benefits of Yoga for these students, and identify barriers that may prevent them from doing so. Students participate in Yoga.
Research Questions
The following previous research studies served as a basis.
a. How did Yoga impact college students with depression who attended these classes?
b. What do you see as the potential benefits of Yoga for depressed college students?
c. What barriers prevent college students from practicing Yoga?
Justification for the Study
The purpose of this study was to look into the impact of Yoga on college students’ levels of depression. Research should be conducted in this field because young adults have high rates of depression. Moreover, Yoga has been shown to benefit both physical and mental health. Yoga practice may benefit college students’ mental health. A better understanding of the factors that discourage them from engaging in yoga practice could lead to developing interventions encouraging participation in yoga programs.
Short Description
This quantitative study sought to investigate the effects of yoga practice on college students suffering from depression. The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Yoga as a treatment for depression. Practising Yoga is a working solution for college students. Typically, a survey was done to college students who had experienced depression and had participated in yoga classes for this research project.
Research Aim
This research aimed to see if Yoga effectively reduced depression symptoms in college students.
Research Objectives
This research aimed to examine the effectiveness of Yoga treatment for depression in college students. Moreover, the study examined the potential benefits of Yoga for these students. Finally, factors may influence the efficacy of Yoga as a treatment for depression.
Research Question
The following previous research studies served as a basis.
a. How effective is Yoga in treating depression in college students?
b. What are the potential benefits of Yoga for students with depression?
c. What are the potential success factors for using Yoga to treat depression? How do these factors interact?
Justification for the Study
This study aimed to discover more about how Yoga affects students’ depression. Notably, depression levels, especially among young people, are rising significantly. As a result, Yoga has been shown to improve practitioners’ physical and mental health. In this regard, a study will also be conducted on factors common to most students.
Methods of Research
Philosophy of Qualitative Research
The interpretivism method of thought guided this qualitative investigation’s research philosophy.
Justification for Research
According to Dahler-Larsen, (2019), in interpretivism to this theory, each person is responsible for creating their reality and imbuing the universe with meaning based on their life experiences. The interpretivism technique used in this study is an excellent choice for the study’s goal. Notably, it allows for an investigation into the various points of view held by depressed college students who attended yoga classes. The researchers can better understand yoga practice’s potential benefits and drawbacks for these students by analyzing each participant’s unique experiences and perspectives on yoga classes.
Philosophy of Quantitative Research
This quantitative investigation’s research philosophy is consistent with Positivism.
Justification for Research
According to Kankam (2019), Positivism is a research school emphasizing factual evidence and scientific techniques to understand the world better. The fundamental principle of Positivism is that by doing the right thing, one can obtain a deeper understanding of the world. Ultimately, It maintains that their thing is an objective reality discovered through firsthand experience and experimentation. Moreover, Yoga’s benefits are amenable to scientific investigation, from which various conclusions can be drawn. This is critical for understanding the benefits of Yoga as a depression treatment and determining the factors contributing to its effectiveness.
Methods of Qualitative Research
In this qualitative investigation, semi-structured interviews were used as the research method (Lewis-Smith et al., 2021).
1. Semi-structured interviews can be used to learn more about the participants’ experiences.
2. One can talk about anything during semi-structured interviews.
3. Semi-structured interviews are the ability to ask follow-up questions (Lewis-Smith et al., 2021).
4. Semi-structured interviews allow for the collection of detailed qualitative data.
1. Semi-structured interviews take a long time to conduct and analyze, and the interviews are time-consuming.
2. The semi-structured interview structure exposes the interviewer to bias. The interviewer’s questions and any follow-up inquiries are likely to influence the participants’ responses (Lemay et al., 2019).
3. The semi-structured interview style may occasionally result from t in data with too little structure on the result.
4. The cost of conducting semi-structured interviews is high.
Methodology of Quantitative Research
A survey was chosen as the research method used in this quantitative study (Mishra & Alok, 2022).
1. Surveys allow for the collection of quantitative data.
2. Surveys can be conducted with little financial investment. They are efficient even when time, money, and labor are limited.
3. The questionnaires take only a few minutes to complete. (Mishra & Alok, 2022).
4. Responding to the questions, survey participants can remain anonymous. This ensures that participants are honest and open without fear of criticism or repercussions.
1. The use of surveys allows for the collection of quantitative data.
2. It is possible to conduct surveys with a small financial investment.
3. Filling out surveys will take up very little time. They can communicate with many people in a relatively short period.
4. Survey participants can remain anonymous when answering the questions.
Analysis of Research Sample Sizes
A qualitative study found 24 participants experienced depression in college students practicing Yoga. Notably, the sample size was sufficient to determine how Yoga helped study participants with depression. However, the results could not generalize or used to judge large populations. The sample size may not reflect all college students with depression.
Aspect of Reliability
For accuracy purposes, we conducted semi-structured interviews. Using a semi-structured interview guide, the researcher could ask each participant the same questions (Murray et al., 2020). The researcher also had a qualified research assistant handle the interviews, ensuring they were conducted consistently.
Aspect of Validity
Conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews to ensure the accuracy of data and findings. The researcher might elicit details about the participants’ experiences through semi-structured interviews and discover what those events meant to them. The researcher also used a peer debriefing technique to confirm her interpretation of the data.
Considerations for Ethical Behavior
Before beginning the study, the investigator ensured that all relevant ethical considerations were made. After the researcher obtained written, informed consent from each participant, their privacy and confidentiality were typically protected. The researcher also ensured the subjects’ safety by connecting them with mental health professionals in case of a problem.
Size of the Sample
This statistical study included 400 yoga-practicing college students. The sample size was large enough to draw valid conclusions about the effect of Yoga on depression in university students. The sample size was also sufficient to ensure that the findings represented the population.
The precision of this study can be taken at confront esteem due to the utilization of a study. Using a standardized questionnaire, all respondents were asked the same questions (Elstad et al., 2020). The researcher had each batch of questionnaires administered by a qualified research assistant to ensure uniformity in survey administration.
Validity Aspect
Using a systematic survey to collect information aided the study’s reliability. The researcher could objectively examine Yoga’s impact on college students’ depression using a specific survey technique. Peer The researcher also used peer reviewable-check the data interpretation.
The following are some of the advantages of qualitative research:
1. Qualitative research allows for an in-depth investigation into the experiences of participants.
2. Unstructured conversations are possible with the qualitative research method. Participants can freely express their ideas and emotions because the researcher’s questions do not constrain them.
3. According to Rayal et al. (2021), conducting qualitative research is beneficial due to the follow-up of questionnaires.
4. Qualitative research allows for the collection of large amounts of qualitative data. Thus, it necessitates a few resources, including time, money, and personnel.
1. Conducting and analyzing qualitative research takes time and requires significant planning ahead of time.
2. The researcher’s bias is possible in qualitative research because participants’ responses will be influenced by the researcher’s initial questions (Rayal et al., 2021). As a result, it can take time to conduct data analysis and draw meaningful conclusions.
3. The cost of conducting qualitative research is prohibitively expensive.
4. Qualitative research findings may not be generalized to a larger population, and findings are only applicable to the study’s sample.
The following are some of the advantages of quantitative Analysis:
1. Quantitative research enables the collection of numerical data. This data can be used to evaluate the effect of Yoga on depression in college students.
2. Quantitative research is relatively inexpensive to conduct. It requires minimal resources in terms of time, money, and personnel.
3. Quantitative research is quick to complete. It can quickly reach many participants (Lemay et al., 2019).
4. With quantitative research, anonymity is possible. Thus, it allows participants to answer questions honestly without fear of judgment or repercussions.
5. Quantitative research has the potential to apply to a larger population. The findings can be applied to a larger population than the samples
study’s sample size advantages of Quantitative Analysis.
1. The questions posed have the potential to limit quantitative research. The questions may not permit a thorough examination of the participants’ experiences and interpretations.
2. In quantitative research, response bias is possible (Wang & Szabo, 2020). Participants may be required to answer questions truthfully or accurately, which may lead to inaccurate results.
3. With quantitative research, follow-up questions may be impossible. As a result, the researcher requires assistance in gaining a more in-depth understanding of the participant’s experiences and interpretations.
4. Analyzing quantitative research can be difficult. The collected data may be complex and challenging to interpret, making drawing meaningful conclusions difficult.
5. Quantitative research can be expensive. It requires significant resources in terms of time, money, and personnel.







Murray, A., Marenus, M., Cahuas, A., Friedman, K., Ottensoser, H., Kumaravel, V., Sanowski, J. and Chen, W., 2022. The impact of web-based physical activity interventions on depression and anxiety among college students: Randomized experimental trial. JMIR formative research, 6(4), p.e31839.
Elstad, T., Ulleberg, P., Klonteig, S., Hisdal, J., Dyrdal, G.M. and Bjorndal, A., 2020. The effects of Yoga on student mental health: a randomized controlled trial. Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 8(1), pp.573-586.
Wang, F. and Szabo, A., 2020. Effects of Yoga on stress among healthy adults: A systematic review. Altern Ther Health Med, 26(4), p.AT6214.
Rayal, S.P., Singh, B. & Jain, P. (2021). Exploring the Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and its Ability to Increase Quality of Life. International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology.
Lemay, V., Hoolahan, J. and Buchanan, A., 2019. Impact of a yoga and meditation intervention on students’ stress and anxiety levels. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 83(5).
Mishra, S.B. & Alok, S. (2022). Handbook of research methodology.
Lewis-Smith, I., Pass, L. & Reynolds, S. (2021). How adolescents understand their values: A qualitative study. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 26(1), 231–242.
Kamal, S.S.L.B.A., 2019. Research paradigm and the philosophical foundations of a qualitative study. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(3), pp.1386-1394.
Kankam, P.K., (2019). The use of paradigms in information research. Library & Information Science Research, 41(2), pp.85-92.
Dahler-Larsen, P., 2019. Quality: from Plato to performance. Springer.

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