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Category: Source Code

Signals and communication Homework 2(8 problems)

8 questions. Question 5 and 3 are MATLAB questions containing the codes and the rest are calculations with digital sequence and spectrum diagrams.


package TonyTour; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; public class TonyTour { private static int participants; public static void main(String[] args) { // Declarations: int iChoice; Scanner cin = new Scanner(; System.out.println("TonyTour");…

Support two (human) players on the same console (aka the CLI command line console). Player vs player. No computer. No need to implement single player mode.

Battleship Game Requirements: Support a menu.Play a new game. (Overwrite save file with default state/values).Load game.Quit. Support two (human) players on the same console (aka the cli command line console).…

CPSC165 – Introduction to Internet Concepts and Web Design principles

CPSC165 – Introduction to Internet Concepts and Web Design principles Spring 2020 Final Project: Build a moderate-size Web Site Submission due: Friday, June 26, 2020 (11:59pm)   Project Description  …

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Sample Post

Forecasting Chicken Wing Demand

Exercise 1: Forecasting chicken wing demand The following data represents the weekly demand for chicken wings at a local restaurant during the past six weeks: Week 1 2 3 4…

Write a program that will open a data file (“data.csv”) containing multiple rows and columns (no missing value)

COMP-5411 FA & FB Fall 2019 Assignment 1 This is NOT a group assignment Due Date: Wednesday, October 9, 11:59 pm Late submission is NOT allowed. 1) Write a program…
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