The Politics of 1820 and 30s and the Civil War

The cause of the U.S. Civil War has initiated heated debates since its end. Just like most wars, there was no single event that triggered it. The war emerged from a series of prolonged tension and disputes between Americans’ lives and politics. The civilians and politicians in the Article Error (ETS Northern and Southern states argued over issues such as slavery in American society, the federal government’s powers, cultural values, and economic interests that led to the emergence of the civil war. These disparities would have been settled amicably through diplomacy, but there were no slavery institutions to advocate for their resolutions. The cheap labor from the enslaved people in Article Error (TS the southern states was the way of life.

In 1776 when America gained independence, the enslavement of people was legal in all British colonies, where the enslaved people played crucial roles in their economy and society. Slavery institutions were formed in America but were restricted to Africans. White supremacy was rooted where few black nationals and non-enslaved people were allowed to vote. Movements were formed to abandon slavery which rendered many Northern States to enforce laws to abolish enslavement. The Northern States mainly focused on industrial development more than agriculture and utilized cheap labor from European immigrants.

The southern state with fertile soils had an established economy based on agricultural products and depended on enslaved people who offered cheap labor. The emergence of cotton plantations increased the demand for more enslaved people. On the contrary, the Northern economy focused on industrial development, buying raw materials from the South and turning them into finished goods. These economic differences between the North and the South resulted in irreconcilable societal and political views. Economic disparities between the North and South changed the federal government’s control of the economy and cultures of the states.

The nullification crisis involved the South Carolina nationals challenging the federal government, where the federal government intended to nullify the federal tariffs. According to John C. Calhoun, South Carolina was justified to stop the enforcement of law on tariffs on the basis of removal pioneered by James and Jefferson in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. A Northern senator believed that the nullification was an obvious step towards secession which Article Error (ETS) interfered with the survival of unions. Webster indicated that unions guarded the freedom, liberty, Article Error (ETS and democracy of the northern nationals.

South Carolina declared the tariffs of 1828-1832 unlawful within their state and threatened to leave the union due to the federal government’s enforcement of the tariffs law. The enactment Possessive TS of the tariff laws was intended to harm the southerners, which greatly depended on agriculture. President Andrew Jackson ruled that the state could not nullify the tariff law and passed a force bill to enforce the tariff collections. The withdrawal of South Carolina’s collection of federal tariffs was beyond the nullification. It was grounded on the push for the abolishment of slavery in the North.

The threat by South Carolina to secede if forced to collect tariffs forced Andrew Jackson to argue that the disagreement between the armed forces was a threat to peace. Later, some southern states argued that their sovereignty allowed them to withdraw from unions. The withdrawal crisis posed a constitutional problem that was only resolved after the victory by the northern federal government in the American civil war.

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