The Magicians book 1, 2 and 3 are considered part of the contemporary literature genre because they are about a group of young adults who are learning to use their magic in the modern world. The books follow the characters as they go to college, get jobs, and start families. The characters face many challenges, both personal and magical, and the books explore the themes of love, loss, and betrayal. The books have been very popular with readers and have been made into a television series. Lev Grossman is an award-winning author who has written other books in the same genre, including The Magicians trilogy and The Magician’s Land. His work is considered to be part of the current trend in contemporary literature, which emphasizes realism and emotional complexity over traditional fantasy elements. Therefore, the Magicians trilogy should be considered part of this genre. Judging by these factors, it would be appropriate to classify the books as contemporary literature. The essay will address claims why the magician’s book is a contemporary genre, using purpose, audience, claim, counterclaim and logos.


The purpose of writing the Magicians trilogy was to tell a story about a young man who discovers he has magical powers and must learn to control them in order to save the world from an evil force. Grossman has said that he was inspired by J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, and wanted to create a similar story for adults. He has also said that he wanted to explore what it would be really like to have magical powers, and how such a person would deal with the responsibility of using them. The Magicians trilogy was released in 2009, 2011, and 2013. It has been praised for its engaging plot and well-developed characters. It has also been compared to the Harry Potter series, and is sometimes referred to as a “young adult version” of that series. The Magicians trilogy was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012, but lost to Django Unchained. As of 2019, it has sold over 12 million copies worldwide.


The audience that Lev Grossman is trying to convince in the Magicians books 1, 2, and 3 are people who are interested in magic and fantasy. He does this by making the world of magic and the characters in it very believable and relatable. He also includes a lot of action and suspense to keep the reader engaged. Ultimately, he wants to show that magic is not just something that is make-believe, but something that can be real and dangerous. grossman makes a very convincing case for the magic in these books. That is why he is so popular with readers. He makes magic seem like a plausible and exciting possibility, one that everyone should pursue.


The Magicians is a novel by American author Lev Grossman, published in 2009. It tells the story of Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers and attends a secret college of magic in New York. The novel contains elements of both fantasy and realism, and has been described as Harry Potter for adults (Qin 444). The book was generally well-received by critics, and was a New York Times Best Seller. It won the 2010 Alex Award and was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel. The Magicians is part of the contemporary literature genre. Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers and attends a secret college of magic in New York, is the main protagonist. Other characters include Quentin’s friends Julia and Eddie; Alice, the headmistress of the school; magic users Glinda, Elias, and Peter; and tycoon Henry DeTamble (Sheppard 172).

The novels follow the lives of Quentin Coldwater and his friends as they attend Brake bills College for Magical Pedagogy, a secret institution located in upstate New York, where they study magic and learn to master their abilities. The novels include elements of fantasy and horror, and have been described as “a harry potter for adults”. The series has been praised for its complex characters and its exploration of the nature of magic and reality. The first novel in the series, “The Magicians,” was published in 2009 and won the Philip K. Dick Award. The second novel, “The Magician’s Land,” was published in 2011 and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel. The third novel, “Magicians: Life and Death,” was published on October 4th, 2016. The novels are part of a contemporary literature genre known as “New Weird.” They have been compared to works by J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and George R. R. Martin.


The Magicians books are not part of the contemporary literature genre because they are set in a fantasy world where magic is real (Zhang). The books follow the adventures of Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers he has the ability to do magic and is whisked away to attend a school for magicians. The books are filled with adventure, magic, and suspense, and are not considered to be part of the contemporary literature genre. In The Magicians, we follow the story of Quentin Coldwater, a young man who discovers he has the ability to do magic and is whisked away to an elite academy for magicians (Soulliere). As the story progresses, Quentin and his friends find themselves in the midst of an epic battle against an evil force that threatens not only their world, but all of existence. Along the way, they must master their own magical abilities in order to save the day. The Magicians is full of adventure and suspense, as Quentin and his friends face danger at every turn. They battle powerful sorcerers, fight for their lives against wild beasts, and clash with rival academies. Magic is a central part of The Magicians, and it plays a major role in the story. Quentin discovers that he has the ability to do magic – something that few people ever achieve. This gives him an advantage over his opponents, who are largely untrained in this form of combat.


Logos in literature refers to the distinctive visual elements or images that are used to identify and represent a company, organization, product, or service. These can include the company name, symbol(s), design, or other features (Kaewpet 1105). They may also be used in print materials such as brochures and advertisements. The American author Lev Grossman who wrote the magician books uses logos to express contemporary genre such as Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Logos in literature can also be used to create an aura of authority or prestige around a work. For example, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry logo is often used in Harry Potter books to give the impression that the setting is legitimate and well-respected. Similarly, movie studios often use logos to create an impression of quality and professionalism. For example, the Disney logo is often used in movies to suggest that they are produced by a high-quality studio.

In conclusion it is apparent that Grossman has crafted a well-written and engaging story that has managed to contemporary itself within the genre. With strong characterization and an interesting plot, it is easy to see why the series has been so successful. While the first book may not have been groundbreaking, it sets the stage well for the rest of the story and sets up the characters nicely. The second and third books are where the story really picks up the pace and the stakes become higher. With a fast-paced plot and intriguing world building, these books are sure to keep readers engaged. While some may find the ending a bit rushed, it is still an enjoyable read that offers a satisfying conclusion. Overall, Grossman has written an impressive series that should appeal to fans of contemporary genres alike.
















Works cited

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Zhang, Tingting, and Lawrence Jun Zhang. “Taking stock of a genre-based pedagogy: Sustaining the development of EFL students’ knowledge of the elements in argumentation and writing improvement.” Sustainability 13.21 (2021): 11616.

Kaewpet, Chamnong. “Quality of argumentation models.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 8.9 (2018): 1105-1113.

Sheppard, Natalie R. “The world never did help a smart girl.” The New Witches: Critical Essays on 21st Century Television Portrayals (2021): 172.

Soulliere, Danielle M. “Much ado about Harry: Harry Potter and the creation of a moral panic.” The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 22.1 (2010): 6-6.

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