Response 1
Whether young people should make their own selections in regards to careers they want to pursue in the future or be forced to opt for career choices made through the wishes of their parents has long been a topic of discussion. Many might argue that it is within the young people’s rights to decide their careers as it directly affects their future. In contrast, others are of the idea that parents have immense experience to know jobs of great benefit to their offsprings.
Freedom of choice is essential for one to enjoy personal autonomy and control. Allowing youths to make their own decisions about future careers is critical since it enables them to choose careers that they would enjoy. Subsequently, they will have high levels of dedication to their jobs, and this would increase their productivity. Besides, allowing youth’s career decision-making is a simple way of ensuring that most careers nationwide have new entrants, securing the continuity of these careers. Youths have different interests and abilities and are highly likely to distribute themselves among most of the professions in a country.
However, some argue that allowing youths to choose their career paths is unrealistic. Young people are not likely to consider issues such as job security or the level of remuneration, among other critical factors when choosing careers. This might be true. Hence, youths should receive career guidance from career experts.
In my view, giving career advice is not an excuse to override the youth’s wishes. Career coaches must realize their sole responsibility is to offer advice, and it is up to the youth to use this advice to make informed choices. Adults in young people’s lives should not use career advice to impose their wishes and dreams on them. Imposing personal desires on young people takes away their opportunity to have a fulfilling career.

Response 2
The modern world keeps changing each day, thanks mainly to evolving technology. With new ideas and concepts coming up, numerous opportunities are present globally. Technology has powered up significant changes in different sectors of the economy. Vast changes happening in any industry will only call for an adjustment to keep up. In making career choices, a lot of thinking and analysis is involved as one has to go through various disciplines of study to make the right pick. Young people’s career dreams change according to the society they are living in, and do not necessarily adhere to their parents’ career choices that they could otherwise want them to pursue. Therefore, comes the question; should young people be given the right to choose their career path and live up to their dreams, or should the real-world experience from their parents be a consideration in future career selection?
It is within the right of children to choose their careers. Parents must recognize this and accord them full respect. Every individual knows himself better and I believe a young person is no different. Only the youth know their interests and abilities and thus can pursue study areas of interest and make the right career pick. If the youth were to follow the desires and wishes of their parents in career choice, they might not fully embrace it, as their interest is no longer in that area of study. This leads to boredom and pressure might set in during their academic life as they strive to please their parents and attain the right grades.
Elsewhere, having a listening ear to older folk never hurt anyone. Parents desire that their child lives a happier, healthy, and fulfilling life. Often, parents might encounter challenges in raising the young people, and so it remains within their wishes that their children settle well in their future life and experience none of those challenges they faced. Parents have seen the world more than young people have and thus have more valuable experience to support them in their career growth. In this regard, the adult generation is best suited in offering career selections for young people for a bright future.
In my opinion, it is only right that the youth can make career selections for themselves. A career being something that will build or destroy one’s life, it needs to come from within the youth’s interests and passion. However, the parents having a better understanding of what’s good and bad for their kids due to the age difference should make sure the child is well educated and aware of the various courses and available career options in the working world.

Response 3
A proper career planning contributes significantly to lifetime fulfilment in an individual. In making the right career choice, the key to building and shaping one’s life is within their hands. An individual can live a satisfactory experience as they hold an encouraging job, and hence they achieve peace and freedom within their workplace. However, in many cases today, we encounter conflicts in which cultural heritage opposes an individual’s career plan. Debate exists in which a part of society feels the young people ought to pursue careers of their choice freely, while others have the opinion that the older generation should be responsible for future career picks for the youth.
If young people choose their careers, odds are stack high that they will land jobs suitable to their interests and personality traits. Having in their possession, a position of their liking not only guarantees motivation when working but also builds the passion within and contributes to immense productivity. With morale to work high, young people are bound to establish good interpersonal relationships among co-workers. Every nation requires a healthy working youth, free from stress and depression. A harmonious relationship boosts the workplace culture and spells significant productivity and overall growth in the country’s economy.
Elsewhere, the older generation in society feels that young people should not always get their wish and choose careers as to their interests. To them, the youth need to take up careers as to the practical world and consider vital, realistic factors. Young people out to analyse opportunities in the market and know about the current and future job competition trends. The aim of this is that a young person is better placed in their career pick and can gain a substantial competitive advantage in the market place. Also, youth out to pursue careers that offer an exciting compensation package, guarantee job security, and where job skills growth and development over the years is achievable.
In my view, as much as young people should choose careers on their terms following their passion and interests, there is a core need to integrate the current societal factors to ensure a bright and fulfilling future career. Youth need to understand clearly how various factors influence their jobs and put into consideration the potential future effects of such elements in choosing successful careers.

Response 4
In every single day, government entities, corporations, multinational firms, institutions, and companies are always hiring new qualified and skilled individuals to fill up vacant positions within their operations. Many of these vacancies may require young, energetic blood to take up the roles and steer the entities to achieving maximum productivity and success. However, how do these young candidates end up in these roles? Did they willingly choose this career path or was their career decision greatly influenced by an adult; their parent?
Young people find themselves in the often-daunting task of choosing a fruitful career. Every individual desires that they will one day join college and pursue the career of their dreams; An early childhood liking for an activity majorly influenced by their role model, and so they want to be like their role model. Following up and taking a career from childhood dreams has a sense of achievement. Young people should have the chance to actualise these memories, dreams that they have held on for so long. A realised dream has one a better servant not only for their immediate community but also for the nation.
Elsewhere, with so many opportunities available, the young minds can find themselves confused in choosing future careers. These young inexperienced youth have to take career decisions too early in their life, which will affect their whole adulthood. A wrong career choice only can destroy young souls. For this not to happen, the education system, parents, and society is tasked to ensure that right from childhood, the youth receive guidance and support in their career options. To those already in working life, career advice and training is offered to develop their skills to match job requirements.

Given the above, choosing a profession for the future is a matter of critical importance. Careful thought must be administered, and youth ought to learn and consider all available career options. Parents must opt to guide their children in their careers but not to impose their wishes on them, as this will not be a waste of time but resources too.

Response 5
Life after high school is crucial. This stage is very critical in that the decisions involved will either make or break any young person’s future afterward. The young people, having passed from high school, are required to make appropriate career choices for the next phase of their life. Making a career choice can be tough as this is a lifelong decision one must live with. The youth are just beginning to understand what life is, whereas their parents have experienced almost everything. So, who should make the career choice for the children who just left high school? The children themselves or the parents?
Youth should be accorded the opportunity to make their career decision. In giving them this freedom, it not only allows them to think critically but also independently, and thus they learn to manage themselves. Self-decision-making cultivates in the youth a virtue of confidence and boosts self-discovery. They obtain the ability to know who they are as a person, identify their strengths while working on limitations, and thus contribute to a successful life. Giving young people the chance to take career decisions enlightens their future.
Parents need to understand that it is okay for their children to make decisions during this phase of life. They must encourage the children to aspire towards living their dreams and have a range of career options to choose from. Allowing the kids to be themselves will enable them to live happier and fuller lives, as they will not have to complain about work. Being a significant influence in their children’s life, parents should only encourage them to obtain as much education on career options available as possible and help them to discover and nurture their innate talents and skills.
In light of the above, there is a need for both parents and young people to work together towards finding the most appropriate career for the child. Parents have been tasked with ensuring maximum growth and development for the children is met. It is only fair that they channel all resources available to enable the young people to identify the potential they have, guide them using their experience, and encourage them to go after their life ambitions without fear.

Response 6
A career can mold or destroy one’s life. A career entails an individual’s journey through learning, working and experiencing other life aspects. In selecting a career path, an individual has made a vital decision that affects their entire future. Career choice can be a tiresome and stressful period of life and thus, it needs to be handled with care. For a child’s parents, this stage can be stressful. Parents always want happiness and success in life for their children and a significant determinant of this is the career path a child chooses. Elsewhere, a child seeks to accomplish his desires and childhood dreams in their career pick. In this regard, who gets to make the career selection?
Youth need to explore the challenges and opportunities they face every day, and from this, learn on the best way to steer their lives. They should take decisions such as this on career choice onto their own hands as only through such can they grow. They need to learn about the responsibility of making decisions and be ready to deal with mistakes from their actions, otherwise, if parents plan their whole life how else can they learn. Support from parents is necessary as these builds confidence in youth and their ability to research careers and find the best pick.
Parents greatly influence the level of education and training their children can achieve. This is learnt from expectations as young children grow up. Parents should neither over-involve themselves in the decision-making process of their children nor should they exert control over career decisions in their child. They should never impose their own goals onto their children, to see their accomplishments as a reflection of themselves. Instead, they need to develop their knowledge of the world of work and allow young people to discover on their own what they want to achieve in life.
In my view, since young people value parental influence and guidance in the area of career development, parents must rise up to offer support and the encouragement necessary to explore the many opportunities available for the youth to make the best career choice. The parents should be involved but not in control, advise the children but not decide for them, and offer support but not dominance.

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