Two thirds of Europeans had no country at one particular time. According to Hector, European countries came into existence as a result of intermingling and intermarriage of people from different parts of the word. J. Hector wrote an article to express his attitude that Europeans did not belong to any country in the past. Hector wrote the rhetoric article using rhetoric words to convince his audience who were the Europeans. The article is directed to Europeans meaning that his audience were the Europeans. Hector tries to prove to them that at one particular time each one of them had no country. Hector’s article has a purpose which is a rhetoric word. The purpose of writing the essay was to explain to the Americans their origin. Hector uses argument, a rhetoric word to prove to his audience the truth of his attitude. He argues that the poor people of Europe have met in consequence of several aspects. Hector uses persuasion to prove to Europeans that none of them had a country. He uses imagery and denotation which are both rhetoric words and talks about a miserable person who loiters from one place to another and their life is full of sore affiliation. The image of a loitering person is created and the creation of this image helps in convincing the audience. That kind of a person cannot claim to belong to a particular country (Janne 21). He uses symbolism a rhetoric word when he talks of a person whose life is full of sore affiliation. Sore affiliation symbolizes mystery and homelessness. Hector argues that everything has contributed to the regeneration of the Europeans including laws and new ways of living. Hector uses analogy a rhetoric word to convince his audience. He uses the analogy of a plant to persuade people believe his ideas. In hi analogy, symbolism is also portrayed. He uses symbolism were the plants symbolizes Americans. He says in Europe there were many useless plants which had dried up but through transplantation, they have been able to grow back. Hector says that in the same way Europeans came to find themselves a country to take care of them. Hector uses evidence, a rhetoric word to make people believe his ideas (Uddi-Ahmed 11). He talks of a family were the grandfather was from England and had married a Dutch. Their son got married to a French woman and their children married from different countries. Hector says that it is through these intermarriages that European countries came into existence. Based on Hector’s ideas, it is convincing that there was once a particular period when Europeans could not claim to belong to a particular country. Hector uses rhetoric words such as evidence, audience, symbolism, analogy and attitude in his essay. He talks of how Europeans were reckless and poor during that time. However, through the influence of laws and improved standards of living these people were able to find themselves a country. As a result, the American man came into existence. Intermarriages among people from different parts of the world lead to the existence of the American man.

Works Cited Säntti, Janne, Mikko Puustinen, and Jari Salminen. “Theory and practice in Finnish teacher education: a rhetorical analysis of changing values from the 1960s to the present day.” Teachers and Teaching 24.1 (2018): 5-21. Uddin-Ahmed, Syed. ““Letters from an American Farmer”(J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur).” Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments 2.1 (2017): 11-13.

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