*Marketing issue we intend to Solve*
One of the marketing problems facing Tesla Company that we intend to solve is lack of enough efforts by the company when focusing on environmental issues. Their focus is less attractive to customers, and therefore, there is a great need to improve it. This is very important since convincing consumers to adopt the use of electric cars and abandon traditional fuel guzzlers is not easy. It is important to promote green electric concept among the low-end consumers to attract them through changing their mind, perception, and preferences. According to Broadbent, Metternicht & Drozdzewski (2019), traditional fuel guzzlers does not only cause greenhouse gases emissions (GHG), they cause so many negative externalities that affects environment, economy, and society. This calls for an urgent need to change the automobile consumers to embrace electric cars.
*Research question 1*: What does Tesla buyers think attracts them most to buy? Currently there is more concern to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions because this negatively affects climate change. With this, the electric products are effective and are environmentally friendly; hence consumers can love this in the contemporary world. Our team will engage the participants of the study to get their views on how to improve Tesla’s services and products, to focus more on the environmental protection.
*Research question 2*: What does Tesla need to improve now in order to attract more consumers and remain competitive in the market?
Charging stations for the cars are limited and costly. A study conducted by Lee & Clark (2018) revealed that distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, and shifting demand patterns have been a problem for the American electric utilities. Moreover, the study revealed that the electricity demand on an annual basis has been declining since 2010. From this study, it is evident that a lot of work is needed to sensitize consumers on the importance of using electric cars. This will only be possible if the energy resources and charging problems are addressed. Therefore, our team with the help of participants in the end of the research is hopeful we will recommend solutions that might be able to address this problem.
*Data collection plan *
Data for research can be collected through qualitative or quantitative methods. In this case, the research will collect both primary and secondary data. According to Hox & Boeijie (2005), primary data are often collected for a research problem specifically at hand. In our case, we will use conjoint questionnaires to collect data from consumers, online surveys, and most importantly Tesla’s monthly sales streams, cost of production of their batteries, cost of purchasing materials and equipment, sales trend and totals of every model in their company, and any other cost incurred by the company before the vehicle is finally displayed to consumers. Further, we shall collect secondary data on their financial reports and online database on sales.
Establish comprehensive yet reliable data collection methods to ensure accurate and relevant data is obtained that is measurable.
1. Determining the object of measurement: for our case, our team will be concentrating on Tesla Inc. as the object of analysis.
2. Developing a definition of measurement: in this regard, I may consider this as the concept that underlies the object of measurement, and the entire team is supposed to brainstorm on the attributes of the object since it fundamentally gears the team towards a unified understanding of data processes for its consistency.
3. Developing a measurement plan: it is essential to divide data into categories like discrete or continuous to help chose appropriate calculation methods.
4. Data collection: the team should stick to the plan and objectives to avoid misleading and unnecessary data.
5.Display of data and evaluation: Look for any errors, and determine if the method gave reliable and representative data.

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