Purpose of a company’s mission

  • Defining the company’s goals
  • Representing the company’s ethics
  • Expressing the company’s overall direction
  • To guide decision making
  • To inspire and motivate employees
  • To shape corporate culture


The sense of an organization’s mission is to provide a clear and concise statement of the organization’s purpose and values (Dermol & Širca, 2018). The mission statement is a brief description of the organization’s purpose and is typically used in marketing and promotional materials. The mission statement should be aspirational and inspire employees and stakeholders to work towards the organization’s goals.


Purpose of a company’s vision

  • guidance and direction for the organization
  • To inspire and motivate employees
  • Define the organization’s achievements
  • Shapes the organization’s strategy
  • Guides and motivates employees
  • Helps shape organizational strategy


The purpose of an organization’s vision is to provide a sense of direction and purpose for the organization. It can also inspire employees and help to guide decision-making. An organization’s vision is its long-term goal and what it plans to achieve in the future (Dermol & Širca, 2018). It is a guide for decision-making and action, shaping and directing an organization’s overall strategy.

The purpose of an organization’s values

  • Guides employees
  • Shapes the organization’s culture
  • Helps in the creation of a positive environment
  • To attract and retain clients
  • To create a sense of unity
  • To retain the best talents


Some possible purposes of an organization’s values are to guide employees, help make decisions, and shape the organization’s culture. It also helps to create a positive work environment (Dermol & Širca, 2018). It also helps shape the employee’s behaviour and helps retain clients.

The significance of an organization’s mission to nurse engagements and patient outcomes

  • Aids in the provision of high-quality services
  • Can be a motivator for nurses
  • A key determinant of patient outcomes
  • Provides a clear purpose for nurses
  • Works as a motivator
  • Works as a motivator


The mission of an organization is its reason for existence. It is the organization’s purpose and guides everything it does. The mission of a healthcare organization should be to provide high-quality, patient-centred care (Dermol & Širca, 2018). It can also be a critical factor in determining patient outcomes. When nurses are engaged in their work and feel a sense of purpose, they are more likely to provide high-quality care and have better patient outcomes.


The significance of an organization’s vision to nurse engagements and patient outcomes        

  • Provides a sense of purpose to nurses
  • Helps nurses with high-quality services
  • Creates unity among nurses
  • Helps nurses work toward their goals
  • Leads to client-satisfaction


An organization’s vision is significant to nurse engagement and patient outcomes because it gives nurses a sense of purpose and direction. It inspires nurses to commit to the organization’s goals and provide patients with high-quality care. A clear vision can also help nurses better understand the organization’s goals and priorities and see how their work contributes to the overall mission. In turn, this can lead to greater job satisfaction and commitment to the organization, which can ultimately improve patient outcomes. A shared vision can help create a sense of purpose and unity among nurses and inspire them to work together to improve patient care (Dermol & Širca, 2018).



The significance of an organization’s value to nursing engagements and patient outcomes

  • Guides nurses to interact with clients
  • Influences patient outcomes
  • It makes nurses feel engaged
  • It helps nurses to create a positive environment
  • Influences the nurse’s behaviour
  • Results in patient satisfaction

An organization’s values are significant to nurse engagements and patient outcomes because they provide a foundation for the nurses’ actions and decisions. The values guide the nurses in their interactions with patients, families, and other healthcare team members (Dermol & Širca, 2018). They also inform the nurses about the organization’s expectations and help to create a positive work environment. An organization’s values are essential to nursing engagement and patient outcomes because they provide a framework for how nurses and other staff should behave and make decisions. They also help create a positive work environment and culture, leading to better patient care.

Factors that lead to conflict in professional practice

  • The difference in beliefs and opinions
  • Differences in methods of working
  • Differences in levels of experience
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Differences in approaches to work.


There can be many factors that lead to conflict in professional practice. Examples include differences in values, beliefs or opinions; differences in approaches to work or in methods of working; different expectations or objectives; or different levels of experience or knowledge. Conflict can also be caused by personal factors such as stress, fatigue or other personal issues.

How organizational values can influence how conflict is addressed

  • If the organization values teamwork
  • If an organization values individual achievement
  • If it values open communication
  • If it values competition
  • If it values fairness
  • If it values consensus

Organizational values can influence how conflict is addressed by dictating the behaviours considered acceptable within the organization. For example, if an organization values teamwork and collaboration, it will likely encourage employees to work together to resolve conflicts. On the other hand, if an organization values individual achievement, it may be more likely to encourage its employees to compete to resolve conflicts (Salin et al., 2020). If an organization values collaboration and open communication, the organization may be more likely to have policies and procedures that encourage and facilitate conflict resolution. Lastly, an organization that values fairness may be more likely to encourage employees to reach a fair resolution for both parties.        

                      How organizational culture can influence how conflict is addressed        

  • Presence of openness
  • Presence of secrecy or avoidance
  • Presence of competition and individualism
  • Presence of individual autonomy
  • Absence of intolerance
  • Presence of control and hierarchy

Organizational culture can influence how conflict is addressed in several ways. For example, employees may be more comfortable raising concerns or airing grievances if an organization has a culture of openness and transparency. On the other hand, if an organization has a culture of secrecy or avoidance, employees may be more likely to bottle up their frustrations and resentment, which can lead to explosive conflicts down the road (Salin et al., 2020). if an organization has a culture of competition and individualism, employees may be more likely to view conflict as a threat and be less likely to address it directly. If the culture is highly intolerant of dissent, then conflict is likely to be seen as a threat to the status quo and addressed in a more negative and repressive manner.


Practical strategies for resolving workplace conflict- strategy 1

Encouraging open communication

  • It can help build trust and understanding
  • It can help avoid misunderstandings
  • It can help resolve differences
  • It can help prevent misunderstanding
  • Can help find the cause of conflict
  • It can help prevent future conflicts


Encouraging open communication can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunication from happening in the first place. If a conflict does arise, open communication can help the parties involved understand each other’s perspectives and find a resolution more quickly (Salin et al., 20200). Open communication can also help build trust and respect between coworkers, making it more likely that they will be able to work together harmoniously in the future.





Fostering a culture of respect and trust

  • Encourages employees openness
  • It helps employees to see different perspectives
  • Allows comfortability among employees
  • Reduces the chances of misunderstandings
  • Builds a foundation for collaboration
  • Promotes a healthy life-work balance

Fostering a workplace culture of respect and trust can help solve conflicts by creating an environment where employees feel valued and respected. This can help to prevent and resolve disputes by encouraging open communication and collaboration (Van der Lippe & Lippényi, 2020). Additionally, a culture of respect and trust can help build team morale and reduce stress levels, which can contribute to conflict resolution.

Creating collaborative opportunities

  • Allows employees to have a say
  • It helps build trust between employees
  • Helps employees learn from each other
  • Give space for open communication among employees
  • It makes them feel like part of the project
  • Increases creativity

Collaborative opportunities can help employees feel more invested in their work and improve communication among coworkers. Collaborative opportunities can help reduce competition among coworkers and help build a more collaborative workplace culture. Collaborative opportunities can help employees better understand their coworkers’ perspectives and needs and build relationships of trust (Van der Lippe & Lippényi, 2020). Collaborative opportunities can increase creativity and innovation in the workplace by encouraging employees to share ideas and work together. Collaborative opportunities can help employees resolve conflicts more effectively by allowing them to work together to find creative solutions.

Ways in which organization and the culture of healthcare influence organizations.

  • If they value profit over patient care
  • If they value employee-health
  • If the community is health conscious
  • If the organization’s cultural excellence
  • If their focus is on profit
  • The type of care they provide

Organizational and the culture of healthcare can influence organizaorganizationals in several ways. For example, suppose an organization’s focus is on profit. In that case, it may be less likely to invest in health promotion and disease prevention initiatives without immediate financial return. Alternatively, if an organization’s employee’s health and well-being, it may be more likely to invest in these types of initiatives (Van der Lippe & Lippényi, 2020). The community health perspective also plays a role in how organizaorganizationalnd the culture of healthcare influences organizaorganizationals. For example, if a community is predominantly health-conscious, then organizations in that community may be more likely to invest in health promotion and disease prevention initiatives.


Salin, D., Cowan, R. L., Adewumi, O., Apospori, E., Bochantin, J., D’Cruz, P., … & Zedlacher, E. (2020). Prevention of and interventions in workplace bullying: A global study of human resource professionals’ reflections on preferred action. The International Journal of Human Resource Management31(20), 2622-2644.


Van der Lippe, T., & Lippényi, Z. (2020). Beyond formal access: OrganizaOrganizational, working from home, and work-family conflict of men and women in European workplaces. Social indicators research151(2), 383-402.


Dermol, V., & Širca, N. T. (2018). Communication, company mission, organizaorganizational and company performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences238, 542-551.





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