Lesson 1
School Name:
ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: B-LS 3. Use time-management, organizational and study skills
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): 4th-5th grade
Summary/Purpose The main purpose of this lesson is to introduce the topic of Addiction to students and to ensure that students comprehensively understand Addiction
Time Frame: 30-35 minutes
Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to effectively
a. Easily define addiction
b. Explain to other students and the class three new things they have learnt about drug addiction

Procedure a. Start by writing the word ADDICTION in capital letters on the board- to capture the attention of students
b. Ask the students to write down- a one sentence- on what they think Addiction means
c. Request them to exchange the books, and anyone whose name starts with A and ends with N to stand up and read what their classmate has written.
d. Now ask the students if they know of
1. someone who is always drunk, 5 days in a week, especially even during daytime working hours
2. A friend who is always on their cellphone even when there is a serious ongoing talk/ discussion
e. Tell them that is two examples of Addiction
f. Give students a chance to reflect and comprehend the two examples
g. Ask the student to work in a group of three to define addiction based on the two examples within 5 minutes.
h. Offer a chance to five groups to read through the definitions
i. Use the two examples to explain to the students the proper meaning of addiction

How will mastery of the behavioral standard(s) be evaluated? Students will be able to comprehensively understand that the concept of addition through the use of team/ group work within the projected time
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites Markers, colored fontpen and peer-review journals
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here.  Pickett, J. (2013). Understanding Addiction. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 113(1), 12.
 Bettinardi-Angres, K., & Angres, D. H. (2010). Understanding the disease of addiction. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(2), 31-37.

Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people Other teachers will mainly help me in the organization of the class, time as well as identifying the diverse study skills of different students in order to ensure that every student understand the taught concepts
Contact information (optional)

Lesson 2
School Name:
ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: B-SS 7. Use leadership and teamwork skills to work effectively in diverse teams
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): 4th-5th grade
Summary/Purpose The primary purpose of this lesson is to ensure students understand what exactly is drug addiction and at the same cite relative examples
Time Frame: 30-40 minutes
Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to effectively
a. Explain the exact meaning of drug addiction
b. Differentiate between drug addiction and overdose prescriptions
c. Outline the various examples of drug addiction
d. Offer a recent news related example of drug addiction
Procedure  Start by rewinding the last lesson on addiction
 Ask the students if there is anyone who can define addiction as you learn in the previous lessons
 Then notify the students that you will be reading through a real life story on drug addiction
 Go ahead and read the TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD
 After finishing reading the story, request two volunteer students to explain any two things they learnt from the story that they think relates to drug addictions
 Now, explain to the students what is
a. Drug addiction
b. Examples of the various drugs different individuals are addicted to
 Finalize by requesting the students to search for a recent drug addiction news article, especially one about the users confession

How will mastery of the behavioral standard(s) be evaluated? Students will be able to relate the concept of drug addiction to the cited story through team work to effectively understand drug addiction as a diverse concept
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites Markers, recent relevant news article, colored fontpen and peer-review journals
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here.  Lockwood, T.(2019). TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD. Just Think Twice-United States Government, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) . Retrieved from https://www.justthinktwice.gov/true-stories/true-story-telisha-lockwood
 Boys, A., Marsden, J., & Strang, J. (2001). Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: a functional perspective. Health education research, 16(4), 457-469.

Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people Other teachers will help me in placing the students in suitable teams, especially based on their learning capabilities and skills, to ensure that every student is within a team that can effectively help them understand the projected topic
Contact information (optional)

Lesson 3
School Name:
ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: B-SMS 5. Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-term goals
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): 4th-5th grade
Summary/Purpose The main purpose of this lesson is to help students understand the addiction process, especially when focusing on the its causes, signs and effects to the user
Time Frame: 35-45 minutes
Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to effectively
a. Illustrate how drug addiction process starts
b. Explain the various possible causes for drug addictions
c. Describe the main and noticeable signs that most drugs addicts possess and illustrates
d. Illustrate the various effects that drug addiction has to most of the affected

Procedure  Revisit the last lesson assignment on students finding a recent drug addiction news article
 Pick three of these news articles and use them as the lesson reference
 Request the students to read them loud so that the others can hear
 Based on the author’s narration, analyze
a. How the addressed persona started using the mentioned drug- the drug addiction process
b. How their life changed- positively or negatively
c. The various noticeable change that the persona exhibit following their drug addictive behavior
d. How many drugs they have been using and addicted to
e. How long they have been using the said drugs
f. What has been the outcome of this kind of drug addiction to their life, health, wealth and social life?
 Request the students to use the previous TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD , analyze it and write down the
1. Telisha drug addiction process
2. Possible cause for her drug addiction
3. The side effects she had and is encountering following the drug addiction

How will mastery of the behavioral standard(s) be evaluated? Students will be able to understand the entire topic of drug addiction process through dividing it into three subcategories – its causes , noticeable signs and effects . The subcategories in this scenario will serve as short term goals with the entire drug addiction process serving as the lesson long-term goal
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites Markers, recent relevant news article, peer-review journals.
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here.  Lockwood, T.(2019). TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD. Just Think Twice-United States Government, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) . Retrieved from https://www.justthinktwice.gov/true-stories/true-story-telisha-lockwood
 Saah, T. (2005). The evolutionary origins and significance of drug addiction. Harm reduction journal, 2(1), 8.
 Branch, M. N. (2011). Drug Addiction. Is It a Disease or is it Based on Choice? A Review of Gene Heyman’s Addiction: A Disorder of Choice. Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior, 95(2), 263-267.
 Boys, A., Marsden, J., & Strang, J. (2001). Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: a functional perspective. Health education research, 16(4), 457-469.

Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people Advisory teachers will help me in narrowing the topic of drug addiction process to the most crucial aspects such as causes , signs and effects to enable effective teaching of the students
Contact information (optional)

Lesson 4
School Name:
ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: B-SMS 2. Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): 4th-5th grade
Summary/Purpose The main purpose of this lesson is to help students relate the previous learnt drug addiction process, causes , signs and effects especially when using Tobacco and Alcohol as example drugs
Time Frame: 45-55 minutes
Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to effectively
a. Explain why Tobacco and Alcohol are among example of drugs that most individuals are addicted to
b. Explain the uniqueness and variation of drug addiction process and effects of tobacco and that of alcohol
c. Cite solid examples of Tobacco and Alcohol drug addiction cases and affected individuals from their society
d. Understand that different drug have different drug addiction effects to the users
Procedure  Requests three students to narrate a short 3 minutes story of how they came across a drunkard in an early morning as they are heading to school
 Request students to offer various suggestions on what they perceive are the major causes of
a. Tobacco addiction
b. Alcohol addiction
 Use the 3 short stories narrate by the students to explain the various possible causes of tobacco and alcohol addiction, the addiction process and distinguishing aftermath effects to the users
How will mastery of the behavioral standard(s) be evaluated? Students will be able to undertake drama performance of the related drug addiction topic on tobacco and alcohol effectively, without indulging in the said addiction through embracing self-control and self-discipline. This will in turn help them effectively understand tobacco and alcohol drug addiction as a real life topic
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites Markers, Big Manila Paper, colored font-pen, relevant news article- TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD.
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here.  Lockwood, T.(2019). TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD. Just Think Twice-United States Government, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) . Retrieved from https://www.justthinktwice.gov/true-stories/true-story-telisha-lockwood
 Lund, I., Moan, I. S., & Edvardsen, H. M. E. (2019). The relative impact of smoking, alcohol use and drug use on general sickness absence among Norwegian employees. BMC public health, 19(1), 500.
 Katz, A., Goldberg, D., Smith, J., & Trick, W. E. (2008). Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use among hospital patients: concurrent use and willingness to change. Journal of Hospital Medicine: An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine, 3(5), 369-375.

Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people Advisory teachers will offer outstanding recommendations on the best way to illustrate to the students that tobacco and alcohol drug addiction is a real life topic, without posing any risks to the students.
Contact information (optional)

Lesson 5
School Name:
ASCA Mindset & Behaviors Addressed
Standard(s) addressed: B-SS 4. Demonstrate empathy B-LS 8. Actively engage in challenging coursework
Instructional Development
Grade Level(s): 4th-5th grade
Summary/Purpose The central purpose of this lesson is to help students learn the various possible and effective strategies that they can use to prevent themselves from indulging in drug addiction and being victims
Time Frame: 45-55 minutes
Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to effectively learn
a. The various strategies they can embrace to avoid being drug addicts
b. How they can be of social help to the already recognized drug addicts in their society
c. Possible solutions they can recommend to those who have or are drug addicts
d. How they can help their classmates, friend and family from indulging in drug addiction
e. How they can curb their close individuals from being drug addicts whenever they identify possible drug addiction signs
Procedure  Start by writing on the board “ I DON’T WANT TO BE AN ADDICT”
 Request students to also write the same on their book
 Now ask them to suggest possible ways they can avoid being an addict-This can also be in group work
 Offer them a 10 minute to discuss and share ideas
 Now use the TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD to explain on the possible ways that Telisha would have avoided being an addict
 Let the students participate in this, since it’s an application concept to their lives
 Request students to write the same in a place they value very much.
How will mastery of the behavioral standard(s) be evaluated? Students will be reflect on their social life and together vow to avoid indulging in drug addiction. This will be through understanding the various adverse effects of drug addictions earlier on addressed especially to the victims
Learning Resources
Resources needed:
e.g., technology resources, media resources, books, web sites Markers, Big Manila Paper, colored font-pen, relevant news article- TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD.
You may include copyrighted materials in “resources needed,” but do not reproduce copyrighted materials in your lesson plan. Non-copyrighted materials need to be reproduced and included with your lesson plan. Cite sources here. Lockwood, T.(2019). TRUE STORY: TELISHA LOCKWOOD. Just Think Twice-United States Government, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) . Retrieved from https://www.justthinktwice.gov/true-stories/true-story-telisha-lockwood

Chakravarthy, B., Shah, S., & Lotfipour, S. (2013). Adolescent drug abuse-Awareness & prevention. The Indian journal of medical research, 137(6), 1021.
Collaborative Partners:
e.g., advisory teachers, other teachers, community resource people The other teachers as well as community members will help in identifying possible strategies that can be used to impact empathy to the students, as a way to restrict them from indulging in drug addiction.
Contact information (optional)

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