Right medication and Right reason
Patient’s Medical Diagnosis
Amitriptyline Hydrochloride:Depression
Metformin Hydrochloride :Type 2 Diabetes
Mechanism of Action
Elavil:It is a Tricyclic antidepressant that works by blocking Norepinephrine and Serotonin transmitters.
Glycon:It is an antihyperglycemic drug that helps inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis, therefore lowering the blood sugar levels (Ladwig, 2019).
Pharmacological Class
Elavil:Tricyclic Antidepressant (Ladwig, 2019).
Glycon:Biguanide (Moorhouse, 2016)
Right Dose
Doctor’s order: elavil 50mg ,Metformin 850mg
Medication available: elavil 25mg, metformin 850mg
Ordered dosage for Elavil =medication ordered
Medication available 1 tablet
Right dose =2 P.O at night

Ordered dosage for glycon=medication ordered
Medication available
Right dose =1 tablet P.O once daily

Elavil :Dose ordered by the doctor is safe.The dosage ordered is 50mg P.O in the evening.The total amount of Amitriptyline administered is 50mg.
The safe dose is 25-75mg once daily.Any changes should be made by the doctor.
Glycon :The doctor’s dosage is safe.The amount ordered is 850mg O.D preferably to be taken 30 minutes before breakfast (Doenges,2016). One reason for this is to ensure efficient absorption of glycon.The total amount administered in 24 hours is 850mg.
Right Time
Elavil :The time was once daily every night or every 12 hours at bedtime because it also has a sedative effect that causes drowsiness or feeling sleepy (Lilley, 2019) .
Glycon :The time was once daily, 30 minutes before the morning meal (Lilley, 2019) .
Right Route
Elavil : Administered P.O which means per oral or Orally and hs meaning at Night.The drug comes in tablet form (Doenges,2016).
Glycon: Administered P.O meaning orally once daily.The drug comes in tablet form (Doenges,2016) .
Right Patient
Elavil :was administered to the right patient in consideration to her age, 57 years and diagnosed with depression (Doenges,2016).This drug is an antidepressant expiration date and preferably given to adults.
Glycon :was administered to the right patient diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 (Doenges,2016).
Right Documentation
Elavil :The patient is diagnosed with depression. Name of the drug is Amitriptyline hydrochloride 25 mg,Name of patient; Mis Kim,Age of patient; 57 years,Gender; female,instructions for administration; Take 2 tablets daily at night (Doenges,2016).
Glycon :The patient is diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Name of the drug is Metformin hydrochloride 850mg immediate release tablets, Patient’s name;Mis Kim, Age;57years, Gender;female, Instructions for administration;Take 1 tablet orally every morning before morning meal (Moorhouse, 2016).
Right Assessment
Elavil pre-assessment :assess for anxiety or any sensory dysfunction (Moorhouse, 2016).
Elavil post-assessment:help the patient rest and feel comfortable (Moorhouse, 2016).
Glycon pre-assessment:assess for hyperglycemia (Lilley, 2019) .
Glycon post-assessment:assess blood glucose levels before meal and at bedtime (Lilley, 2019).
Right Patient Education
Elavil :Take the medication as prescribed 1 tablet every day at bedtime, label the medication carefully and keep it out of reach of children (Doenges,2016).
Glycon:Take 2 tablets every morning before breakfast,label the medication carefully and store it in a cool dry place and away from direct sunlight (Doenges,2016).
Right to Refuse
NANDA diagnosis :The patient has Diabetes Type 2 caused by impared insulin secretion.The risk is disturbed sensory perception initiated by depression (Lilley, 2019) .One of the symptoms the patient displays is fatigue.
Diagnosis Statement :Impaired Insulin Production as evidenced from the high sugar levels of the patient.
Outcome Statement :The patient database blood glucose level is more than 200 mg/dl.
Intervention :Instruct the patient to take the oral hypoglycemic medication as directed.In this case,the drug administered is Metformin Hydrochloride 850mg to help lower the glucose level to normal.
Patient Teaching for Herbal
Advice the patient to take magnesium supplements for example,green and leafy vegetables.are high in soluble fibre which makes insulin effective.
Importance of teaching.
Most type 2 diabetic patients are found to have low magnesium levels,therefore taking foods rich in magnesium will definitely lower the blood glucose levels to normal.

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