
For a relationship to stand the test of time, there are certain values and prohibitions that have to be defined and followed by the parties involved in a relationship. These values and prohibitions set the bar for the moral standards in the relationship. The degree of importance of these moralities differ. This essay will be looking at the most important moral standards in the relationship.


Both parties that are passionately in a relationship must be capable of inspiring trust and confidence among themselves (Killer et al., 2019). This simply infers that the parties involved must be deeply reliable and whatever they say and do, must be aligned and consistent with the truth. Trust is also at the core of laying a strong foundation for other fundamental values that set the tone for moral standards in a relationship.


Honesty is yet another significant moral standard in a relationship. It is of much relevance that an individual is honest to their partners and do not tell lies, even for strategic purposes (Weiss & Mussweiler, 2018). Many relationships have crumbled as a consequence of one establishing that their partners are not honest and have the tendency of telling lies. More often than not, lies are told by individuals in a relationship in order not to hurt the feelings of the other party. This therefore begs for partners to develop a sense of understanding to mitigate the risks associated with telling lies and allow for openness and flexibility.


Respect is at the central nerve of sustaining a healthy relationship. This simply means that people in a relationship accept their partners for who they are, without any form of prejudice. Since all humans have their foibles, respect will also mean accepting the other party’s foibles and embracing them (Weiss & Mussweiler, 2018).. This helps build safety and wellbeing in a relationship for both parties. However, it is noteworthy that respect is something that has to be learnt and it does not necessarily come innately. Parties in a relationship must therefore be in a position to make some compromises in their relationship to allow respect to flourish.


Empathy is a very powerful force that aids in the maintenance of cooperation in a relationship. It is a key mechanism that creates an expanse for understanding of people as well as aids in relation. For trust, intimacy and a sense of belonging to crystalize in a relationship, empathy is a mandatory moral standard (Killer et al., 2019). That makes it one of the most important moral standards in a relationship. Empathy makes a person share the pains and sufferings of other parties and would never turn their backs to their partners when they are need of any form of help.


As it has been established, there fundamental values and tenets that bind a relationship. These values and tenets are what define the moral standards of a relationship. The magnitude of these standards differ in degree of relevance and importance to the health of a relationship. Trust, honesty, respect and empathy are the most important.

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