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On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 2:34 PM Okore Mercy <okorehmercy@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Microbiology Syllabus > > Surname: > > Institution: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Microbiology Syllabus > > This syllabus is intended to make microbiology engaging and create study > guidelines so that students can gain a better understanding of different > topics and get better grades. The traditional passive note-taking will be > coupled with other active-learning techniques. Students will acquire > in-depth knowledge of microbiology through lectures, laboratory exercise > and seminar sessions (Cundell, 2012). These active and problem-solving > methods of learning improve analytical and critical thinking. The syllabus > is not in any way meant to infringe on the academic freedom of students but > rather be used as a benchmark by different instructors as they teach > microbiology. Additionally, it can be used as a guideline for developing > new syllabus material. This syllabus is written with evidence-based > practice such as active learning, student-centered classroom and backwards > course design in mind. > > *Instructions* > > Students will learn through lectures, laboratory exercise and seminars and > as such, students are mandated to participate in all the sessions. Absence > without apology will impact students` overall grade. It must be requested > before class. More than three absenteeism will result in an incomplete unit (Euler > & Kühner, 2017). Reasons for excuse will be due to illness or family or > other emergencies. In case s student have a question or need clarification > on any matter, constructive dialogue will be through classroom hours, > designated office time, discussions on the canvas and through emails. > Canvas will be used as the primary forum for handling assignments. > Additionally, lecture notes and other materials will be posted via canvas. > > *Learning Outcomes* > > This is a course that will enable students to explore fascinating and at > times, harmful organism. At the end of the lesson, students are expected to > be knowledgeable about microorganism and their physiology and metabolism (L’Ecuyer, > Pole & Leander, 2015). Additionally, they are expected to be well trained > in critical analysis and have practical problem-solving skills in the > scientific field. On finishing the syllabus, the student is expected to: > > – Be knowledgeable on metabolism, morphology, physiology as well as > the evolution of microorganism. The students should be able to fully > comprehend critical processes at the molecular level and the adaptation > process of microorganism. > – Students should effectively use different technical microbiological > terms and concepts. > – Students should fully explain different techniques of cultivating > microorganism and how they can apply this knowledge at the industrial > level. > – Students should as well be able to differentiate between various > signaling techniques and how they function at the molecular stage — for > example, biofilm formation and differentiation. > – Students should be able to effectively work at the laboratory with > microorganisms and be able to differentiate their molecular and > physiological characteristics. > – The students should be able to critically and ethically analyze > other scientific work in the field. > – Students should be in a position to evaluate microbiological > scientific data, draw inferences and conclusion from them through testing > hypothesis and conducting experiments. > > > > *Laboratory Outcomes* > > § Students should be able to use a light microscope to visualize and > analyze microorganisms > > § Be competent in conducting basic microbiological methods such as: > > ü Bacteriophage plague > > ü Gram staining > > ü Streak plate inoculation > > ü Preparing bacteria smear > > ü Using the aseptic technique > > – Students should record, evaluate and interpret observation during > different experiments. > > *Content of the Syllabus Plan* > > The syllabus has necessary microbiology information both from an > industrial and biotechnical perspective. Principle themes of the course are > the structure, molecular mechanisms behind the functioning of cells (Rillero > & Camposeco, 2018). The course emphasizes the inter-relationship of > different microbial fields such as vaccines, food production, and > antibiotics. Students will be challenged to examine relevant topics of > microbiology and their day to day life. Theories such as Cell, theory, Gene > theory of inheritance will be covered. > > Primary methods of teaching are active theoretical teachings of literature > studies. Students can as well stream lecture videos weekly. Online > materials and will be given to students to facilitate understanding (Simurda, > 2012). Practical lessons complement them through seminar and laboratory > work. Students will as well be encouraged to participate in class debates > and discussions. Discussions make students more assertive and as such, able > to ask and respond to different questions in class. > > Students will as well be encouraged to visit the online microbiology > journal database occasionally. This is to help them research on written > assignments and enable the students to explore the field of microbiology > outside the classroom. The databases have a series of diverse microbiology > topics on viruses, epidemics, antibiotics, among others (Watson, Willford > & Pfeifer, 2018). All this is to enhance the students’ skills and prepare > them for future work in different fields, such as food handling and > biotechnical production. Active learning enables the students to not only > retain knowledge acquired for a long time but also have a better > understanding and interest in the course. > > *Lectures, Quizzes and Discussions * > > *Laboratory * > > The laboratory exercise will include identification of different viruses, > bacteria through bioinformatics and physiological properties. Students will > be working in groups of four to five and will be given 15 minutes to > discuss the work (Cundell, 2012). They will be encouraged to read through > the data and underline the core phrases or words. Students are expected to > work cooperatively during each laboratory period. All the sessions will > involve using microbes. Students will have lab manuals that must-have > during each session. > > > > > > *Seminar* > > The seminar will include a critical and ethical analysis of different > microbiology scientific studies and data. > > *Oral Discussions * > > Students will be divided into a group of three students and each asked to > research on the different pros and cons of microbial kingdoms; protozoa, > fungi and bacteria. Prior to oral sessions, each group will submit a > prepared brief. Each group will be given five to eight minutes to present > their topics (Euler & Kühner, 2017). The group then has to respond to > criticism and comments raised by the individual students. Students will > then vote for the group with the best persuasive and convincing arguments. > The assignment will be graded on the preparation, presentation, as well as > how they respond and argue their points to other students. > > *Individual Assignments * > > The individual writing assignments will include different topics and > graded in accordance with the standardized format established. Prior to > admissions of assignments, students will be encouraged to seek professional > help from tutors at the university learning and advice center for > assistance with assignments (L’Ecuyer, Pole & Leander, 2015). The > students will be required to deliver three assignments that are around five > pages in length, doubled spaced and submit them as word-processed > documents. Grading of assessments is easy due to the establishment of > grading criteria, outlines, competences and objectives. > > In the first assignment, students either choose between option 1 or 2. > > 1. Students will be asked to design a novel antibiotic for a > particular group of bacteria for a pharmaceutical organization. They were > then to choose a bacterium and collect background data on it and identify > how it can be suitable for therapeutic purposes and its significance. The > students composed it as a letter to the head of the company marketing > department. > 2. The students will also be asked to interview or write an obituary > for a popular microbiologist as a correspondent for a local newspaper. > > The second assignment students will be asked to evaluate and research on > the history of plague as they discuss its modes of transmission, signs and > symptoms and its impacts. Furthermore, students also discuss how the plague > was finally controlled. > > The oral discussion mentioned above will be used as the third assignment. > > *Post-assessment Quiz * > > Students will as well have post-assessments of multiple-choice questions > to determine the level of rudimentary information gain. The activity is > designed in such a way that the student does not assess any sources and > with a limited period (Rillero & Camposeco, 2018). Retakes will not be > allowed, and the test will auto-submit once the due date has expired. Test > will be availed in the canvas platform and credit given on participation > basis and score. These quizzes cover the material discussed in each topic. > > *Canvas Discussions * > > Other than the class group discussions, students will participate in five > graded discussions. Each student will be required to post once for each > discussion and be within the deadline listed in the canvas. > > *Student Assessments* > > Students will be assessed using different exercise methods. The laboratory > and seminar sessions will account for two credits while written > extermination will account for three credits. To obtain the overall grade, > students must deliver a well-written laboratory report and presentation in > accordance with the instructions given (Simurda, 2012). They should as > well pass the written test. It is up to the students to carefully examine > the graded paper and have a timeline of one week to contest the scores > gives; otherwise, no grade adjustment after this time. Nonetheless, any > examiner may except a student from this assessment and use another method > if a special reason is given. For instance, if a certificate report of > pedagogical is presented from the disability coordinated by the > institution, the student will be exempted. > > No make-up is given for assignments, exams and quizzes and discussions > once the specified deadline has passed. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > References > > Cundell, D. (2012). Development of a Microbiology Course for Diverse > Majors; Longitudinal Survey of the Use of Various Active, Problem-Based > Learning Assignments. *Journal Of Microbiology & Biology Education*, *3*(1), > 12-17. doi: 10.1128/154288102×14285807622734 > > Euler, D., & Kühner, P. (2017). Problem-Based Assignments as a Trigger for > Developing Ethical and Reflective Competencies. *Interdisciplinary > Journal Of Problem-Based Learning*, *11*(2). doi: 10.7771/1541-5015.1668 > > L’Ecuyer, K., Pole, D., & Leander, S. (2015). The Use of PBL in an > Interprofessional Education Course for Health Care Professional Students. *Interdisciplinary > Journal Of Problem-Based Learning*, *9*(1). doi: 10.7771/1541-5015.1497 > > Rillero, P., & Camposeco, L. (2018). The Iterative Development and Use of > an Online Problem-Based Learning Module for Preservice and Inservice > Teachers. *Interdisciplinary Journal Of Problem-Based Learning*, *12*(1). > doi: 10.7771/1541-5015.1729 > > Simurda, M. (2012). Does the Transition to an Active-Learning Environment > for the Introductory Course Reduce Students’ Overall Knowledge of the > Various Disciplines in Biology?. *Journal Of Microbiology & Biology > Education*, *13*(1), 17-20. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v13i1.340 > > Watson, R., Willford, J., & Pfeifer, M. (2018). A Cultured Learning > Environment: Implementing a Problem- and Service-Based Microbiology > Capstone Course to Assess Process- and Skill-Based Learning Objectives. *Interdisciplinary > Journal Of Problem-Based Learning*, *12*(1). doi: 10.7771/1541-5015.1694 > > > > >

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