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Category: IT and Web

IT Management

IT Management Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name Institutional Affiliation Course ID, Name, and Semester Taken Instructor's Name and Title Assignment Due Date IT Management A simple data analysis…

Storyboard game

GAME: STORYBOARD FLASHCARD Contents GAME: STORYBOARD FLASHCARD 1 Overall game experience and user experience 1 VISUAL DESIGN OF THE GAME 2 The first step: 3 The second step: 4 The…

Web Service Project You are to develop – A currency converter XML web service

Web Service Project You are to develop: A currency converter XML web service A web service client requesting the currency converter XML web service The Currency Converter XML Web Service…

Assignment 2 – PROG32356

Instructions •Complete the assignment provided. •This work is individual. Zero collaboration is allowed. •App must already come with preloaded data (5 records in each table minimum) •You are free to…
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