
Increased interest to problem of anglicism is caused by their important role as a mirror of Language progression. Anglicism is a word or phrase borrowed from English into a foreign Language. The article studies the cultural linguistics phenomenon of borrowing of English words in the Chinese and Russian language as a result of the growing global influence of English in the context of globalization. For now, English is the language of the world. And, there is no language which has no English borrowings. The vocabulary of any language is constantly changing, which allows us to perceive the language as a living and growing system. It is known that the most changeable, mobile part of the language – a vocabulary that throughout the development of the language is continuously updated, changed, expanded, enriched. This is a natural process, which is rarely predictable, which has always been the object of scientific research and still causes great interest not only from linguists, but also from a wide range of native speakers, including politicians, journalists, writers, teachers, etc.

In modern China and Russia, people use foreign words very often. This process is active especially among young people. The vocabulary of this group of speakers is very perceptive to foreign words and fill up with them daily. It can be explained with several reasons: first of all cause of the globalization, increase of contacts with other countries; secondly, the desire of young people to learn English, which help to communicate with foreign friends through the Internet. Modern youth seeks to learn English not only at home, but also in specialized European language schools, where teachers are native speakers. That allows teenagers and young people not only to study English, but also to bring English words and expressions to the Chinese and Russian vocabulary that previously were not characteristic for Chinese and Russian languages.

Many young people who come to western countries even for a short period of time, try to make up an English Moniker, that they use then also at home as the name of their own e – mail or websites. Those names called “nicknames”, that also are anglicisms. According to statements of number of scientists, use of anglicisms has become quite a thing. Young people try to imitate the youth of Western culture, but there are not so many of them in daily life. Mostly they overflow in slang, which is an element of professional talk or “street language”. In China and Russia, slang used mostly in informal communication. Chinese, as well as Russian, is experiencing the prevalence of foreign vocabulary that used often by persons under age of thirty. Most elements of youth slang are English borrowings. Slang mostly used in branches like clothes, home, leisure, culture and music. The most common and easiest way to borrow anglicisms is to use the Internet, which called as a cultural layer of modern civilization.

We believe that the subject that we research is really important and actual, because we often use the words of English origin. Frequently using such words we somehow change our language. As much as language is connected to traditional knowledge and culture, it must be capable of incorporating new vocabulary to meet the needs of young people in order to remain vibrant. We find the phenomenon of borrowings fascinating as it proves that any language is a living being.

What is the role of English borrowings in modern Russian and Chinese? And, more specifically-in everyday speech and slang of youth? Is it a natural anglicization or caused by some other reasons?

These controversial issues determined the relevance of the topic of English borrowings in Russian and Chinese youth slang and marked the subject of my research.

Object of research:

The latest lexical units and their derivatives borrowed from the English language.

Tasks of research:

1. To analyze the theoretical material.

2. Consider ways of education and borrowings of anglicisms in the Russian and Chinese youth environment and give examples.

3. To study the youth society in Russia and China in order to identify the features and causes of borrowing anglicisms.

4. To compile a dictionary of commonly used anglicisms.

5. To provide a graphic illustration to research.

A set of methods was used to solve the tasks:






Modern young people extensive use of anglicisms in his speech.

The expected result:

Anglicisms firmly entered the youth environment.

Structure of the work: The research consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and application.

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