I created ESSAY WRITING CLUB to help writers plagiarize papers when they suspect they are being scammed. In about a month, over 140 assignments have been submitted and about 50 pulled down when the scam employers finally bow to the pressure and pay the writers. This tells you how rampant conmanship and scams are in the writing industry.

To plagiarize papers,

  • copy paste paper on email and send it to plagiarize@essaysharkwriting.club.

  • Send the paper as text, DO NOT attach.

  • Use the paper topic as an email heading.

  • Once paid, contact me to have the paper pulled down.

  • Share and help others.

Once upon a time, there used academic writing and article writing. But academic writing was more promising, well-paying and an attractive venture. Not many people knew a lot about it. It was guided by values and principles even though there used to be a few rotten eggs in the basket. Years [passed and more people came to learn about it. It attracted more writers who wanted to make an awesome income working from home. Account owners were said to be selfish, they never revealed how they got the assignments they gave writers. Only a few knew about the Homework market, EW, Writerbay, Essayshark, etc. Most knew about Freelancers, Upwork, etc. More people started came to know about these websites and created accounts. The CPP for writers was as low as $1.5 or even 1 by unscrupulous and ruthless account owners. While writing companies paid as high as $14 per page, those who did the actual writing earned $1. That was not the problem, at least. Everything was good at the selfishness and greedy arose. First came the brokers, they were slightly ethical, at least. Brokered writing accounts at reasonable prices. Academic writing training was as a college degree and you could pay bills selling coursehero unlocks.
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Things became worse and greed skyrocketed. At one time, one of the brokers created a writing website with fictitious orders and accounts which they sold to account buyers. Many people were “washed” by El Nino. I bet they will never forget. Things continued getting worse. Sub-par quality writers flooded the market, plagiarism became rampant, cons and scammers flooded the writing industry like the 1950 locust crisis. Brokers and account owners became bitchy…selling and retrieving accounts, price manipulation. Everyone started selling unlocks and logins. The price dropped from 300 to 30 bob per unlock. Everyone started offering academic writing training – it is not actually training but a rip-off. Sending you docs via email to read on your own. Something that has contributed to thousands of shoddy writers in the industry.
Again, anyone and everyone become a broker. Selling accounts, they don’t even understand how they work or even the domain name. For instance, as a random broker, what is the domain name for EW and he/she will catch a tantrum like a teen with hormonal imbalance. Some of the guys offering Academic Writing Training can’t tell you 15 differences between APA and MLA or they don’t even know what is a footnote. Or do you know how to add endnotes? Or how do you use MS Office to insert In-text citations? Nowadays, in one group of 217 members, 67 are selling unlocks and logins, 27 are offering academic writing training, 49 are brokers, and 67 shoddy writers masquerading as A+ quality POD writers. The cons and scam employers contributed to the emergency of POD and POA.
The Trusted Dealers and their con counterparts create a network, a cartel. A writing account can be re-sold up to 8 times without being used and the price hiked from 20k to 147k. Most of the brokers are arrogant and ignorant at the same time, selfish and greedy. They can sell you anything as a writing account. In fact, some are selling student accounts to unsuspecting buyers (Broke college graduates who are desperate and frustrated by their college degree and want to make some earning in academic writing). However, there are a few good brokers or account sellers, only 1 percent. The rest have been involved in a scandal in which someone has brutally ripped off their hard-earned money. But there is a segment that has made the industry worse. The cons and scammers from scam POD/POA writers to scam employers who never pay, to account sellers. Account sellers especially those selling small accounts as low as 500 or 2k. They have created WhatsApp groups where they admin. They scam you and remove you from the group sending you home, to go wailing and cursing. They have multiple Mobile Phone numbers, Telegram accounts, and Facebook Accounts. Nowadays, they don’t even hide. They scam you and watch you curse them and lament. They scam you as low as Ksh 50 for unlocks or data bundles the POD/POA writers ask from the employer to enable them to write assignments.
At least, everyone has been conned at one point – directly or indirectly. These cons brag and laugh about it. The problem, those who get conned feel helpless and fail to report it or do anything. I WANT TO ASK YOU NOT TO KEEP QUIET – plagiarize those papers, once paid the paper will be pulled down. We also have a page for reporting crooked brokers and account sellers. On this page, you can leave a review or a comment about your transaction with a broker or account seller. You can as well add their Facebook profile name and contact numbers (Reviews are verified to ensure crooked brokers and sellers can’t review themselves). 

To plagiarize papers,  

  • copy paste paper on email and send it to plagiarize@essaysharkwriting.club.
  • Send the paper as text, DO NOT attach.
  • Use the paper topic as an email heading.
  • Once paid, contact me to have the paper pulled down. Share and help others.
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