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France Dynastic The French revolution that began in the late 18th century has significantly transformed human lives. Despite the fact that the revolution brought about positive impacts on human lives, it also led to the development of violence and wars, first in France, and further entire Europe. Before the Napoleonic wars, French was ruled by monarchs. Among the dynasties that ruled France include the Capetian dynasty which ruled, the Carolingian dynasty, Robertian dynasty, and the Bosonic dynasty, the House of Capet, the House of Valois, the House of Lancaster, the House of Bourbon and the House of Bonaparte. Effect of the French revolution is big. However, it had a bigger influence on economic and social factors. Following the French revolution, there was a shift from dynasties. There have been a series of short-lived regimes in France, including a consulate, two empires, two monarchs, and five republics. The current democracy in France, however, is as a result of the ideas of General Charles de Gaulle, who is reputed for leading into resisting Nazis and founded the currently existing regime, referred to as the fifth republic. French Revolution brought with it ideas that were frequently violent domestic and foreign policies that have facilitated the survival of the state. These ideas include liberty, fraternity, and equality. It is based on the ideology that the victory of French is answerable to the French men and women who sacrificed their lives for the sake of protecting it against both domestic and foreign enemies. A case in point was America that had remained a stubborn enemy for a long period. Generalship existing at the time could not win against America, England, and Britain, epitome of resolute enemies that had forced the country to engage defensive strategies for a long period. Together, the country had achieved Austerlitz or Jena-Auerstedt victories, which were no mean victories. The evolving warfare art in the time of Napoleon refer to the various strategies that were used by both Napoleon and his enemies during the Napoleonic war in the attempt of winning the war. Strategies such as formation of allies, coalitions, and Precis de l’art de la guerre, later came to define quality exuded during Napoleonic wars. There is the evidence of the existence of seven different coalitions, from the first coalition to the seventh coalition that fought different wars at different times. Additionally, the other warfare art that was used was the art of deception and trickery used greatly during revolution wars. Deception was combined with high level of secrecy and betrayals. This was mainly used by Napoleon in gaining advantage and defeating his enemies. He deceived the enemies to ensure that their best resources, before he could subsequently attack when the enemy who was weak, leading to him winning. Economic warfare was also a tactic that was used during the Napoleonic war to facilitate victory. This tactic was used by Napoleon against Britain. This is evidence by the issuing of the berlin decree by napoleon, and consequently bringing the continental effect into place. The aim of this policy was to eliminate the threat from Britain through the closing of territories that were controlled by French from British trade. This was in response to the enactment of naval blockade of the French coast that was enacted by Britain. Military intelligence was also used during the wars. The use of intelligence involved the formation of vast and complex networks of corresponding agents, cryptanalyst and code-breaking that was used to collect and communicate information regarding the wars. The expanding of Napoleons expeditionary were also a war fare art that was used by napoleon. Napoleon dominated the war by focusing on conquering new lands and territories across Europe. Napoleon moved from France and focused on defeating and taking territories of other lands across Europe, such as Britain in the battle of Nile, England, Italy, and Sweden. These land were known as the new lands. The defeat and the taking of places such as Spain and Italy converted them into strategic kingdoms, and this played well into facilitating Napoleon wars, such as in delivery of supplies needed to keep his territory strong. Napoleon also used annexing, a move by which he acquired other territories and made them his. Over the time of the Napoleonic wars, there are several economic and socials elements that took place and thus affected the military. Among the economic factors include, a sharp decline in both the national and international demand for goods. This was as the war period had affected the economies of states such as the US and Britain. There was also a high influx of French and British goods. Also, there was heavy taxation of war material and that moving them across Europe was also expensive. The overall effect of the war on the agricultural sector was that it resulted in the rise of famine, which was largely to blame on confiscation and plundering of the agricultural tools of farmers such as in Poland where farm equipment was destroyed and in London agricultural estates were confiscated. There was also the confiscation and selling of land to private ownership by the church resulting to significant uneven distribution of resources across Europe. Countries, such as Spain, ended up experiencing periods of severe starvation due to inadequacies in the agricultural sector. Britain used its sea power to implement blockades against countries that were fighting against in the war. As a result, there was either total or partial interruption of seaborne this meant that these countries were not able to participate in international trade. This meant that countries were not able to get the supplies that they needed and depended on the sea for transportation. The creation of the blockades significantly weakened the armies of the other counties that relied on the importation of war material and weapons. This factor could be considered as what led to the final win of Britain at waterloo. Among the social factors include the disruption of communication. Since the Napoleonic wars took place at the heart of the period of colonization, there was a significant reliance on the colonies of these European states. However, the European powers, such as Spain and Russia, were not able to communicate and interact effectively with their colonies due to the war. This social change affected the military and the military capabilities as the European powers depended on their colonies to get not only material for making war equipment, by also to get soldiers to fight in the wars. The inability to access and the colonies, therefore, weakened the powers and the capabilities of the European armies. Another social change that took place was the redrawing of borders, especially of the lands that were conquered during the war. This change of redrawing the borders acted as a both an advantage and disadvantage to different states. France ended up annexing a significant number of states including Belgium. By annexing theses states, the result was that the states plagued their loyalty and allegiance to France. In conclusion, following the French revolution, Napoleon developed radical ideas that saw the eruption of chaos all across Europe. The dynasties of France collapsed, and led to various war evolutions such as the formation of coalitions and intelligence, the creation of the economic warfare intelligence. Napoleon also expanded his expeditionary across Europe by gaining new lands and annexing others. The economic effects include loss of trade and agricultural land and tools, while the social effects included the disruption of communication and redrawing of boundaries across Europe.
Bibliography Guerlac, Henry, and Peter Paret. “Makers of modern strategy; From Machiavelli to the nuclear age.” (1986). Murray, Williamson. The dynamics of military revolution1300-2050. Institute of defense analyses Rothenberg, Gunther E. The art of warfare in the age of Napoleon Supplementary material for war studies 3104-20

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