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Discuss the importance of promoting employee well-being in an organization
Well-being refers to a person’s overall wellness, which includes their work and social relationships and how they perceive their life circumstances. Employers, among other things, can impact an employee’s sense of well-being via the way they run their enterprises and their operations. Firms worldwide are putting in significant effort to promote employee well-being to keep staff involved and pleased at home and work. A productive workforce is made up of contented employees. In harsh economic conditions, a company’s success is dependent on its ability to attract and keep skillful employees. Even though these intangible contributions aren’t reflected in financial records, people contribute innovation and creativity. Once workers leave the company, their services are no longer theirs to keep, unlike structural capital. As a result, people have a voice in any organization, and they have the right to leave at any time if the firm does not find a way to retain them. Human capital influences all aspects of an organization’s functioning, from product development and technology to customer satisfaction.
The ability to recognize the value of suitable well-being initiatives is essential for any employee. A company’s performance is mainly dependent on the well-being of its employees. There are several ways to measure well-being, including emotional well-being (e.g., anger or stress), physical health, and interactions with others. Secondary data, which includes earlier research, has also been examined in the study. The focus of the analysis was on the effectiveness of an organization’s well-being programs about its overall productivity. In the past, well-being programs have been credited with improving employees’ health and well-being (physical and mental) by encouraging them to engage in various exercises to regulate their weight, stress management, fitness, and other health concerns. The study showed that leadership is the most important aspect for companies to affect their employees’ performance in terms of well-being.
When it comes to employee engagement, job satisfaction, trust, a sense of belonging in the workplace, and gratitude have a significant impact. For example, different organizations use services that may be divided into five unique dimensions, such as emotional, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual, to improve the well-being of their employees. Emotional well-being is the most important of the well-being categories. Employee stress and emotional well-being are often addressed through counseling sessions in the workplace. Employee well-being benefits both the employees and the company when it is actively promoted. Preventing stress and creating positive working environments can be achieved by promoting well-being. Employees’ health and well-being can enhance employee engagement and organizational performance.
As a result of health promotion, people can better understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health promotion helps people find and accept their values with the person in mind. Developing self-control and self-efficacy in functioning programs are taught through this kind of instruction.
When your staff is in good health, your business reaps the rewards. When implemented effectively, health and wellness programs can improve productivity and morale and reduce stress. A company’s health care costs can be reduced, employees can feel better, and their absences are reduced when they participate in health and wellness initiatives. According to Gaebler Resources for Entrepreneurs, the costs of creating a wellness program are low compared to the advantages.

How An Effective Strategic Management of Organizational Change Might Promote Employee Well-being
The management of a successful organizational change plays a significant role in increasing workers’ morale and driving positive team building and the enrichment of the output. Employees can sometimes experience burnout and turnover based on poor strategic organizational change. The designing of effective strategic management of organizational change influence the general well-being of employees through the promotion of health and their input. Strategic management of organizational change is essential because it allows workers to recreate and redesign practical approaches that workers can use to redesign their responsibilities. For example, strategic management offers conditions to workers that help them foster their well-being and improve their health.
Strategic management of organizational change benefits the outcome of business operations, such as the performance of jobs, and lowers the level of employee burnout. The design to improve employee well-being should be cost-effective; this creates a sound investment strategy that can help improve general organizational resilience.
Strategic management of organizational change is a significant policy that outlines how workers can control and perform their duties; this is effective because it establishes helps in the development of mental health and can reduce the higher rates of heart diseases because of a conducive working environment.
Strategic management of organizational change is effective for employee well-being because it allows employees to be more flexible regarding when and where they can work and fit. Offering workers more opportunities or control over their schedules of work help in improving their mental health; this is usually achieved through the permitting of various start and stop times with easy trading shifts in jobs. Strategic management of organizational change improves the well-being of employees because it increases the stability of a worker’s schedule. Most of the retail and service firms in the current generation use the just in time scheduling to try to match the labor demand fluctuations. The existence of erratic, unpredictable schedules makes it difficult for the frontline workers to control personal lives and family roles. Thus, efficient strategic management of organizational change is essential because it allows workers to monitor their schedules without difficulty.
Strategic management of organizational change creates an adequate staffed system for a heavy workload with reasonable functionality that a worker can find appropriate to work; this automatically helps build mental health and wellness. Working long hours without a proper break and work demands is not crucial; however, having effective strategic management of organizational change enhances such requests. Effective strategic management of organizational change is vital because it motivates managers within an organization to back-up employees’ personal needs. Most of the employees happen to be caregivers to siblings and parents who are elderly; they can gain from supervisors who are supportive in such challenges by creating a strategic system that allows the balancing of personal lives.


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