Any kind of disability would otherwise hinder the affected person from doing their day to day activities in a perfectionistic manner thereby having them require external help from others (WHO, 2011). However, one thing has to be made clear; being disabled is not having a health problem, but it is like the body organs not being able to serve a human being the way a society calls normal (WHO, 2011). This matter of societal perspective brings about the question of how disabled persons are viewed on a societal level by the able-bodied persons. In this manuscript, we shall explain the psychology of able-bodied persons towards disabled persons.
The ‘Disabled’ Body.
Being born with body organs that do not correspond to what societal aspect such as communication, mobility and relation might not term as normal can be an uneasy task (Marcus, 2007). The society has established a kind of threshold that leaves out these people making it difficult on them to put up with these social aspects (Hodgekiss, 2013). This kind of social threshold set by able bodied persons that is difficult to be achieved by disabled persons can be seen in the case of Kyla Montgomery. Suffering from multiple sclerosis, her nerve signals from the legs are blocked and cannot reach the brain (Crouse, 2014). This causes severe effects as she finishes to run because her body temperature cannot be regulated due to her inability to feel athletic pains which doubles up as an advantage for her.
Montgomery, however was not accepted in various colleges at the mention of her having multiple sclerosis. This shows that the able-bodied society, the way we see disabled persons puts them at a disadvantageous spot for coping with other challenges apart from their bodily challenge. This concept of the disabled persons being left out in the society can also be witnessed within the fashion industry.Body language plays an integral role in the society today (Hennigan, 2015). For the case of Pro Infirmis, a swiss charity organization, mannequins were created to clearly depict the bodies of disabled persons. These mannequins were measured inch by inch for perfection and precision and all the mannequins displayed a high street store in Zurich’s main shopping street (Hodgekiss, 2013). This is a case I would like to term as creating awareness for the disabled persons in an able-bodied society. These mannequins were dressed and able-bodied people had to stop and catch a glimpse of the mannequins.
Concluding Remarks
The occurrence of being born different in the society today has been seen as a menace for people suffering from various forms of disabilities. However, for the case of Marcus Neil, suffering from dystonia (Neil, 2012) having a disability has not been an inability as he has managed to publish his own book. He is a representation of several other disabled persons trying to defy all odds in an able-bodied society which leaves out disabled persons in almost all aspects of the society. The society, just like Pro Infirmis did, should involve disabled persons in societal aspects and cut out the negative psychology towards them. Assuming you, an able-bodied person, was born with a disability, how would you feel if people left you out?

Crouse, L. (2014). For Runner With M.S., No Pain While Racing, No Feeling at the Finish. New York Times. Retrieved 2 3, 2020, from https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/04/sports/for-runner-with-ms-no-pain-while-racing-no-feeling-at-the-finish.html?smid%3D=tw-nytsports&_r=0
Hennigan, K. (2015). Body Talk. The Actuary Magazine. Retrieved 2 3, 2020, from https://theactuarymagazine.org/body-talk/
Hodgekiss, A. (2013). Who is Perfect anyway? Health. Retrieved 2 3, 2020, from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2518194/Pro-infirmis-creates-mannequins-based-bodies-disabled-people.html
Marcus, N. (Director). (2007). Tv Neil [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from http://youtube.com/watch?v=YIAbUpjFiTA
Neil, M. (Director). (2012). Neil Marcus’ Special Effects [Motion Picture]. Retrieved 2 3, 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jix-mY-W2d4
WHO. (2011). Disabilities. Retrieved 2 3, 2020, from https://www.who.int/topics/disabilities/en/

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