Similarities Between Christianity and Islamic

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Similarities Between Christianity and Islamic
Christianity and Islam are well-known religions with a large number of adherents in the world with approximately 2.1 billion and 1.3 billion followers, respectively. Despite their similarities in terms of numbers of adherents, beliefs, and practices, the world’s two major religions remain vastly different. The two religions appear to be two parallel lines for a non-believer who is indecisive on which faith to follow. Due to their geographical contrasts, Christianity being practiced largely in the western globe, Islam is the prominent religion in the middle east and Asian countries. This topographical indifference makes the two beliefs differ from the non-believer. There is a significant similarity between Christianity and Islam based on several factors, practices, and ideas observable from the two perspectives.
Firstly, Christianity and Islamic religions are similar in the framework they use. The two religions have a Semitic origin from the Abrahamic point of view. They claim Israelite ancestry and revere the God of Abraham in Christianity and the God of Ibrahim in Islam. (Dye, 2018). In this sense, both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic religions that teach that there is only one divine being, the Creator of all things. Both religions rely on the fundamental belief in one supreme GodGod, which is found in monotheism (Dye, 2018). They each have a well-known religious figure who preached the message of God in the face of adversity. Whereas Christians believe in the messiah Jesus Christ, Muslims believe in Prophet Muhammad’s teachings. Members of both religions follow a series of regulations or commandments that govern their ethical character and behavior in this world as well as their relationship with God.This indicates that the two religions have the same framework in maintaining and keeping their faith.
The two religions also have a shared history of origin. Aside from the fact that they believe in the same GodGod, adherents of these Abrahamic faiths also have similar historical foundations. The birthplace of the two religions in the middle east. There is no doubt that Jesus was born and baptized in Bethlehem, today’s Israel (Zaidan,2018). In Saudi Arabia, Makkah and Medina, where the Prophet Muhammad was born, are the two most important centers of Islam’s early development. All these sites of origin are ascribed an unsurpassed spiritual worth in the Middle East. Besides their area of birth, these faiths also share analogous roots in notable prophets and religious individuals that define their legacy (Dye, 2018). They largely trace the origins of humanity back to the “Prophet Adam.” Trusting in Prophet Jesus, Christianity’s foremost Prophet, is a fundamental conviction for Muslims.
There is a belief in reincarnation and accountability in both religions. The concept of accountability is central to all of the Abrahamic religions’ teachings. Both religions believe that man will be held accountable for his actions on the day of judgment (Zaidan, 2018). The consequence of divine accountability determines if a person lands in heaven or hell. In truth, both Christianity and Islam see life on Earth as fleeting and frivolous, while the life to come is both everlasting and permanent. The prospect of reward or punishment influences both Muslims and Christians.
The contrasts connecting Islam and Christianity are minor compared to the similarities between the two religions, contrary to popular belief. More specifically, despite their innumerable parallels and differences, these two main religions, with all of their concepts and religious dogma, continue to have a massive impact on the world. The similarities, such as the shared historical origin, accountability, and shared framework, are the most displayed features that non-believers can trace.

Dye, G. (2018). Jewish Christianity, the Qur’ān, and Early Islam: some methodological caveats. Jewish Christianity and the Origins of Islam, 11-29.
Zeidan, D. S. (2018). The resurgence of religion: A comparative study of selected themes in Christian and Islamic fundamentalist discourses. Brill.

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