SCENARIO: Imagine that a government, non-governmental organization, or a non-profit office contacted you to give your suggestion to a governmental or community leader (you determine whom this would be) about one of our environmental justice course textbooks (your choice from the three course texts).  Your job or mission is to persuade that leader to read the book (convinced of the importance of the topic) and provide background and key notes on the book’s issues. In case the leader does not read the book, you would have still provided them with key points and infographics on the book’s topics. You will provide this information in the form of a newsletter or brochure.   

PURPOSE: To show your enthusiasm, persuasion, and in-depth knowledge of one of the texts of the course in order to encourage a specific community or governmental leader (who you choose to be the audience) to read this book, think about the ideas in the book, and act in response to the ideas.

Build this assignment around one of the following texts for the class:

Fresh Fruit; Broken Bodies

A Line in the Tar Sands

The Social Determinants of Health: Looking Upstream

Create a two-sided brochure or newsletter around the book’s important points, vocabulary, and key ideas with a particular government or community leader in mind as the audience. It is up to you to design the layout and determine how to include the different aspects described below. Make an information rich display. You may do this digitally or in hard copy that you can scan and upload to the D2L assignment box. Include the following:

–Write your own summary of the book (use your own analysis and writing). (350 words) You may home in on a particular section of the book as a focus. Explain why the topics covered in the book are important and need civic, community, or governmental attention.

–Explain the definition of environmental justice and how the book highlights environmental injustice.

–Point out your favorite chapter/section

–Present at least four key vocabulary terms and definitions (in a glossary or a puzzle)

–Include at least two insightful, thought-provoking quotes from the book that summarizes key points of the book or that startles one into paying attention (use APA or MLA in-text citation)

–Choose two illustrations that match the book’s ideas (include citations of all images used)

–Explain how the book ideas connect to all four aspects of Shlosberg’s expanded environmental justice framework (recognition, capabilities and functioning, participation, distribution-this is part of D2L lecture notes)

–Explain how the book ideas connect to social determinants of health

–Explain how the issues in the book reflect patterns of racism and environmental racism and how to work for anti-racist and anti-oppression in policies, public life, and everyday life patterns

–Write goals for the person in that leadership position to reach as they read the book (for example, to know more about _______ [a topic]) or reading questions to help guide their reading. Describe how the book will inform their work.

–Include the citation for the book using Chicago Style, American Psychological Association, Modern Language Association, or American Sociological Association formatting

–Leave a text box note in the assignment dropbox indicating the identity or positions of your community or governmental leader if you did not address them directly in the brochure.

 In the grading of these assignments, I will look for:

15 points –Covers required aspects (in the directions) in a clear and readable way. Carefully represents the book and shows a deep reading and much time spent with the book’s ideas.

7 points –Clarity of ideas, spelling, grammar, and punctuation and organization

11 points –Illustrations, books, and any sources are cited using APA, MLA, Chicago, or ASA Style. Quotes and ideas are properly cited using in-text references.

How to create a Two-sided Brochure

– Determine the purpose and target audience of the brochure
– Choose a layout and design that complements the purpose and target audience
– Divide the content into sections for each side of the brochure
– Use high-quality images and graphics that are relevant to the content
– Write concise and compelling text for each section, highlighting key points and benefits
– Organize the information in a logical and easy-to-follow order
– Utilize headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability
– Ensure that the fonts, colors, and overall design are consistent and visually appealing
– Proofread the content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
– Print a test copy to review the layout, content, and overall appearance
– Make any necessary revisions based on the test copy and finalize the design
– Print the final copies on a high-quality paper or consider using professional printing services

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