Conflict Handling Modes
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Conflict Handling Modes
Scenario One
In this scenario there is an interpersonal conflict between the internist and the radiologist as a result of delayed feedback by the radiologist. The fact that the radiologist delayed informing the internist that the probable diagnosis after the chest X-ray was bronchogenic carcinoma and not bronchitis did not warrant him get upset and raise his voice even though no abusive language was used. Although there was a procedural conflict, the level of assertiveness portrayed by the internist was uncalled for. Considering that they are both employees at a large community hospital, there was a need to follow certain procedural norms and a change in this procedure was definitely bring about some form of disagreement.
In this case, the radiologist triggered the disagreement. In a bid to offset this conflict, he needs to collaborate with the internist. By doing so, he will have to work with the internist in order to find a solution that will satisfy the concerns of both parties. This will involve digging into the matter, which in this case is finding out what caused the delay in providing feedback after performing the X-ray and later on come up with an alternative that will meet the concerns of both parties (Canaan Messarra, Karkoulian, & El-Kassar, 2016). This may involve a procedural change. By exploring their disagreement, they will be able to learn their insights thus preventing future confrontations.
Scenario Two
In this scenario the division chief of the Family and Community Medicine Division sparked the conflict by making false and discriminatory statements against the young female family physician. Such statements usually end up tarnishing one’s reputation and might even cause an emotional breakdown considering that none of those allegations are true. This is definitely a case of interpersonal conflict among people working in the same organization particularly goal conflict whereby none of the parties involved is aware of the perspective of the other.
The most appropriate conflict handling mode that the young female physician can use would definitely be competition. This mode is considered uncooperative and assertive and in most cases power-oriented (Prieto-Remón, Cobo-Benita, Ortiz-Marcos, & Uruburu, 2015). This is mode would be really appropriate for this situation since the physician would have to pursue her concerns with regard to cleansing her tarnished reputation by using whatever power and means necessary. Otherwise, she might end up losing her job or even get hated by the non-white community due to the claims that she is discriminatory. Losing for her is not an option, she ought to defend herself unapologetically so as to offset whatever rumors that are going around the hospital about her.
Scenario Three
The recently hired coordinator has shown behavioral incompetence in the way he deals with the community as well as the physicians as evidenced by the complaints received by the vice president of the clinical area (VPCA). To the VPCA’s dismay nothing has been done with regard to this matter and yet the manager himself has gone ahead to report dissatisfaction with regard to the coordinator’s performance. If no action is taken by the VPCA such behavior might end up having devastating effects on the community outreach program.
The resultant interpersonal conflict between the VPCA and manager as a result of the coordinator’s behavior requires a conflict handling mode if the situation is to be salvaged. In this particular situation compromising would go a long way considering that the VPCA needs to be both assertive and cooperative in his decision making involving this matter (Canaan Messarra et al., 2016). In addition, this mode of conflict management addresses the issue more directly as opposed to avoiding it. Since the manager has not taken any action the VPCA will be forced to compromise with the manager so that middle-ground position is reached with regard to this matter.
Scenario 4
This scenario highlights the implementation of a new problem-based curriculum and substituting small group learning that concentrates on actual patient cases. The introduction of this curriculum was meant to benefit the medical students by increasing the effectiveness of their learning process. However, intergroup conflict emerges since this curriculum is not in tandem with that of the dental curriculum schedule which implies that the anatomist will have to teach core lectures twice. Upon hearing their grievances, the dean resolves to inform the head of the Cell Biology and Anatomy department that some educational funds will be readdressed to the school of dentistry.
Since the dean had already made a resolution concerning this issue the best mode of conflict resolution will be to avoid the matter entirely since change has its consequences. In this case the faculty of clinical and basic sciences will have to cope with the stretch in their new roles (Prieto-Remón et al., 2015). This unassertive and uncooperative move will allow for a smooth transition in the implementation of the new curriculum and consequently resolve this goal conflict.
Scenario 5
The recurrent upcoding behavior of the physician in question did not go unnoticed by the clinic manager. Earlier on he had been addressed concerning a similar issue of submitting several erroneous codes thus bringing about a procedural interpersonal conflict. Such “fraudulent” activities may not only ruin his reputation but also his career as a physician. It may also ruin his relationship with his fellow group members due to noncompliance even after being told about it initially.
The partners should take a compromising approach towards their other physician partner. This approach will make the partners take both a corporative and an assertive stand thus making their physician partner either stop this behavior once and for all or get a job elsewhere before Medicare catches up with him. The issue was looked into initially in a more in-depth manner therefore compromising would not allow the same to happen (Prieto-Remón et al., 2015). In addition, compromising will allow for the matter to be dealt with more directly. A quick middle-ground position can be easily reached whereby he would have to submit all infraction or else the hospital takes action against him.

Canaan Messarra, L., Karkoulian, S., & El-Kassar, A.-N. (2016). Conflict resolution styles and personality. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
Prieto-Remón, T. C., Cobo-Benita, J. R., Ortiz-Marcos, I., & Uruburu, A. (2015). Conflict Resolution to Project Performance. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

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