Child development








The resources that early childhood educators offer children as part of an enabling environment or safe resources for children to explore on their own are sometimes referred to as “continuous provision.” For an excellent childhood development process to run smoothly, it requires the efforts of both the parents, caregivers and their educators/ childhood professionals. A while ago, it was the responsibility of a village to raise a child (Big, 2020). Still, due to technology and changes in the current world, we all have individual responsibility for our child’s behavioral and developmental differences.
A vital community resource that helps in childcare and development is daycare. In a daycare setting, children have many possibilities to play and develop new social skills. Sharing, healthy communication, taking turns, and negotiation may all be taught to children. A study found that children who attend a high-quality childcare facility have a lengthy impact on their emotional and social development (Mcdevitt & Ormrod, 2020). There is a correlation between increased adult empathy, resiliency, and prosocial behavior that may be traced back to early childhood socialization and play. As a result of the availability of affordable, high-quality child care in communities, parents no longer have to make the tradeoff. Parental leave to work, earn income, advance in their professions, and contribute to the economy is made possible by child care facilities (Mcdevitt & Ormrod, 2020). They can retain their careers, maintain community relations, and join forces with other parents for mutual aid and support if they have access to reliable child care. Educators in the daycares will also have a chance to closely monitor the child’s behavioral and adaptive changes as they spend most of the time looking at and mentoring children. As child development educators, we should convince people and parents of the importance of taking their children to daycares (Mcdevitt & Ormrod, 2020). Some parents wish to be involved in their kid’s upbringing but lack the necessary knowledge of child development and developmentally appropriate means. Others may be afraid to approach you or your employees with queries. We should explain what learning is (and isn’t) to help parents understand your center’s approach to child development (Mcdevitt & Ormrod, 2020). Parents might sometimes seem too focused on ‘academic’ information rather than developmental abilities, and whether they realize it or not, they have expectations. For example, if you do not use worksheets in your program, inform parents and explain why. Most adults lack basic abilities like reading and writing.
To achieve and manage a proper child development strategy, parents should adopt the web resource known as AAP. Medical and surgical doctors specializing in children’s health are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (Schering, 2022). The Academy works to ensure that children, adolescents, and young people have the best possible physical, mental, and social well-being. Its many services are advocacy for children and pediatrics, research into health systems delivery, public education and outreach, ongoing medical education, and examining child health policy issues and their ramifications. An essential aspect of the AAP Committees’ information gathering and advisory roles is the Academy’s technology evaluation operations. This virtual resource is highly beneficial to parents as it assists them in taking full control and being part of their children’s growth stages (Schering, 2022). It gives parents a new set of handouts that detail the activities their children will be engaged in at each stage of development. Parents can use the information in the handouts to ask their health care provider specific questions about how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Children born to or fostered from a same-sex marriage should have two legally recognized parents to whom they can turn for support and guidance (Schering, 2022).
Consequently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports legal and legislative efforts to allow for the adoption of a child by a parental figure or co-parent in the same household. The web-based program is well equipped with literacy-focused materials that help parents and teachers enrich their children’s daily routines and activities. There are also many resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Schering, 2022). Parents can use this free, evidence-based resource from the CDC Division of Violence Prevention to improve their relationship with their children. From the time he is born to the time he is five years old, your child should be able to demonstrate a wide range of skills and abilities. If you have concerns about your child’s development, the CDC has offered a tool for you to use (Schering, 2022). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides a wide range of educational opportunities for pediatricians and educators, including continuing education courses that keep you up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.
As an educator, I can both use and advise the use of ‘Simply Kinder’ as a source for teaching and learning engaging skills for childhood professionals to children. Simply Kinder is the best virtual resource for information, teaching kindergarten, mostly transitional kindergarten, or any other early childhood program with an intellectual bent (Kinder, 2019). Developmentally Appropriate, Academic, and Fun. There’s a lot of pressure to academicize kindergarten. While still providing a developmentally appropriate learning environment, ‘Simply Kinder’ may be able to assist you to reach this goal. Kindergartners and preschoolers have long taken these “brain pauses.” The Simply Kinder Parenting Pinterest Board (Kinder, 2019). You will find ideas for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade and printables and activities for communicating with parents on this board. Simply Kinder is a kindergarten teaching web-based platform.
Parents should take childhood development seriously and ensure that their children get the best quality primary education early to avoid other developmental issues later in the future, such as delayed or slow understanding. Childhood professionals should also use technology and their skills at their level best to ensure quality childhood development.






Berns, R. M. (2015). Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support. In Google Books. Cengage Learning.
Big Marlin Group. (2020, December 19). Daycare Benefits – 7 Reasons Kids To Enroll | YMCA Of Greater Cincinnati. YMCA of Greater Cincinnati.
Kinder, J. @ S. (2019, October 27). Brain Breaks Old School & Kindergarten Style! Simply Kinder.
Mcdevitt, T., & Ormrod, J. (2020). Child Development and Education Seventh Edition.
Schering, S., & Writer, S. (2022). CDC, AAP update developmental milestones for the surveillance program.

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