The power of school of thought
School of thought can be defined as a doctrine or intellectual tradition shared by a group of people with common beliefs, outlook, philosophy or social movement. The ten schools of thought by Mintzberg are a framework which shows the different approaches to strategy formation. Mintzberg explains that it is impossible to utilize one school of thought alone and have a complete perspective of strategy (Peleckis, 2016). tit requires the application of the ten schools of thought for one to have a whole perspective on strategy formulation. I will focus on the power school of thought and its effects on strategy formulation.
In power school of thought, those who are in power are the ones a making the decision. The decisions made by those in power have significant effects. The customers, stakeholders or management can exercise power school of thought school, of thought invokes the need for one to make a decision concerning a situation (Őnday, 2016). Power is necessary to make sure that action is done. Power allows the decision maker to plan and make decision concerning the future, the customer can make purchase decision, while the executive can sue power to implement new measures and drive the company towards a desired direction.
Power entails making consideration by assessing as situation and making a judgment. The judgment made has an effect of either loss or gain. For an executive, power is necessary to ensure that staff comply with the expectation and demands of the company. Power allows for the determination of direction. Power itself is a very deliberate process which involves assessment and making the best decision based on the judgment of the one in power.

Power is necessary as it ensures that the strategy is implemented. Those in power can use the power to force the company or employees to meet the objective of the company. Company is necessary to achieve objectives. Power allows for monitoring and making decision where there are threats or challenges (Peleckis, 2016). Power allows for the identification of effective and ineffective strategies. The ability to make quality judgment determines whether an organization will succeed or not. The power school of thought is essential as without it there is no sense of direction and purpose.
Power school of thought allows for the concentration on decision making on those who have the abilities and competency to achieve their mandate. Power allows for the achievement of great things when exercised in the right way. Power brings sense of direction and goals to strategy. those in power are the ones holding the responsibility of strategy implementation. They make crucial decisions which affect the outcomes or performance of organizations. The nature of power is that the few individuals in power can be obsessed in their own abilities and start to ignore valuable advice (Őnday, 2016). This is when power becomes a burden to an organization as the decisions being made and strategies being implemented are detrimental. In such situations, replacing those in power is necessary or the organization will fail because of the inability of those in power to listen to valuable advice. Those in power can be overconfident in their abilities and form a single-minded approach to strategy formulation. The power school of thought is a very beneficial process and great things can be achieved when applied correctly those in power will come with brilliant strategies which helps an organization prosper.

Őnday, Ő. (2016). Power and Politics Organization Theory: From Power in Decision Making of Pfeffer to Power Game of Mintzberg.

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