Tesla Motors Business Proposal
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Tesla Motors Business Proposal
Tesla is a pioneering corporation within the fields of electric vehicles and renewable energy, and this idea stands as a strategic strategy for the organization. An analysis of Tesla’s internal and external settings, the identification of development and sustainability choices, and the outlining of implementation plans are the goals of this undertaking. Founded in 2003, Tesla is renowned for its commitment to technological advancement, environmental sustainability, and innovation (Jiang, 2022). The plan aims to establish a roadmap that Tesla can utilize to maintain its success and sustainability in the electricity and automobile industries. It does this by means of reading Tesla’s inner abilties, the dynamics of the external marketplace, and the strategic options available to the organisation so that you can locate opportunities for improvement, lessen dangers, and maximise its strategic posture.
The concept will check Tesla’s internal facts and behaviour through an analysis of external environmental influences, including market developments, competitive dynamics, and regulatory problems. The concept may incorporate both of these analyses. The document proposes strategic choices for Tesla’s development and sustainability, substantiated by theoretical models and global statistics. We can review implementation strategies to maximize their success, focusing on important elements such as trade management, stakeholder participation, and ethical considerations. This inspiration stems from the need to methodically analyse Tesla’s strategic position and generate actionable suggestions for development and sustainability.
Internal Analysis
Tesla’s internal look presents valuable insights about the business enterprise’s operations, assets, and capabilities, as shown through the evaluation. We are capable of researching Tesla’s middle and guiding operations by using the value chain analysis methodology. This allows us to gain more information about the corporation’s strengths and boundaries. Tesla demonstrates high-quality degrees of both efficiency and creativity. Tesla’s inbound logistics, which is critical for the timely delivery of components and raw substances to production centers, is one of the company’s strengths.The company has established robust supply chain management processes, ensuring seamless operations. Moreover, Tesla’s operations leverage cutting-edge automation and technology, allowing for the production of high-quality electric vehicles at its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. Outbound logistics further bolster Tesla’s competitive edge, facilitated by its direct-to-consumer sales model and global distribution network(Liu, 2022). This approach streamlines the delivery process, enhancing customer satisfaction and market reach. Additionally, Tesla’s marketing and sales strategies emphasize its strong brand presence and innovative offerings, driving sales growth and market penetration. Lastly, Tesla’s service activities, including an extensive service network and customer support initiatives, contribute to customer loyalty and satisfaction.
In terms of support activities, Tesla demonstrates strength across various domains. Infrastructure investment, particularly in charging stations and home charging solutions, underscores Tesla’s commitment to fostering electric vehicle adoption. Moreover, “Tesla’s human resources play a vital role in driving innovation and product development”(Liu, 2022). With a talented workforce comprising engineers, designers, and technicians, Tesla remains at the forefront of electric vehicle technology. Furthermore, the company’s focus on technology development ensures continuous improvement and innovation. By investing in research and development, Tesla stays ahead of the curve, driving technological advancements in the automotive industry. Strategic procurement practices, including partnerships with high-quality suppliers, ensure access to essential components and materials, supporting Tesla’s manufacturing operations(Zhang, 2022).Tesla’s internal analysis highlights its strengths in efficient operations, innovative technology, and strategic resource management. These internal capabilities position Tesla favorably within the electric vehicle market, enabling it to maintain a competitive edge and drive future growth.
External Analysis
External analysis of Tesla encompasses various factors that influence the company’s operations, market position, and strategic decisions. By employing tools such as PESTEL analysis and Porter’s Five Forces, we can gain insights into the broader external environment in which Tesla operates. “Political factors play a significant role in shaping Tesla’s operating landscape. Government policies and regulations, particularly regarding environmental standards and incentives for electric vehicles, heavily impact Tesla’s market opportunities”(Liu, 2022). For instance, favorable policies promoting clean energy adoption and offering subsidies for electric vehicle purchases can bolster Tesla’s sales and market expansion efforts. Alterations in legislation regarding emissions standards or exchange price lists, on the other hand, may additionally provide difficulties for Tesla’s business operations and profitability.
Additionally, financial issues have a sizable impact on the climate in which Tesla conducts its operations. Financial factors, along with the growth of the gross domestic product (GDP), consumer spending, and interest charges, influence consumers’ electricity shopping and their decision to purchase electric automobiles. Additionally, the prices of forex and inflation could have an impact on the manufacturing costs, pricing strategies, and profitability of Tesla, mainly in overseas markets. “Economic downturns or recessions may dampen consumer demand for luxury goods like electric vehicles, posing risks to Tesla’s sales and revenue growth”(Zhang, 2022). Social factors, such as shifting consumer preferences, societal attitudes toward environmental sustainability, and lifestyle trends, shape Tesla’s market dynamics (Zhang, 2022). Increasing environmental consciousness and the desire for eco-friendly transportation solutions have fueled demand for electric vehicles, aligning with Tesla’s mission and product offerings. Moreover, changing mobility preferences, including the rise of ride-sharing and autonomous driving technologies, present opportunities and challenges for Tesla in adapting its business model and product portfolio to evolving consumer needs.
Technological advancements and innovation are central to Tesla’s competitive strategy and market positioning. The rapid pace of technological change, including developments in battery technology, autonomous driving systems, and renewable energy integration, drives continuous innovation within the automotive industry. As a leader in electric vehicle technology, “Tesla leverages its expertise to pioneer advancements and maintain its competitive edge. Strategic partnerships and collaborations with technology firms further enhance Tesla’s innovation capabilities and product offerings”(Zhang, 2022). Environmental factors, particularly concerns related to climate change and air pollution, have propelled the global shift toward sustainable transportation solutions. Tesla’s zero-emission electric vehicles, with their green energy intake, align perfectly with environmental aspirations and potential legal policies aimed at lowering carbon emissions. It is expected that the market for electric motors could increase because of the growing emphasis placed on environmental sustainability by governments and customers. This will provide Tesla with possibilities for development in the end.
Numerous prison variables, such as rule compliance, intellectual property safety, and potential lawsuits, shape Tesla’s operating environment and legal responsibilities. Tesla places a high priority on adhering to all relevant automobile protection requirements, emissions guidelines, and product legal responsibility guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of its vehicles, as well as to safeguard itself from potential legal consequences. In addition, the safety of highbrow property rights is a good way to secure Tesla’s inventions and to make certain that the organization continues to have an aggressive presence in the marketplace. Additionally, prison conflicts or regulatory troubles, along with those connected to automobile recalls or protection probes, have the ability to have an effect on the economic performance and reputation of the firm.
“Porter’s Five Forces analysis provides further information into Tesla’s competitive dynamics and industry structure. The threat of new entrants to the electric vehicle market is relatively low due to high barriers to entry, including significant capital requirements, technological expertise, and brand recognition”(Qin, 2022). Tesla’s strong brand reputation, technological leadership, and established market presence serve as barriers to entry for potential competitors (Qin, 2022). However, the intensity of rivalry among existing competitors, including traditional automakers and emerging electric vehicle manufacturers, remains high. Competition in the electric vehicle market is characterized by innovation, product differentiation, and aggressive marketing strategies.
According to Han (2022), “The bargaining power of buyers in the electric vehicle market varies depending on factors such as product differentiation, pricing, and customer loyalty”. While Tesla enjoys a loyal customer base and strong brand loyalty, buyers have access to alternative electric vehicle options from competing manufacturers, giving them some degree of bargaining power. Moreover, the availability of government incentives, subsidies, and charging infrastructure can influence buyer purchasing decisions and bargaining power (Han, 2022). Tesla’s reliance on key suppliers for critical components such as batteries and electric drive trains may expose it to supplier bargaining power, particularly if suppliers have limited competition or proprietary technology. However, Tesla’s size, scale, and vertical integration initiatives enable it to mitigate supplier power to some extent.
The threat of substitutes in the electric vehicle market arises from alternative modes of transportation, including internal combustion engine vehicles, public transportation, and alternative fuel technologies. While electric vehicles offer environmental benefits and cost savings over conventional vehicles, substitutes such as hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and emerging mobility solutions pose competitive threats to Tesla’s market share. However, Tesla’s focus on innovation, brand differentiation, and ecosystem integration helps differentiate its offerings and reduce the threat of substitutes. The threat of potential entrants into adjacent markets, such as energy storage, renewable energy, and autonomous driving technologies, presents both opportunities and challenges for Tesla. As the automotive industry converges with technology and energy sectors, Tesla’s diverse product portfolio and technological expertise position it to capitalize on emerging market trends and expand into new business areas (Nation, 2019). However, increased competition and regulatory complexities in adjacent markets may pose challenges to Tesla’s growth and diversification strategies.
SWOT and TOWS Analysis
The internal and external analyses of Tesla reveal critical visions into the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which can be summarized through a SWOT analysis and further explored using a TOWS matrix. “Tesla’s core strength lies in its relentless pursuit of technological innovation, particularly in electric vehicle technology, battery technology, and autonomous driving systems. This innovation leadership enables Tesla to differentiate its products and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Tesla enjoys a strong brand reputation and widespread recognition as a pioneer in sustainable transportation solutions”(Thomas et al., 2021). The brand’s association with innovation, environmental sustainability, and luxury further enhances its market appeal and customer loyalty. Tesla operates more efficiently and cost-effectively by vertically integrating manufacturing, energy storage, and renewable energy solutions. This gives the firm more control over its supply chain, production processes, and product quality.
Manufacturing constraints, quality control concerns, and supply chain interruptions have delayed car deliveries and raised prices for Tesla. Manufacturing issues have strained Tesla’s finances and impeded its ability to satisfy demand. Government incentives, subsidies, and electric car regulations drive Tesla’s sales and profitability. Changing government laws or expiring incentives might hurt Tesla’s sales and revenue (Qin, 2022).Tesla mostly sells electric cars. This lack of product diversification exposes Tesla to risks associated with market saturation, shifting consumer preferences, and technological disruptions in the automotive industry.
The increasing worldwide focus on environment conservation and clean energy solutions presents an essential opportunity for Tesla to capitalize on growing demand for electric vehicles. As governments and consumers prioritize the transition to electric transportation, Tesla can expand its market reach and sales volume. Tesla’s expertise in energy storage, renewable energy, and autonomous driving technologies positions it to explore new business opportunities beyond the automotive sector. Through leveraging its technological capabilities and brand recognition, Tesla can diversify its revenue streams and enter adjacent markets. Tesla has significant opportunities for international expansion, particularly in emerging markets with growing demand for electric vehicles and supportive regulatory environments(Qin, 2022). By establishing local production facilities, expanding charging infrastructure, and tailoring its product offerings to regional preferences, Tesla can capture market share and drive revenue growth globally.
Classic automakers, electric car startups, and technology companies joining the automobile sector compete with Tesla. Tesla faces market share and profitability problems from fast technical improvements, strong marketing, and pricing rivalry. Regulatory issues including pollution, safety, and trade policies might affect Tesla’s company, production, and market access (Dudovskiy, 2021). Tesla faces geopolitical uncertainty and changing regulatory constraints worldwide. Due to its dependence on a few suppliers for batteries and electrical components, Tesla is vulnerable to supply chain difficulties including shortages, quality issues, and pricing changes. Supply chain issues may delay manufacturing, raise prices, and hinder Tesla’s ability to satisfy demand.
TOWS Analysis
Tesla can capitalize on worldwide electric car demand with its technology and brand recognition. By expanding its product offerings, enhancing production capacity, and investing in international expansion, Tesla can strengthen its market leadership and drive revenue growth. Addressing production challenges and diversifying its product portfolio would enable Tesla to capitalize on opportunities in emerging markets and adjacent industries such as energy storage and renewable energy. By improving operational efficiency and reducing dependence on government incentives, Tesla can enhance its competitiveness and sustainability. Tesla’s technological innovation and vertical integration capabilities position it to mitigate competitive threats and regulatory risks(Bhardwaj, 2020). It is possible for Tesla to correctly cope with regulatory difficulties and protect its marketplace role against competition if the organization maintains innovation and differentiates its merchandise.
In order for Tesla to offset the dangers related to extreme competition and regulatory uncertainty, it is essential for the enterprise to deal with vulnerabilities in its supply chain and reduce its dependency on government subsidies. Through the diversification of its dealer base, the enhancement of satisfactory management methods, and the optimization of manufacturing methods, Tesla is capable of increasing its resistance to outside threats and reducing the dangers associated with its supply chain. In order to improve its competitive position, sustainability, and lengthy-term achievement inside the dynamic automobile region, Tesla conducts SWOT and TOWS assessments, which emphasize the company’s strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and threats. These studies provide strategic insights from which the company may also improve its function.
Selection of Strategy
Strategic Option 1: Product Diversification
As an example of product diversification, Anderson et al. (2022) say that Tesla is expanding its product line beyond electric cars to include complementary items in the electricity field, such as renewable electricity systems, electricity storage solutions, and related technology. It is feasible for Tesla to reduce its reliance on the car enterprise, capitalize on new possibilities within the power area, and increase its income streams if it diversifies the product variety it offers. Due to the global shift towards renewable electricity and ecologically responsible generation, Tesla has the potential to become a significant player in the power sector. As the call for solar panels, strong storage structures, and clever grid technology maintains upward thrust, Tesla has the possibility to capitalize on its logo and technological expertise so as to stabilize a larger portion of the market in these particular classes.
The key strengths that Tesla possesses in the areas of software improvement, electric powered powertrains, and battery era provide a stable platform for the corporation’s expansion into the strength enterprise. Tesla is capable of developing particular solutions for the generation, storage, and distribution of renewable strength through the use of its modern-day technology and capabilities. This allows the business enterprise to create synergies throughout its product. The company’s diversification into the electricity industry enables Tesla to reduce its reliance on vehicle sales and achieve a more balanced earnings stream (Dudovskiy, 2021). Tesla is able to steady habitual earnings streams from residential, commercial, and utility-scale customers by providing plenty of strong items and offerings. This enables the organization to enhance its monetary stability and make certain of its long-term viability.
Tesla can expand its solar energy business by offering integrated solar panel systems for residential and commercial applications. Leveraging its acquisition of SolarCity, Tesla can develop next-generation solar panels with improved efficiency, durability, and aesthetics, while integrating them with energy storage solutions such as Powerwall and Powerpack. Tesla can further develop its energy storage business by introducing advanced battery storage systems for residential, commercial, and grid-scale applications. By enhancing the performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of its energy storage products, Tesla can address the growing demand for reliable backup power, load shifting, and grid stabilization solutions. “Tesla can invest in smart grid technologies and demand response solutions to optimize energy consumption, reduce peak demand, and improve grid reliability”(Nation, 2019). By integrating its energy storage systems with intelligent software platforms, Tesla can enable customers to participate in demand-side management programs and monetize their energy assets.
Strategic Option 2: Market Expansion
“Market expansion involves entering new geographic markets and segments within the automotive industry to increase Tesla’s global presence and market share”(Khan, 2021). By expanding into untapped regions and market segments, Tesla can diversify its customer base, drive sales growth, and mitigate risks associated with market saturation and regulatory changes. Despite its global presence, Tesla has yet to penetrate several key automotive markets, including emerging economies in Asia, Africa, and South America(Liu, 2022). By expanding into these untapped regions, Tesla can access new customer segments, capitalize on growing demand for electric vehicles, and establish a foothold in strategic markets.
Tesla can diversify its product portfolio by targeting specific market segments, such as commercial fleets, luxury car buyers, and urban commuters. By offering tailored products and services for different customer segments, Tesla can address diverse needs and preferences, expand its customer base, and drive sales volume. Many countries are implementing “policies and incentives to promote electric vehicle adoption, including subsidies, tax incentives, and emissions regulations”. By strategically expanding into markets with supportive regulatory environments, Tesla can leverage government support to accelerate sales growth, reduce market entry barriers, and gain a competitive advantage.
Tesla can prioritize market entry into key growth markets, such as China, India, and Brazil, where demand for electric vehicles is rapidly increasing. By establishing local manufacturing facilities, distribution networks, and charging infrastructure, Tesla can localize its operations, minimize logistical costs, and better serve regional customers. Tesla can target commercial fleets and rental companies as a strategic customer segment for its electric vehicles (Dudovskiy, 2021). By offering fleet discounts, leasing options, and fleet management services, Tesla can incentivize fleet operators to transition to electric vehicles, reduce their carbon footprint, and achieve cost savings over the vehicle lifecycle.Tesla can develop urban mobility solutions tailored to the needs of urban commuters, such as compact electric vehicles, ride-sharing platforms, and autonomous taxis. By addressing urban transportation challenges, such as traffic congestion and air pollution, Tesla can position itself as a leader in sustainable urban mobility and capture market share in densely populated cities.
SAF Tool Analysis
The SAF (Suitability, Acceptability, Feasibility) tool is utilized to assess the suitability, acceptability, and feasibility of the proposed strategic options for Tesla. The product diversification method that has been supplied is in line with Tesla’s core capabilities, which are within the areas of technological innovation and solutions for renewable electricity. Tesla is able to effectively join the strong industry and seize new market possibilities by capitalizing on its information and the status of its emblem. Tesla finds the method of market expansion suitable as it allows the company to enter unexplored areas, expand its customer base, and profit from the growing global demand for electric cars. The expansion of Tesla into vital areas and classes has the ability to each generate sales increases and enhances the corporation’s position within the aggressive panorama (Shao et al., 2021). The counseled plan is probable to be acceptable to Tesla’s stakeholders, which include customers, buyers, and the workforce, since it is in line with the objective of the firm, which is to speed up the transition to sustainable electricity. Tesla is capable of growing its brand cost and popularity by presenting new power solutions, which will increase the probability that stakeholders will guide the enterprise.
In addition, the strategy of marketplace growth is acceptable to Tesla’s stakeholders because it permits the firm to capture new probabilities within the market and produce fees for its proprietors. Tesla is able to expose its commitment to lengthy-term improvement and profitability by expanding into high-growth regions and purchaser classes over the course of its expansion. According to Li (2023), the viability of the product diversification plan is contingent upon Tesla’s capacity to create and promote new energy items and offerings in a way that is both cost-effective and efficient. It is important for Tesla to make investments in studies and improvements, production capabilities, and distribution networks in an effort to nicely execute the plan and create sustainable growth possibilities. Tesla’s ability to establish local companies, foster relationships, and effectively navigate regulatory challenges in target areas is crucial for the success of its market expansion plan. In order for Tesla to efficiently execute the plan, it’s important for the corporation to nicely manipulate its resources, reduce the risks associated with its operations, and alter its business model to meet the requirements of the nearby marketplace.
The SAF evaluation determined that both of Tesla’s strategic alternatives—product diversification and market enlargement—were appropriate, proper, and sensible. On the other hand, the marketplace expansion method appears to hold greater potential for fostering sustainable improvements and introducing new prices in the short to medium term. This is due to the fact that the marketplace growth method takes into consideration Tesla’s present-day capabilities, the dynamics of the marketplace, and the growth goals. As a major strategic alternative, marketplace growth must be Tesla’s top priority. The organization needs to use its emblem name, technical know-how, and regulatory backing if it wants to penetrate new geographic areas and purchaser classes. In the fast-growing car zone, Tesla has the potential to increase its competitive role, generate income growth, and obtain long-term sustainability if it strategically expands and seizes possibilities within the marketplace.
Putting into action Challenges and Suggestions Regarding Tesla’s Alternate Strategic Courses of Action
The implementation of strategic options for Tesla, together with expanding their marketplace and diversifying their product offerings, presents the corporation with a number of problems. It is crucial to take appropriate measures to address these issues, as this will enhance the likelihood of effectively executing the implemented plan. To effectively implement Tesla’s strategic plans, addressing the need for primary infrastructure development, particularly within the electricity sector, is crucial. It could be essential for Tesla to build production centers, distribution networks, and provider facilities for power goods like solar panels and power storage systems in an effort to diversify its product offerings. In a comparable vein, as a way to expand its marketplace, Tesla would need to make investments in new geographic regions to establish charging infrastructure, sales outlets, and service facilities.
Through the formation of strategic alliances with properly-mounted companies within the strength and automobile industries, Tesla is capable of reducing the problems related to the development of infrastructure. By operating together with local producers, vendors, and carrier carriers, Tesla is able to take advantage of the infrastructure and information that already exists, which allows the enterprise to decrease its capital fees and speed up its market transition. In addition, Tesla is able to make use of government subsidies and incentives in an effort to promote efforts touching on infrastructure development. It is possible for Tesla to campaign for favorable rules, tax incentives, and presents to support the growth of charging infrastructure, manufacturing centers, and renewable electricity projects if the corporation engages with lawmakers and regulatory bodies.
The regulatory compliance and market right of entry to regulations that Tesla faces, especially in new geographic international locations, are another key issue that the enterprise faces while considering its strategic options. Because different areas have unique rules, standards, and certification requirements for electricity items and electric motors, Tesla finds it challenging to navigate the regulatory environment and secure the necessary permissions for market entry. It is viable for Tesla to triumph over troubles associated with regulatory compliance through extensive market studies and making efforts to localize its products (Shao et al., 2021). By gaining a close understanding of neighborhood regulation, patron possibilities, and the dynamics of the marketplace, Tesla is capable of efficaciously altering its items, offerings, and enterprise operations to suit the requirements of regulatory agencies and the expectations of its customers. In addition, Tesla has the capability to engage in proactive engagement with stakeholders, such as authorities, corporations, industry companies, and community companies, so as to conquer regulatory problems and market-front impediments.By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, Tesla can build trust, credibility, and goodwill with regulators and stakeholders, facilitating smoother market entry and regulatory compliance.
Implementing strategic options such as product diversification and market expansion requires a skilled workforce with expertise in diverse areas, including technology development, sales and marketing, and regulatory compliance. However, attracting and retaining top talent in competitive industries such as renewable energy and automotive can be challenging, particularly in specialized fields such as battery technology and energy storage. Tesla can address talent acquisition and training challenges by investing in talent development programs, including recruitment, training, and career development initiatives(Li, 2023). By offering competitive salaries, benefits, and career advancement opportunities, Tesla can attract and retain top talent in key areas such as engineering, research, and product development.Tesla can also establish partnerships with educational institutions, research organizations, and industry associations to cultivate a pipeline of talent in critical areas such as battery technology, renewable energy, and electric vehicle engineering. By collaborating with academia and industry partners, Tesla can access cutting-edge research, talent pools, and innovation ecosystems to support its strategic objectives.
Implementing strategic options such as product diversification and market expansion requires cultural alignment and change management to ensure organizational cohesion, agility, and resilience. However, driving cultural change and aligning diverse teams around common goals and values can be challenging, particularly in large, complex organizations such as Tesla.Tesla’s leadership team should demonstrate a strong commitment to cultural alignment and change management by articulating a clear vision, values, and strategic priorities. By leading by example and championing cultural change initiatives, Tesla’s leaders can inspire confidence, trust, and engagement among employees at all levels of the organization. To cultivate a way of life that values transparency, cooperation, and innovation, Tesla needs to make employee involvement and communication an outstanding priority. Tesla has the potential to empower its people to accept change, adapt to new demanding situations, and contribute to the organization’s success by soliciting input from employees, including personnel in decision-making processes, and communicating clearly about strategic goals and performance standards. If Tesla addresses the identified implementation problems and implements the highly recommended measures, it can increase the likelihood of successfully executing its approach and effectively pursuing its strategic goals.
The purpose of this paper is to offer a detailed view of Tesla’s strategic plan, with a particular emphasis on the organization’s objectives, records, and main areas of attention. We employ several techniques, such as PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and SWOT evaluation, to identify strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and threats. We recognize Tesla’s precise merchandise, sturdy emblem popularity, and visionary management as strengths on the enterprise’s internal side, while we investigate market developments, regulatory environments, and competitive dynamics on the external side. The paper shows two one-of-a-kind strategic possibilities for Tesla, namely expanding into new markets and diversifying their product services. Using Tesla’s core strengths in electric-powered vehicles and renewable electricity, the product diversification plan intends to provide additional items consisting of solar panels, energy storage systems, and electric planes. Tesla can achieve this by leveraging its core competencies. Through the implementation of the market growth method, the goal is to expand into new customer groups and geographic areas to be able to enhance sales and marketplace proportion.
The paper mentions additional implementation-related limitations. These problems consist of the construction of infrastructure, compliance with regulatory necessities, skill acquisition, cultural alignment, and trade management. For the purpose of overcoming these hurdles and driving strategic fulfillment, the recommendations place an emphasis on strategic alliances, market studies, expertise improvement, leadership commitment, worker engagement, and communication. This study provide Tesla with a thorough plan that includes actionable insights and recommendations to assist the agency in negotiating the intricacies of the automobile and renewable electricity sectors for you to achieve long-term sustainable development and success.

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