Question 1:
Scope creep is often a hump in achieving project success. The ethics of pro0ject management prompt managers to avoid instances of scope creep in the entire life cycle of the project6; during its build-up and subsequent use. Avoidance of scope creep in project management tags along several benefits in building the project and in ensuring workability (Donnelly, 2017). It is important to avoid scope creep because it provides room for project dynamicity. Even in the event of prior analysis of the project scope, it is possible that the project plan may fall victim to changes in the build-up time or even later after completion. Avoiding scope creep ensures that the project can adjust to any changes in its lifetime.
Question Two:
– Determined: High level business owners have clear-cut visions and stick to the beneficial path.
– Goal-oriented: High level business owners know what is expected of them and the business
– Confident: High level business owners portray confidence in their relationships with other stakeholders.
– Passionate: High level business owners are passionate about their business.
– Financial Efficiency: High level business owners can take care of the business’ funds to ensure success.

Question Three:
According to Kochhar et al., (2015), most developers prefer to perform their tasks at night. In the morning hours of workdays, most developers are often tired from the night-long stints. Resultantly, it would not be wised to bother developers at the morning hours.
Question Four:
The joke of the Pigs vs. Chickens is an insightful one in the field of business. The joke primarily portrays devotion to a project piece. The ham from the pig and the egg from the chicken are used in producing a dish. Despite both products contributing to the final dish, the pig has to go through a lot in producing the ham as opposed to the chicken that only lays the eggs. To me, the joke means that for a project to succeed, there has to be a strong team that commits to the success journey.
Question Five:
The subject matter expert is responsible for providing and disseminating knowledge and know-how in the project’s subject matter expert makes sure that the content of the project is relatable to the subject of the project.
Question Six:
Technical requirements refer to the technical inputs needed in the project development phase. Technical requirements encompass efficiency, reliability and availability of the technical aspects of the project. Business requirements, on the other hand, are the important activities that must be achieved by parties involved in the project build-up.

Question Seven:
The SCRUM team brings together three members; the product owner, the scrum master and the development team. The three parties each have specific roles in the team. Resultantly, the SCRUM Team only plays three roles in alignment with the member groups of the team.
Question Eight:
Software projects usually fail because of several reasons that include:
– Unrealistic deadlines: A project may fail due to insufficient timeframes allocated for its completion.
– Unavailability of resources: A successful; projects needs prior availability of resources. In the event of inadequacy or unavailability of r5esources, a project may fail badly.
– Incompetent project manager: The project manager has the task of overseeing all the activities involved in the project build-up. An incompetent project manager may cause the project to fail.
– Lack of dynamicity: Projects that cannot welcome and accommodate change usually fail.
Question Nine:
Continuous integration in the process of software development is the process of bringing together code changes from different contributors to form a single software project. The release team is important in the event of larger apps and organizations since it is responsible for the planning, scheduling introduction and controlling the software project.

Donnelly, L. F. (2017). Avoiding failure: tools for successful and sustainable quality-improvement projects. Pediatric Radiology, 47(7), 793-797.
Kochhar, P. S., Thung, F., Nagappan, N., Zimmermann, T., & Lo, D. (2015, April). Understanding the test automation culture of app developers. In 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.

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