Social justice policy


Social justice policy
Social policies are concerned with the way a society works towards solving human problems in regards to the needs that are pertinent within the group. This is in regards to the states and societies efforts towards solving social issues. Some major issues that propel the need for social policies include, security, employment, justice, poverty, migration among others. This paper is focused on social justice as an inherent problem that has persisted in the US and the global community. Social injustices appear in many different forms; this are racism, sexuality and gender discrimination, Child welfare and age. This issues are a global problem that need address as seen through the scope of this paper.
Values evident in policy
The social justice policy is based on values that are meant in ensuring all problems that are engaged society are solved amicably (Betts, 2021). This involves a set of five values that compose the steps actualizing a just society that promotes development if every individual in their ways and liking. To strengthen the weight of a policy, this values are mentored on deliberative procedures ensuring rightful practices in the making and execution. First is access. This employs that every individual should be able to access their needs in a manner that regards the differences that are pertinent to every individual. This is in regards to social-economic positioning that puts individuals at different levels in society. Secondly is equity. It dictates that individuals’ needs are diverse and the efforts to solve them require different measures and resources. Therefore, the efforts needed to empower one individual will not be the same as another’s, hence the need to equate proportionally.
Third is diversity. This employs actions that ensure that differences in terms of race, education level or sexuality and gender are put under consideration in public administration offices. Fourth is participation. This value requires that policy-making strategies to engage all groups in the context of solution-finding. This measure ensures that there is no room for discrimination since it includes a joint effort by the society to which it will take effect. Lastly are human rights. This is considered as an important component of social justice (Kent State Online, 2020). Human rights are universal and accorded to all. A collection of this values sets the foundation for the creation of social policies towards solving social injustices.
Social justice policy target groups
The principle aim of social justice policies is to eliminate discriminatory practices at all levels of society. As much as the worldwide perspective insists on equality for all and provision of human rights, many groups continue to be victims of injustices that contradict the global goals. This groups include; racially discriminated communities in the form of slavery, stereotyping and segregation. The black and Muslims communities have been subject to this prevalence especially in the western world countries; the aged who have been set apart by the community in regards to lack of employment opportunities and forced early retirements and Women and the LGBTQ community, advanced through oppression (Bretts, 2021).
Women have been subject to low wages in comparison to their male counterparts in similar work environments .The LGBTQ community on the other hand is subjected to legislative processes that deny the rights to free will. (Bretts , 2021). All this groups are considered as minorities in policy making. To this effect, it is important that their needs and problems be addressed to rid dissatisfaction and ensure equality and equity.
Statistics supporting social justice policy
Over the years, researchers have been able to present data in regards to social injustices that have had a prolonged effect on certain minority groups in society. Racism is known to have begun many centuries ago and is still continuing even in this modern age. Records show that this social problem was abolished with the end of the American Civil war. However, the present day statistics shows alarming evidence of the problems related to the same. In the US, the black community has been ignored on matters of economic progress and protection of their rights and liberties (Maryville University, 2020).
The statistics show that the whites are seven times wealthier as compared to the blacks’ .Furthermore, the rights of the black community have been compromised at various levels of institutions such as the police. It shows that a black person has higher likelihoods of being arrested compared to the whites and 3.5 time more likely to be shot and killed in the process. In 2015, the Supreme Court put off all marriage bans on same marriage .However, prior to that the LGBTQ +community had been subject to arbitrary arrests and prosecutions for on the basis of sexuality (Maryville University, 2020) This data provides much relevance for the need of social justice policies that will ensure an end and equip the minority groups with the tools necessary to develop their societies.
Discrimination is a general term that is used to explain the inequalities within society. This is in regards to all human interactions that elevate one specific group at the expense of the other. Most cases of discrimination relate to race, gender and sexuality. This aligns with the legal definitions which provision for the upholding of human civil rights and liberties. Both terms have made remarkable efforts in clarifying the extent of this problem. Social injustices have been on the increase as more interactions bring forth many forms of discrimination increase. This include health care, public institutions and education (Bhugra, 2016). Recent years have seen the rise of activism and protests such as the Black lives matter movement and LGBTQ+ protests.
The most important values against discrimination are equality and equity. Equality dictates that every individual should be accorded the same respect and opportunities as everyone else. Equity involves providing each individual with the necessary support in terms of resources and capabilities for self-development within a group or society of differentiated people. Religious values refers to humans being a representation of God and thus the diversity is a symbol of His many forms. Furthermore, they insist on obedience of the law and living in peace with fellow men.
The societal values align to two dimensions of outlook. This are based on materialism and non- materialism and secondly religiosity and hedonistic system. This two dimensions proclaim the values and virtues and insist on the two being equally important in that they either console or condone discrimination. Personal values are dependent on the individuals’ point of view and background (Lins, et al, 2017). This are the elements of growth and development that substantially contribute to attitudes of discrimination.
The theories of discrimination align with modes through which they are perpetrated. There are three modes which discrimination is advanced. This are; explicit discrimination which are verbal sentiments or actions that are targeted to a specific person who are within or outside the context of the act, automatic discrimination which involves attitudes and preconceptions which affect the behavior of towards a group and profiling which involves an individual of organization making decision with regards to an Individual based In others from the same group. Discrimination has various consequences regarding the personal and institutional contexts. To an. Individual, it results in anger, fear and self-doubt especially in situations that are similar to earlier discrimination. In the institutions it results in destruction of bonds and destroys unison approaches day to day activities (NAP, 2021).
Over time, legal measures have been advanced in regards. This laws stipulate clearly against all forms of discrimination in workplaces, institutions or other places of employment. They state that discrimination on the basis of age race, sex, political alignments or sexuality are to be considered offences and adequate measures should be taken against it. An example is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967(Federal Trade Commission, 2019).
There have also been legislative laws instituted in regards to discrimination. An example is the New Jersey’s proposed amendment. This legislation is specifically mentored to change employment and business in regards to discrimination. Under this amendments, it states that there should be mandatory nondiscriminatory trainings and policies. It further avails room for submission of formal complaints against past discrimination. The institutionalized method applied in this legislation aims at developing relations within the workplace and offer avenues advocating for victims. The failure to apply this legislation is provisioned as a legal matter that would involve pursuing lawsuits in courts with assistance of the government through the attorney general (McDowell, 2021).
The goals of this laws is to ensure nondiscrimination. This advanced through promotion of equality and equity in all aspects of society. This will in return give satisfaction to the minority and marginalized groups that have been subject to those acts .Furthermore it will allow a change in public perception attitudes that curtail this behaviors in society. The eligibility for application of this laws exempts certain contexts. To start with, the age discrimination act, a person can be denied employment, in the cases that requires fundamental documents that the individual is unable to provide. The second exemption relates to disability .This regards the decision made in not hiring a physically disabled individual due to workability challenges they may encounter in the workplace (Australian Government, 2020). Under this laws, clarity on the issue of discrimination and steps are approached to get justice.
Social justice policy
Social justice refers to a philosophical political perspective that aims at promoting equality and equity in relations to wealth, resources opportunities and human rights privileges. In this regards, it seeks to analyze problems and needs of concerns, and offer amicable solutions to ensure justice to victims and a way forwards focused on an end((CFI ,2021) .The term came about during the industrial revolution of the 19th century that sought to ensure an end to exploitation of marginalized groups.
This policy is based on five principles which have been mentioned earlier on as provision of access to resources, equity, participation, diversity and human rights. The implementation of this social justice policies is dependent on governmental initiatives to enact them .However, activism has been a major contributor towards creation of awareness on the civil liberties of an individual and the responsibilities of the government. Furthermore, there exists many forms through which people can pursue social justice (CFI, 2021). Some of this means are government subsidies, protected legal status and wealth and income redistribution.
Social justice delivery system
Social justice as seen earlier is a tool. That is purposely focused on eradicating discriminatory practices in society. This is achieved through various systems of operations. This streams of providing Justice involve individual, institutions and government initiatives to ensure their applicability in solving the problem. The individual contribution to this system of delivery involves their daily interactions with instances to which they have to make an appeal in applaud or concern. Individuals must first develop the rightful attitude towards none discriminatory practices. This involves learning on social justice issues and advancing their knowledge through various channels to receive and share information. Furthermore, the individual has the responsibility to shun practices of discrimination within society. The institutions and governments offer a system through which social justice can be achieved. The government makes and enacts laws through which institutions are supposed to adhere to and ensure those within them conform .In this case, provisions on employments in regards to race, age, sexuality and gender are supposed to be upheld and further measures sought to provide oversight though which social justice can be applied within the activities(Kansas University ,20200.
In recent years, financial markets have come up as contributing elements towards ensuring social justice systems and promoting positive outcomes. This interventions have come amid protests disrupting the markets. Measures taken have introduced means of creating an integrated market that is open to all. Furthermore, they have been instrumental in providing funds for social justice projects (Braun, 2020). This have helped the programs be able to support victims and further provide forums in which discussions on the ways to curtail and bring an end to discrimination can be advanced.
The feasibility of social justice politically, socially and economically
The efforts derived from individuals, institutions and the governments have done essential progress towards promoting better ethical measures against discrimination. The political contributions of social justice have been extensive as over the years, more people have been able to get a grip on their civil liberties and rights promoting s more enlightened approach .The social aspect has been the provision of better health care, the protection of people with disabilities, protection against gender, sexuality and race discrimination. This had been problems that proved to be compelling challenges on minority and marginalized groups (Tulane University, 2020). The economic aspect has been the provision of equal economic benefits allowing for employment ventures which do not disregard individuals on the basis of any discriminatory context.
The policy is ideally a part of the social work and is an integral component in the activities carried out by a worker on daily basis. The task involves advising and caring for the oppressed in the society. This groups of minorities include the poor, homeless and harassed individuals .It is the task of the worker to provide the individual with the necessary information relevant to their case and seek assistance from the relevant bodies. The promotion of human dignity is also a core value that social work is instituted on. This ensures that each individual is afforded to respect and dignity (Tulane University, 2020).The work involves eliminating all forms of discriminatory practices and advancing equality and equity in the society. This are essential values in social work that are founding elements towards achieving social justice.

Involvement of the target population in social justice policy.
Public administration has taken new measures towards employing the use of public participation in the creation of policies. It is important to note that within the public are both victims and agents of social justice and the functionality of creating a forum to offer contribution is important. This particular use of target population requires a selection of highly intellect individuals who provide resources information in regards to the needs and problems that require the solutions. With the increasing stress on democratic practices, this chips in providing the population with satisfaction in the policy, since it will provide the necessary deliberation as according to their unison suggestions.(Commonwealth parliament ,2014) The impacts of this policy will be extensive in ensuring the five principles of social justice, the values of social works and the legislations of the government. This include economic, political and social benefits.
Improvements needed to the policy
Research conducted on the social justice policy shows some considerable elements are missing. The process of developing the policy requires the investment of extra funds that will enable for more and adequate advocacy against discrimination .Furthermore, there should more political roles played in the promotion of social justices this is a key player in the promotion of equality and equity through legislations. The health sector has been a primary perpetrator of the discriminative practices. It is notable that most country offer insurance and health cover funds .However, some good health care is not available to all as it is limited to the well-off, which is contributed by unequal opportunities and political influences. This improvements would provide the missing entities against discrimination(Bretts ,2020).
The values credited to the new improvements would be adequately engage the social justice policy. To begin with the promotion of human dignity from discrimination to enhanced awareness. This particular value will enable the minority groups to receive the adequate representation necessary for the ensuring that rights and liberties are upheld. Secondly is the value of preservation of human life. With the improved healthcare requirements that accords all individuals devoid of differences in wealth and political influences. Equity and equality values are also promoted by giving equal chances for opportunities to individuals regardless of background and lifestyle choices.
Policy enactment strategy and process
Policy enactments refers to the acquisition of permits. The enacting and implementation of this policy involves the governmental and non-government agencies endorsing it as legally binding. To begin with, the policy requires an official authorization to be identified as a draft document, which in this particular case is the government. In follow-up to this is the stakeholders consent to the policy. This involves a large number of contributing parties who are engaged directly and indirectly with the social justice policy draft. This are engage the civil liberty movements groups who are engaged in protests and legal feuds that align to the missions of the policy, the LGBTQ+ which have their own share of activities and have put extensive efforts towards ensuring their rights and those of other minority groups are addressed and representatives of other minority groups such the black community, the disabled and the poor who will accredit it(CDCP ,2021) .With this in place, the policy is now presented to the government. Here the legislative functions take up the task of processing and enacting the document as an official document. With all those in place, the social justice policy will be officially a document of that is legally binding and conventional.
Social injustices have been a rising problem that has seen majority of the world population being faced by trivial instances on the basis of their differences. Age, sexuality, gender, race, language color, nationalism and political opinion just to mention a few have been the cause of this disparity. Many people have suffered extensively. As a result of this discriminatory practices, it has become necessary to take up measures that ensure the prolonged nature if this actions comes to a defensive end. This is achieved by the creation of social justice policies that aim to level the ground and offer a point at which all minority groups can present their grievances and have rightful measures taken
Through the institution of this policy, all the minority groups will receive an advocacy document that will refer to all relevant issues that have not be addressed earlier and possibly force a redress to statutes and legislations that are focused at solving the ail prevalent in society. As presented in the discussion, all groups are neither different nor at loss of their heritage. Therefore, the propagation of profiling and stereotyping individuals based on their backgrounds is irrelevant as personal capabilities and needs are of utmost importance.

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