EARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY2.0 IntroductionThis research had an aim of investigating the impact of Covid -19 on selected SMEs. Covid-19 had an impact on the survival of SMEs, growth and its sustainability. By using a wide research designs and methodology, this study aimed at providing insight to the challenges that were faced by SMEs during the Covid-19 period and highlighting the strategies that were employed in the post Covid-19 recovery.2.1 Detailed description of the Systemic Approach and ProceduresDuring the actual study, mixed research design was used. This means that both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. This method enabled researchers to get a comprehensive report of the impact of COVID-19 on SMEs and the strategies that were used in the recovery period. Mixed research method which involves use of both qualitative and quantitative research design was used, the methods while used together they provide a comprehensive report on the subject of study (Doringe, 2020: 12). Quantitative research design enabled researchers to get the statistical analysis of the impact of Covid while qualitative research method provided a detailed analysis of the challenges that SMEs experienced during that period. By using both quantitative and qualitative method, a detailed explanation of the strategies that were employed during the pandemic to enable the SMEs overcome the sudden economic shock was understood (Vogl, Schmidt & Zartler, 2019: 611)In qualitative research, an in depth interview was conducted with the key stakeholders of SMEs. The stakeholders include; SMEs owners, managers and operators. This is important because they are the main players in the operation of SMEs and therefore they have a personal experience of the impact of the pandemic (Murray, 2016: 112). The stakeholders had a better explanation of the shock that SMEs experienced and they were the ones who made the decisions of the strategies that were used to counter the impact of COVID-19 (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 12). By interviewing stakeholders, was to also understand the impact of external factors such the government policies that were made during COVID-19 on the sustainability of selected SMEs. SMEs shareholders were expected to shade light on the lessons that were learned during the pandemic; the lessons learned are expected to be used in future in preparedness for an unforeseen crisis. In quantitative research, survey was conducted among a group of SMEs shareholders in order to gather quantitative data in various aspects that the research aimed at achieving. The survey was conducted by using questionnaires that major on; operational alteration, financial capabilities and performance of the SMEs and changes in the consumers behavior. The sample of SMEs representatives was selected using a stratified random sampling technique (Saundrers, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 15). This method ensured that the sample of the SMEs representatives were from different industries. The data that was collected was analyzed using the most appropriate statistical technique the SPSS to identify the impact of COVID-19 on SMEs, the impact of external factors on the survival of SMEs and the strategies that were employed in countering the impact of COVID-19 on SMEs (Vogl, Schmidt & Zartler, 2019: 611). Collection of data was done using a wide variety of methods which ensured that there is comprehensive coverage of each objective (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 17) Since both qualitative and quantitative research methods was used in the research, data collection methods such as Survey questionnaires was used, In-depth interviews was used and focus group discussions was also used.Analysis of data collected was done using a combination of both qualitative techniques and quantitative techniques. This helped in in –depth exploration of the research objectives (Flick, 2018: 12). The qualitative data that was collected by in –depth interviews and focus group discussions was analyzed using the qualitative technique. Qualitative data analysis technique provided a deeper understanding of the challenges that SMEs experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic, it as well provided a deeper understanding of the strategies that SMEs adopted during the pandemic and the recovery period as well as providing the real experience of the SMEs shareholders (Muriithi, 2021: 6). Quantitative data analysis technique was used in the analysis of data that was collected using the survey questionnaires. Appropriate quantitative techniques was used to identify the trends, patterns and any other significant pattern that is related to the impact of Covid-19. Data that was collected was analyzed using the SPSS method (Wegerif, 2020: 797).During the research process, ethical consideration was strictly adhered to. All participants participated in the research voluntarily with their confidentiality given priority. Informed consent was obtained from all the participants and they were informed of their rights during the research and that they can withdraw from the research anytime they feel like withdrawing (Muriithi, 2021: 9). All ethical guidelines was strictly followed and all the regulations that govern research that involves human subjects. Measures were put in place to ensure data security is guaranteed and this helped to prevent any breech of information (Humphreis, Neilson & Ulyssea, 2020: 8)There were potential limitation of this study. By relying on self-reported data through survey questionnaire and in-depth interview there was a possibility of bias response. Since the research was conducted within a specific timeframe and a specific geographical context, the generalizability of the findings is limited (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 19) Similar studies have been done and various methods of data collection was used including in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Survey method like the questionnaires have been widely used while collecting data because of their efficiency, scalability and standardized data (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 12). This research explored survey questionnaires because the method is efficient and the data that was collected was standard. In-depth interviews was also used in data collection although it is resource intensive enabled researchers to get an in- depth information that helped in addressing the objectives of the research (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 23). Other prior studies on the impact of Covid-19 used a case studies, it is well to use case study but it lacks generalizability. Survey questionnaire which was used in this research gave a balance between data depth and scalability and thus it was the most suitable method to use in capturing the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs (Vogl, Schmidt & Zartler, 2019: 678) 2.2 Research Philosophy Research philosophy is the researchers standing point towards the ideologies, assumptions and a set of principles that are found in the educational research. For this study, the segments that were considered were pragmatic research philosophy and constructivist research philosophy (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 19). This research had an aims of collecting data using both qualitative and quantitative methods. By using the combination in data collection, the researchers aimed at collecting a comprehensive data on the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs (Muriithi, 2021: 76). The aim of this research was to get a comprehensive insight of the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs and the strategies that SMEs used to counter the impact of the pandemic. This research study outlines the theoretical framework, methodology and research designs thus highlighting the pragmatic philosophy of research which underpins the research study (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 69) The Covid-19 outbreak affected the global economy and since the SMEs are the most vulnerable to economic shock, they were the mostly affected (United Nations, 2022: 62). This research aimed at studying the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. The study also had a goal of understanding the struggles that SMEs went through during the pandemic and the strategies that were used in the recovery. The research aimed at capturing a holistic understanding of the challenges experienced during that period and the complexity of the situation during the pandemic period and recovery period. This research study was drawn based on numerous theoretical framework which helped to guide in the investigation. One of the theories which helped in the understanding of how SMEs used their internal resources to adapt to challenges that were caused by the pandemic is called The Resource Based View (RBV) theory (Saundrers, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 67). In addition to that, institutional theory sheds light on the external pressure and constrains that SMEs face in navigating through a crisis. By integrating the two theories, the research captured the interrelation between the external factor and internal factors in shaping the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. This research study adopted a pragmatic research philosophy which put emphasis on the practicality and usefulness of the research outcomes (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 23) Pragmatism philosophy recognizes that it is important to combine different research methods so as to gain a holistic understanding of a complex concept or phenomena (ITC, 2020:5). By combining both qualitative and quantitative research methods the research aimed at understanding the complex phenomena of the impact of Covid-19 on the SMEs and strategies used in recovery (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 76). Pragmatic research philosophy acknowledges the need to address problems in the real- world that SMEs faced and provides recommendations that are practical. The research findings should be reliable, valid and also relevant and applicable to the SMEs context which are struggling with post Covid-19 impact (Dladla, 2021: 65). This philosophy acknowledges the importance of involving stakeholders and ensure that research outcomes are not only accessible but also relevant to the SMEs stakeholders and policy makers. By using the pragmatic approach, this research had an aim at narrowing the gap between theory and practice thus contributing to their future preparedness (Humphreis, Neilson & Ulyssea, 2020: 42) Constructivist research philosophy was also be employed in this research study. By using this philosophy, the aim was to understand the subjective experiences and socially constructed realities that SMEs used in response to crisis (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 46). In this research study, the theoretical framework was outlined and research methodology and design which highlights the constructivist philosophy of research. Constructivist paradigm was drawn in this research which was useful in guiding the investigation. This philosophy acknowledges that reality is socially constructed through human perceptions, interpretations and interactions (Saundrers, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 77). By using this philosophy, this proposal had an aim of exploring how SMEs make sense of and the respond to the impact of Covid-19 while taking into considerations of the individual, organization and societal factors that shape their experiences. Qualitative research design was used to capture the subjective experience and interpretation of SMEs (Muriithi, 2021: 34). Semi- structural interviews were conducted on SMEs shareholders. Through the interviews, participants were expected to share their challenges, experiences and strategies that were used in response to Covid-19 impact. Additionally, analysis of questionnaires was done which helped in comprehensive analysis of impact of the pandemic on SMEs. By embracing constructivist philosophy, it was evident that realities and experiences of SMEs are shaped by their unique context, perception and social interaction. This philosophy also recognizes that interactions, bias and interpretation plays a major role in shaping the findings (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 54)2.3 Research Strategy This research study had an aim of conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on the SMEs. By understanding the impact, the research aimed at understanding the strategies that were used by SMEs in the recovery period. The research used a mixed method approach as a research strategy to achieve the objectives. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Survey questionnaires were administered to participants, questionnaire was the best method to use here because it provided efficient and standardized data (Doringe, 2020: 82). In-depth interviews was also used and it is important because it gave a detailed explanation to concepts. Research objectives were put into consideration. In quantitative data collection, population was sampled using stratified sampling technique. The sample size was determined based on the desired level of confidence. Questionnaires was structured to capture relevant information on the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. The prepared questionnaires were utilized to collect quantitative data. Data was analyzed using the SPSS method (UNCTAD, 2022: 10)In qualitative data collection, main shareholders of SMEs such as the managers were sampled to participate in the study. To ensure diversity of samples, participants were from different industries and from different sizes of SMEs (Saundrers, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 77). Semi-structured interview guide was developed and the questions were open ended which allowed the participants to share in depth perspective. Video and audio recording was used with the consent of participants to capture the interview. To document non-verbal cues and contextual information detailed field note was taken. To analyze qualitative data, thematic analysis was used to identify recurrent theme and patterns (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 23) 2.4 Target Population The total number of people working in the SMEs in PAPITO TRADING (PTY) LTD is not yet confirmed by any credible source. This study research had a target of 40 respondents from the total population who are employees of SMEs and 10 owners to be in the sample. 2.5 Sample population The study had a target of 40 employees in the SMEs in PAPITO TRADING (PTY) LTD and 10 owners of SMESs to be in the sample population. 2.6 Sampling StrategySampling is the method that is used to select subjects that are to be used in data collection process (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 27). The sampling technique that was used to identify respondents is the stratified method of sampling. Stratified sampling is carried out when the total population is divided into groups called strata based on some characteristics that are common (Muriithi, 2021: 84). SMEs in PAPITO TRADING (PTY) LTD was put into informal and formal groups and the employees were interrogated to get the quantitative impact of Covid-19. Convenience sampling was also used to SMEs owners and qualitative data to measure the sustainability was be gained.The target responded margin was 50 participants with 10 SMEs owners and 40 employees. Respondents were at least 18 years old and had worked for that particular SME they are representing for at least one year. All respondents from the formal and informal SME were be considered. 2.7 Data collection and Instruments For collection of data, survey questionnaires and interviews was used. Data was also collected from existing literature. Questions were structured and open ended to allow participants to offer more explanation. While generating qualitative data from a qualitative interview, expert interviews was used. Expert interviews was used to interview SMEs owners so as to get an expert knowledge (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 23). Mixed method of data collection was used to collect data in this research study. 2.8 Data Analysis Since mixed method of data collection was used, data was analyzed in two ways. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for quantitative data analysis. The quantitative data that was collected was put into the SPSS so that it can be analyzed based on percentages and descriptive statistics for easy analysis. While qualitative data was analyzed through the thematic analysis whereby themes were created for closely related responses. 2.9 Validity and ReliabilityValidity and reliability are essential consideration of research including any study that intends to research on the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. Validity is the measure of extend that a study intents to reach while reliability refers to the consistency and stability of data (Muriithi, 2021: 109)Construct validity was done. This helped to ensure that the research could accurately measure the concept that was being investigated. Variables were clearly defined and align with the existing theories (Saundrers, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016: 97). Content validity was also done to ensure that the research adequately covers the relevant content of the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. Questionnaires and interview questions protocol was designed in a way that it address the main content of the impact of the pandemic. Criterion validity was assessed to ensure that the research findings align with the established criteria (Dladla, 2021: 89). The results were compared to other validated measures or objectives of the impact of the pandemic on SMEs. Internal validity was done to ensure that potential confounding factors are controlled (Muriithi, 2017: 97). Test- retest reliability was done to ensure the consistency and reliability of the measures over time. Questionnaires were administered and interviews done on participants in two different occasions, the degree of correlation and agreement between the results was measured (Mishra & Alok, 2017: 79). High level of consistency indicates a good test- retest reliability which was the fact with the result of the test- retest. Internal consistency and reliability was as well done. Researcher reliability was also done because multiple researchers were involved (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 54). Researchers were trained to follow standard procedure. Rigorous data collection was implemented to ensure errors are minimized. Clear instructions were provided to participants to ensure consistency of result and standardized protocols. All deviations and modifications were documented during data collection and this helped to increase transparency (Humphreis, Neilson & Ulyssea, 2020: 76) 2.9 Ethical ConsiderationWhile conducting this research studies, ethical consideration was adhered to strictly. Ethical guidelines ensures that the rights, privacy and wellbeing of participants is protected. It also help to ensure integrity and credibility of the research (Creswell & Poth, 2017: 90). Here are the key notes on ethical consideration;Informed consent: Informed consent was obtained from all participants. A clear copy of the informed consent was given to all participants which highlighted the purpose, risks, benefits, procedures and the voluntary nature of the study. Participants were informed of their rights including rights to withdraw from the study. The consent process was documented to demonstrate compliance. Privacy and confidentiality: Anonym zed data was used to ensure there is privacy. The privacy and confidentiality of the participants was safeguard. Only authorized persons had access to data. Participants were informed on the measures taken to ensure confidentiality.Data protection: Relevant data protection guidelines were followed strictly. Necessary permission was obtained before the beginning of data collection. Appropriate data protection policy was implemented. Voluntary Participation: Participation was voluntary and any form of incentives that could be used to encourage SMEs to participate was avoided to ensure the integrity of participation is not compromised. Harm Minimization: All potential risks were assessed and minimized. Conflict of interest: All potential conflict of interest was addressed. Transparency on the funding sources was considered and any other factor that could result to doubt.Ethical review and approval: Ethical reviews and approval from relevant institutions was done. All the guidelines and procedures provided were followed. Transparency: the methods used in data collection, results and purpose of the research was communicated to participants. Exaggeration and misinterpretation was avoided. Culture Sensitivity: Researchers studied, recognized and respected the culture of participants. Respectful and inclusive dialogue was practiced. It is important to know that cultural bias may influence the integrity of the findings. Professionalism: Researchers were professional and of high integrity during the study. All ethical standards of the research were followed. ConclusionIn conclusion, this chapter focused on the crucial aspects of data reliability, validity, analysis and ethical consideration in the research on the impact of Covid-19 on SMESs. By careful data analysis, this research got a meaningful insight from the data collected which will contribute to the already existing knowledge on the impact of the pandemic on SMEs and strategies used in recovery. Ethical consideration plays a major role in safeguarding the safety of participants and integrity of data collected. Moreover by ensuring the validity and reliability, researchers intended to accurately measure what they had intended to measure. By incorporating ethical consideration, data reliability, validity and data analysis, this research study achieved a rigorous and ethical research on the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs. Ultimately, this research can be used to inform policy and practice, it also provides information that SMEs can use in future to overcome economic shock. Finally, it contributes to the broader understanding of the impact of global crises on economy and businesses. REFERENCESAkpan, I. J., Ezeume, I. C., Udomboso, E., Ezeume, A. and Akpan, A. (2020a). An Analysis of the conceptual structure of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using network analysis and visual analytics.pg 1–23. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3593142Creswell, J. W. and Poth, C. N. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five (5) approaches. California, United States: Sage Publication Dladla, L. G. (2021). The economics of the covid-19 pandemic and its effects on small businesses in South Africa. 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