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The Events Leading Up To the Japanese Confinement
The American President, Franklin Roosevelt, developed the Japanese internment camps during World War II. This followed after President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, arguing that all Americans with a Japanese accent should be interred in isolated camps. The order came after the Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbor on February 19, 1942. The military zones were developed in major the United States like Oregon, Washington, and California. These states were considered highly concentrated on Japanese Americans. Executive Order 9066 was also created to prevent spying on American shores. The relocation affected over 100,000 people of Japanese accent living in the United States. The Executive Order was also propagated beyond the US, where Canada followed the same directives. Canada relocated about 21,000 Japanese citizens, especially those living on the west coast. Other countries that followed this Executive Order include Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru. It is essential to focus on how the internment of Japanese in isolated camps led to a violation of the civil rights, and how they coped with this situation.
Identify and Discuss How Each Major Character, In Both Readings, Prepares For the Move
‘In response to Executive Order 9066’was a poem written by Dwight Okita. The persona in the poem is Okita, a fourteen years old girl who lives with her parents in the United States. The poem is based on the realities that dawned on Japanese Americans after the Executive Order. All people with a Japanese accent were forced to leave their homes after the horrific harbor attack. The author writes the poem to describe her emotions after President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066. In preparing her move, Okita explains how Ozawa, an American schoolgirl, would feel after the separation. However, Denise O’Connor has a complete change against the narrator, Ozawa. According to Denise O’Connor, Ozawa was attempting to give secrets to the enemy (, 2019). This would result in war, and therefore it was important for Ozawa to keep quiet.
‘In response to Executive Order 9066, Okita feels that she is just innocent, together with her friend. The world events want to separate them by confining Okita in internment camps without trial. The relocation meant that the Japanese girl would either be sent in internment camps or outside the United States. This came to shock Okita since she had already made friends with an American girl (National Park Service, 2015). The relationship had established a strong bond between them. The persona encourages her friend to plant tomatoes since she is not sure whether there would be a chance of planting the seeds. The fact that she was ready to give her friend tomato seeds meant that they would never see each other. The confinement would also limit Okita’s hobbies of planting tomato seeds since she is unsure whether they will get a space.
The Execution Order No.19 describes a poem by Julie Otsuka during World War II.
Mrs. Hayashi, a mother of two children, views a poster directed towards the Japanese people. The order mandated all the Japanese people to clear and pack up their things to internment camps. In preparing the move, Mrs. Hayashi and her daughters set to leave from their house, since their father had sent to isolation camps. The narrator argues that Mrs. Hayashi was a rebel when it comes to compliance with the law. However, Mrs. Hayashi new that failure to comply with this order would result in significant consequences. Mrs. Hayashi took her emotions away and conducted herself in a way that complied with the law. Since pets were not allowed in the internment camps, Mrs. Hayashi decided to kill her dog. Mrs. Hayashi felt that leaving the dog alone would make it endure or suffer. According to the author, killing the dog was the right choice, as opposed to leaving it behind (Otsuka, 2012). The emotional shutdown was a voluntary act, and not as a result of way. President Roosevelt’s decision to send the Japanese into isolation camps made people like Mrs. Hayashi do things that they would have never done. The Executive Order No.19 resulted in psychological injuries to the Americans. Before they could leave the house, Mrs. Hayashi decided to organize their home and to fix the mirror to ensure that all things were okay.
How the characters managed their social and emotional challenges of relocating?
The narrator in the’ Executive Order 9066’ is sad because of the culture crush and discrimination. Okita is unhappy because she and her family are subjected to suffering that they did not deserve. Okita and her family are driven from their homes to isolation camps for no valid reasons. For example, the author argues that she did not know what to say. This indicates that Okita was hopeless of being accused falsely for the sins they did not commit. However, Okita is in a position to manage stress positively. For instance, Okita is positive that they will be in a place to return to their homes (, 2019). Additionally, Okita believes that her friend will miss her once she is gone. Optimism is seen where Okita asks her friend to plant the seeds. Denise will eventually miss her presence. Okita argues that she will miss the ‘hotdog’ that reflects the American food. Since they were used to this food, the Japanese people will encounter a decision on cultural foods. It means that Okita will be forced to adopt the Japanese ‘Chopstick’ while in the isolation camps.
Mrs. Hayashi relocated to the isolation camp in a sorrowful way. Firstly, she was unhappy to leave her home, which she had left for many years. As a consolation, she decides to leave the house clean and everything in order. Mrs. Hayashi is optimistic that one day they will return. Secondly, the act of killing the dog means that there will be nobody to provide it with food. This act shows that she loved the dog and could not want it to suffer when they were away. The Executive Order No.19 reflects Mrs. Hayashi, who is frustrated after receiving the Detained Alien Enemy Mail (Otsuka, 2012). The family was taken into isolation camps due to their conspiracy against the United States. This frustrated Mrs. Hayashi since every letter sends back to his family was stamped, indicating that they were aliens. This resulted in discrimination where Mrs. Hayashi felt that the US government was unfairly discriminating against them.
‘The Executive Order 9066’ and the Executive Order No.19 indicate the immigrants’ faces in a foreign country when a Government issue orders. The common thing about both authors is that they were sorrowful of leaving their homes. However, they gather the courage to leave their homes since any rebel would mean that they would be killed. While Okita wants to remember by her friend, Mrs. Hayashi does not want to leave a trace.

Work Cited (2019) Japanese Internment Camps. Retrieved from:
National Park Service (2015) “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita.
Retrieved from:
Otsuka, J., (2012) Evacuation Order No. 19. Retrieved from:

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