
The ever-changing nature of the business environment often needs a continuous change in the forms of leadership so that the organization can be steered in the right direction. Leadership is an integral and crucial part of the organization that particularly deal with management. It is essential to look into the aspects of leadership as they are the driving force that determines the success or failure of a company. Through this paper, an analysis will be conducted to affirm the roles of leaders, the strategies of leadership available with the suggestion of the most effective strategy as well as when experience pays in an organization. The various theories developed to guide the strategies of leadership are presented as the paper elucidated more on Value-based leadership and how it benefits the organization.


Leadership- the guidance or directing an organization or group of people
Management- development of goals and objectives that aim at directing, planning and organizing tasks with an aim of achieving certain goals
Leadership strategy- this is the ability or potential of a leader or an individual in power to express their vision foe the organization
Employees- an individual working for an organization or company to get paid
Theories- rationalized general concept that help in explain certain phenomena from the aspects of thinking and through observation as well.

Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Keywords 3
Why leadership is essential in any organization. 5
Introduction 5
Literature review. 6
Role of leaderships. 7
Leadership strategies. 8
Transactional leadership 8
Transformational leadership. 9
Value-based leadership. 10
Leadership experience 10
Conclusion 11
Acknowledgments 12
References 13

Why leadership is essential in any organization.
Prior experience in leadership in any organization is often an added advantage as its reward to an organization can not be measured quantitatively. Leadership is an aspect that is integral to any organization and the strategies and types of leadership that drive an organization ought to be informed and well-implemented (Prilleltensk, 2000). Organization leadership has been established as one of the core success indicators in an organization. These forms of leadership describe the structural management approach in which leaders tend to develop goals and objectives for an institution that is structure as well as they can be able to motivate employees within their jurisdiction to work on assignments given to them in an effort to reach these goals. Change has become a pervasive event in the contemporary workplace and it is with no doubt that it can not be avoided thus the need for the workplace to change. It is essential for the leadership of any organization in these ever-changing situations to adapt as well.
Culture is a considered factor in the contemporary leadership management styles as most organizations intend to develop across the globe to be multinational companies hence the need understand various cultures where the companies intend to penetrate (Bono & Judge, 2004). In various construction settings, leadership styles and organizational cultures often have effects in shaping innovative behaviors among members of a project. Transformation and transactional leadership styles are among the leadership styles that can be applied to enhance the innovative behaviors among the employees. Committed leadership as well severs as an inspiration to the employees as focused leaders tend to provide understanding as well as a sustainability challenge for every project delivery. It is obvious that whenever the management spends most of their time it could be the most essential part of the organization (Xie, 2019).
Leadership as a management role often encompasses all dynamics involve the boss-employee, job descriptions, scope of the jobs among other management aspects. All the aspects that encompass organizational leadership in contemporary society are undergoing dynamic shifts. Leaders in any organization need qualities such as awareness that could help in during the organization to succeed. Leadership is a crucial topic and essential in terms of management as thus through this paper there is a need to identify and examine roles of leadership in an organization, strategies best suit for leaders as well as how experience in leadership can be beneficial to a company.
Literature review.
There has been a long tradition in research, particularly research in formal organizations. Although this issue is of utmost importance for many organizations and learners there has been a trend installing the research activities of these topics. As some previous research question how organizations utilize the findings of the report as some argue that the concept of leadership is often romanticized and its real importance can be depicted from how people often make sense of the organizational phenomena. Leadership research crisis is well elucidated by (Meindl, Ehrlich, and Dukerich, 1985). There has been a lot of researches that have failed to produce a unanimously acceptable understanding of leadership which could be satisfying as well as compelling emotionally.
According to Do & Mai (2020), various empirical studies have presented different styles of leadership across the world that show the definite relationship between leadership and organization management and learning. Although studies have halted, there is increasing interest from the various organization that would like to address the issues that surround the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations through the application of leadership development as well as increased academic research.
Role of leaderships.
Management has often been presented as a thinking process. This thus prompts the development of leading as an act of getting people to think (Mehta, Maheshwari & Sharma, 2014). In an elaboration of what leadership is we can develop the notion that leadership is the process in which people can be influenced in order to facilitate the attainment of set organizational objectives. Although a number of researches have been focused on leadership informal areas. It is prudent to recognize that leadership behavior can be depicted even in informal positions. The changes in an organization channel from the past in which some leaders may have experience in as well as the present that the managers should be working on but contemplating the future. In the description of the types of leaders Xie (2019), postulates that there are two types of leaders who are visionary leaders, crisis-based charismatic leaders. As visionary leaders tend to focus on the long term prospects of the organization, crisis-based leaders tend to look into solving the current short-term issues that affect the organization.
Leaders often have various roles that could be tiresome but the most important role is to ensure the vision and mission of the organizations are met (Mehta, Maheshwari & Sharma, 2014). The leaders are often responsible for the creation of the vision that would govern and give the employees direction. They are developed to be effective role models who inspire and motivate their employees. They often delegate their powers and manage time effectively. Leaders’ roles and responsibilities extend to new worker training, provision of clear communication, and directing the employees.
Arguably, as these are presented as positive roles of leaders, there are negative aspects that surround the issue of leadership (Xie, 2019). Negative leaderships often lead to the failure of the organization as most of the negative leaders tend to think that they could be superior or rather the organization is superior. The factor that often leads to the development of negative leaders is the desire to fulfill personal goals as the ultimate achievement of the organization.
Leadership strategies.
Transactional leadership
Transactional leadership is a strategic leadership that is mostly adopted by most leaders who tend to encourage working by following the script (Harris & Ogbonna, 2001). This form of leadership strategy allows the leaders to help the employees in the identification of what should be done in order to accomplish the set objectives. These types of leaders often consider the self-concepts and esteem of individuals as they take them into considerations. In the management by exception rules, the leaders often rely on rewards given to employees for being exceptional. This form of management tends to focus on the supervision, organization as well as the performance of individuals.
This strategy is often guided by the transactional leadership theory developed by Max Weber in 1947. The theory develops the concept whereby managers would give employees what they need in order to influence them to get what they want (Do & Mai, 2020). This model of leadership stipulates that workers are often not self-motivated and thus they need interventions such as instructions, monitoring, and reporting structures so that they may complete tasks on the required time. This form of leadership although effective it often depicts the characteristics that show an unhealthy environment such as being inflexible, being focused on short term goals, resistant to change, thrive on rules, and ensuring tasks are done correctly according to set guidelines. These characteristics often impede the success of an organization as change is an inevitable event and employees in contemporary society need flexibility (Do & Mai, 2020).
Transformational leadership.
Often in most cases, transformational leadership is presented as the leadership strategy that is applicable in developing efforts that would motivate and inspire the employees to get results that are greater than the set goals (Bono & Judge, 2004). Vison developed by the leaders tends to provide motivation for hard work that in most instances could be self-rewarding. Transformational leaders often change the mission, business models, and human resources in an effort to instill motivation among the employees. Transformational leadership is regarded as the most effective leadership strategy whereby its approach is more future-oriented and approaches challenges with a futuristic aspect. Unlike the inflexible transactional model, transformational leadership tends to engage and motivate the employees with the provision of a future vision (Yukl, 1999).
This strategy is informed by the transformational leadership theory was developed in the 21st century by James MacGregor burns who stipulated the concepts of the transformation through his book, Leadership (Harris & Ogbonna, 2001). The term has been shaped throughout academic resources as it was enhanced by Bass who stipulated that through tapping into the need of the employees, leaders can be able to transform employees. This form of strategy often allows for leaders to work together with the employees in order to identify the best way to work as there is a need to identify opportunities to tap in. the model often allows for four aspects that could ideally influence the employees. The aspects are idealized influence, individualized considerations, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation. Transformational leadership often allows for adaptability and self-management that often gives the employees freedom (Yukl, 1999).
Value-based leadership.
Contemporary studies have implied the existence of a positive relationship between different constructs of leadership models as well as desirable variables that shape the organizational behaviors. In organizations, value-based leadership is only becoming central to the organization and leadership but it has become a necessity for the future survival of the organization. Ethics and values important in leadership have been evoked over time. As shown by various scandals across America, organization shape resulted in leaders who can sustain profitability as well as maintain and embody positive values and ethics (Prilleltensky, 2000). Leaders often need to integrate values that could be ethically acceptable across olla cultures
Leadership experience
Several researchers have developed studies that look into the context of in what areas are leadership experience essential and beneficial to the organization. Although many have elaborated on the issue, they fail to develop a clear analysis of what experience in leadership entails, why it’s important, and what effects it can have. Yelle (1979) postulates that organizational learning curves or experience-based learning curves Huber, (1991) are meant to show instances where experience is important and rewards the organization. Generally, experience has been said to be the historical routine that when retrieved can be applied and duplicated in certain circumstances in order to improve the performance of the organization.
Lack of experience in some cases has been shown to lead to wrong decision making that costs the organization. However, with the ever-changing dynamics in the business models, historical routines can not fit as they tend to outdate (Huber 1991). This thus affirms that when individuals tend to use routine strategies that are historical in an environment that is ever-changing, the organization would stall. Understanding experience in leadership is therefore essential such that leaders can know where some aspects of historical routine are applicable and where they are not.
Leadership is an integral part that contributes to the success of organizations. It is, however, an aspect whose research overtime has stalled thus the aim of the paper is to develop new insights into the role of leaders, what effective strategies can be used to ensure the success of the organization, and what roles does experience plays in leadership. The paper discusses in depth the two different strategy theories and although they are different, they can be used together to ensure the success of organizations. Leaders have various roles that they ought to play in their respective posts, these roles include the development of vision, training of new employees. Although the roles of leaders are broad, we tend to focus on the strategies that leaders often use, and through this paper, we discuss both transactional and transformational strategies through a focus on their theories of development. Although transactional is not considered to be effective as transformational both aspects can be used to ensure the success of an organization. Value-based leadership as well as an aspect that should be considered in the provision of positive relationships that could enhance the success of an organization. Experience as well as an important aspect that could help in decision making for the success of the organizations however some rigid historical routines may not fit in the contemporary society causing complications in the organizations. There is a need to clarify the best ways to have efficient and effective leadership governing the organizations.

I would like to thank Professor for his/her excellent teaching, guidance and mentoring over the last year that provided the foundation for this proposal, to Grace for helping me understand and appreciate parts of research, to my parents for his wisdom, humor, and support.

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Xie, L. (2019). Leadership and organizational learning culture: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Training and Development.
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Yukl, G. (1999). An evaluation of conceptual weaknesses in transformational and charismatic leadership theories. The leadership quarterly, 10(2), 285-305.

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