Communications Research Assessment       

Communications Research: Introduction

Effective businesses should invest money into communications research when it comes to optimizing service delivery and customer pleasure. This is where the claim comes in since it ensures the company is prepared to answer concerns about use, branding, advertising, new product launch, and price. Gaining such knowledge is essential for two reasons: predicting the behavior of other businesses and gauging customer response to the company’s policies. Given the organization’s tight budget, the PR team must allocate resources toward this kind of study to improve the company’s public and internal perceptions (Fuseini, 2021).

Because of this, this essay aims to examine three forms of digital visual communication employed in disseminating content linked with a business, a university, and a study. The paper will analyze both essential concepts and existing research literature. In this study, we examine in depth the many ways an explainer film uses digital visual communication (How the food you eat affects your brain). In addition, the study offers a comprehensive analysis of the H&M website, highlighting the site’s salient features and discussing its contribution to the company’s success.

Section 1: Communications Research

Website Analysis

The next part of this study details how H&M reportedly seeks to exert influence over your daily activities. The information is laid out logically and is detailed enough to be understood. The paper also details the methods H&M use for expanding and improving their company, which has helped them experience exponential growth in recent years. The H&M website has been effective over the long term and has been essential in developing other firms when seen through the lens of H&M’s own business needs.


1.1 – Website’s Key Concepts and Context

Businesses can target a specific demographic of consumers who frequent the company’s website with the help of this potent marketing tool. This is because word-of-mouth has a far more significant impact on consumer behavior than any other form of advertising, especially when making purchasing decisions. However, developments in media, such as e-marketing, have greatly expanded people’s access to retail options (George et al., 2022). When developing and maintaining websites, we must follow three fundamental design meta-principles: consistency, hierarchy, and personality. By doing so, you can ensure that the website is easy to navigate and runs as smoothly as possible.


Web content hierarchy describes the structure of a website and the relationship between its many sections. A website’s hierarchy is crucial for directing the reader’s attention and establishing the relevance of various departments (Larsson et al., 2020). When thinking about hierarchy on a website, it’s essential to keep numerous vital ideas and factors in mind. The notion of who you’re writing for is necessary. To design a website that conveys the needed information and satisfies the visitor, it is crucial to have a firm grasp of the target audience’s demographics, interests, and demands.

Moreover, a website’s overarching message or goal is another crucial idea to keep in mind. This has to be conveyed in a straightforward and simple style for the intended audience to grasp. The website should employ language and tone accessible to its target demographic while still being exciting and persuasive.

When deciding on a hierarchy, it is also crucial to consider the viewer’s environment and how they will interact with the website. All of the cultural and social contexts in which the website will be used, and the viewing platform or device must be considered. Considering the intended audience and the environment in which the website will be seen, a successful website should be arranged and presented in a manner that leads the viewer’s attention and conveys the needed information.


The “personality” of a website is its overarching tone, style, and character (MacKrill et al., 2021). An organization’s online presence can do wonders for its brand recognition and identification if its language, design, and aesthetic all reflect the company’s unique character. When considering a website’s character, it’s essential to keep certain factors in mind. The notion of who you’re writing for is necessary. To design a website that conveys the needed information and satisfies the visitor, it is crucial to have a firm grasp of the demographics, interests, and demands of the target audience.

The website’s overarching message or goal is another crucial idea to keep in mind. The website’s tone should be acceptable to its intended readers and consistent with its message or mission. A website’s style might reflect its goals; one that aims to attract customers with a feeling of fun and excitement can be more lighthearted and upbeat, while one that emphasizes professionalism and trustworthiness would be more sombre and official.

Personality should also take into account the audience and the setting in which the website will be seen. All the cultural and social contexts in which the website will be used and the viewing platform or device must be considered. A successful website will have a personality that is consistent with the site’s primary message or goal and is fitting for the intended audience in light of the setting in which the website will be seen.


In the process of creating a website, consistency should always be kept in mind. Consistency in the website’s style, design, and layout aids in conveying a unified and expert impression and aids in the site’s usability (Khan et al., 2021). Maintaining coherence between a website’s central ideas and the surrounding context is crucial for communicating its mission and fostering consumer confidence in the brand. Maintaining uniformity in the website’s color scheme, typeface, and layout, as well as its language and overall tone, can help to establish trust and credibility with site visitors.

Consistency is also crucial for the sake of the user experience, as it facilitates the site’s readability and comprehension for the intended audience. If your website’s layout and design are consistent across pages, visitors will have an easier time navigating the site and will be more likely to spend time reading the content.

Consistency in UI design can also aid site visitors in grasping the site’s functionality to complete their intended tasks. If this is done, it will increase visitors’ happiness and encourage them to come back. Maintaining uniformity across a website’s design and development phases is crucial. The overall message or purpose of the website can be reinforced along with the brand image if it is professionally designed and laid out and is simple to navigate for the target audience.

1.2  Website Analysis

Web content analysis is a highly dynamic sector of advertising that involves interaction; it calls for a fresh perspective and way of thinking, offering the client the power of knowledge at the touch of a button. A successful website will have a special message and persuasive material and will be directed toward a specific audience (Naderer et al., 2021). Additionally, it will feature interactive capabilities that assist in communication and experience. The purpose of advertising should be to concentrate the material in connection to the individual consumer who could be persuaded by the primary advantages to choose favour of the product.


For instance, this is something that has been accomplished spectacularly by the website for H&M, which I have chosen for analysis. The website’s layout exudes sophistication and professionalism and strikes a beautiful balance in terms of language, colour, and content. The interface is very welcoming to users and is presented in a very streamlined way, both fundamental characteristics shared by all main items sold by H&M. It showcases the many different types of items available in various colour combinations and configurations. Context, commerce, connection, content, community, customization, and communication are all crucial elements that contribute to the success of a website; these elements are all demonstrated effectively by the website in question.

The website’s primary purpose is to increase the degree of awareness of the potential customer that visits the site. It is a business website with information about companies that are presented with a minimalist approach to using words and offers a wide variety of digital entertainment experiences. The setting is once again highly technological and has an air of friendliness toward users, which encourages participation from the audience. In addition, below, you will find a comprehensive review of the H&M website.


Adjusting the following criteria following the concept of visual hierarchy allows designers to draw attention to the relevance of the material shown on each page or screen: Users have a greater propensity, in general, to notice and concentrate on something more substantial. If you want to call attention to anything specific, select a hue distinct from the other elements rather than one that blends in with the surroundings. As a result, the website for H&M has a hierarchical organization that is both functional and transparent in terms of its structure and style. Furthermore, the website’s hierarchy is designed to serve the website’s primary aim, which is to promote the fashion and apparel collections and drive sales. The primary objective of the website is to generate sales. The website has a straightforward and consistent structure, beginning with the homepage. The primary navigation menu is positioned at the top of the page, making it simple for site users to obtain the information they want. The hero picture, which occupies a significant amount of the screen and directs the visitor’s attention to the most recent sales and product offerings, is the primary emphasis of the page. After this, there is a section for highlighted articles and a series of smaller graphics promoting other items and categories. The hierarchy of the homepage is set up in such a way as to direct the user’s attention towards the objects and collections, so making it simple for the visitor to locate the content they want.

The website also has a distinct typographic hierarchy, with headings and subheadings that organize the material and make it simple for users to read and comprehend. Because the headers are formatted to be bigger and bolder than the body text, they are easier to see and can be located quickly. This makes it easier for users to instantly comprehend the primary message of the website as well as its primary function, which is to display the collections currently available and promote deals and new goods.

The website effectively uses white space, which is an additional factor contributing to its effective hierarchy. The website extensively uses white space to provide a clean and clear visual area, which contributes to the fact that the text can be read and comprehended with relative ease. This website’s design is simple, drawing the viewer’s attention to the content that is most relevant to them and making the website simple to browse. The page can also be quickly scanned, and content may be quickly located, thanks to the great use of white space. In addition, one of the essential aspects of hierarchy on the website is the use of colour and contrast. The website uses a mainly neutral colour scheme, with black lettering on a white backdrop, which helps to make the content easier to read. In addition, it utilizes colour to draw the viewer’s attention to crucial information, such as calls to action, and to generate visual appeal. The use of colour contrast is an excellent method for bringing attention to highlighted items and promotions. It also makes it simple for visitors to recognize those products and promotions.


Fostering an emotional connection with customers and website visitors is one of the most efficient methods for a firm to sustain its brand identity in the digital arena. Getting started on a branding campaign to persuade customers that they are more than simply another number is a good idea. The website’s design is straightforward and up-to-date in appearance. Using white space and particular font creates a visually appealing atmosphere that is modern and free of clutter. Using uncomplicated design components and layouts contributes to making a neat and well-organized appearance that exudes sophistication and competence. This design style fits well with the fashion and apparel business, often linked with culture and understated beauty. The language and tone used on the website are direct and go right to the point, which reflects the design’s bare and unadorned appearance. The website utilizes straightforward and easy-to-understand calls to action buttons, which encourage site users to take action by using language that is explicit and to the point.

Additionally, high-quality photographs and videos are used on the website to demonstrate the various apparel lines and to establish an emotional connection with site visitors. The pictures have been adequately taken, have adequate lighting, and feature models that are both varied and approachable; this contributes to the website’s overall impression of friendliness and inclusivity.

People interested in fashion and apparel make up the target audience, and the website’s personality corresponds very well with this demographic in terms of the context in which users will see it.


When dissected, H&M’s website reveals a uniform layout and design throughout. The site maintains a constant colour scheme, with white as the primary colour and black, grey, and blue as secondary accents. All of the pages on the site, from the home to the product pages, use the same colour scheme. The website also has uniform typography, with a modern, clean font style used consistently across the site in the same font size and weight. The uniformity of the fonts contributes to the overall polished appearance.

The website’s design is straightforward and uniform across the board. Visitors can quickly and easily find what they need, thanks to the consistent top-level menu on every page. The website’s product pages have the same layout, with the featured image at the top and secondary photos and information below it neatly laid out. The filters, sorting options, form fields, and buttons follow a consistent design and placement throughout the site, making it simple for users to grasp how everything works. Overall, the design and layout of the H&M website are consistent, with a constant colour scheme, typography, and structure. This uniformity lends credibility to the site’s overall presentation and facilitates the user experience.


Section 2.

Explainer Video Analysis


2.1 Key Concepts and Context

One of the first types of storytelling was the relaying of hunting stories around ancient campfires, which dates back to a period when writing was common. Humans have traditionally relied on metaphors to help them recall details, retain knowledge, and make sense of the “chaos of existence.” Ohler (2013) argues that “critical thinking and creative problem solving” skills are necessary in today’s world because “being able to critically assess information, rather than trust it without question, has become a survival skill” in light of the plethora of competing viewpoints we are exposed to daily through media and social channels. To give our life purpose and meaning, we must take on the protagonist’s role in our narratives about navigating the informational noise. Ohler (2013) notes, however, that it is crucial that we digital storytellers “use technology to support the tale and not the other way around.” To ensure that our stories are heard without interruption, we need to master the fundamentals of storytelling and respect the “unspoken covenant of trust” between storytellers and their audiences.

When thinking about explainer film as a type of digital visual communication, it is helpful to start with the Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling created by The Center for Digital Storytelling.

  • Point of View: The perspective from which the story is being told.
  • Scene Selection: The choice of which scenes to include in the story, and how they are arranged.
  • Character Development: The creation of characters that the audience can identify with and care about.
  • Dialogue and Voiceover: The use of spoken words to convey information and emotions.
  • Soundtrack: The use of music and sound effects to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the story.
  • Visuals: The use of images, video, and animation to tell the story.
  • Structure: The way in which the different elements of the story are put together to create a cohesive whole.

From the above, it’s helpful to use all these aspects in the right method to plan, create, and release a digital tale that will captivate the audience’s attention and effectively communicate the desired message, sentiment, and concept. One idea emphasized by the CDS is that digital storytelling is about more than simply making polished, professional-looking products; it’s also about giving individuals a voice and a chance to offer their unique views on the world.

In addition, like many other art forms, there are no formulas for a successful story but we can follow some guidelines these by considering what is meant by “story” and “narrative.” A story is made up of narrated events and these events consist of actions. The characters who carry out these actions have motivations which cause them to act and conflict of various kinds is involved.  The same story can be told in different ways, that is, have different narratives.

When examining “How The Food You Eat Affects Your Brain” animated explainer video, it will be helpful to refer to principles within the field of graphic design and motion graphics. This is because everything we perceive exists on two levels of meaning: its denotive level – what we see, and its connotative level – the meaning we draw from what we see, based on our culture, learning and experience.

Analysis of “How The Food You Eat Affects Your Brain” Explainer Video.

The video titled “How the food you eat affects your brain,” by Mia Nacamulli, is an instructive and instructional film that uses a narrative framework to offer scientific knowledge regarding the influence one’s diet has on the functioning of the brain. At the video’s beginning, we see Nacamulli in what seems to be a standard schoolroom. This not only sets the stage for the remainder of the film, which is intended to be instructive and instructional, but it also introduces us to the protagonist. The film’s narrative is structured linearly, beginning with an introduction to how eating affects the brain and then elaborating on the material presented here in a manner consistent with logical development. Nacamulli starts by outlining the significance of proper nutrition to one’s general health and well-being. She then describes how certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are necessary for a proper brain operation. She then continues to discuss how various sorts of diets, such as a diet heavy in processed foods and sugar, may negatively impact the brain’s health.

Nacamulli dives deep into how a variety of meals may have a significant impact on the brain, which serves as one of the film’s central focuses and one of the video’s key protagonists. Nacamulli shows how eating a diet heavy in processed foods and sugar may lead to inflammation in the brain. This inflammation in the brain has been related to a range of neurological illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s. She also discusses the benefits of eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to enhance brain function and reduce cognitive decline. The video has another essential component: the dispute and its resolution. The issue that an improper diet causes for the brain are conflicted, and the solution that a healthy diet may prevent damage to the brain and increase brain function is the resolution. Nacamulli gives concrete examples of nutritious foods that are beneficial to the brain, and she urges the audience to make adjustments in their diet so that they may enhance their brain health.

In conclusion, the film entitled “How the food you eat affects your brain” utilizes components of narrative analysis to communicate scientific facts about nutrition’s influence on the brain in a manner that is obvious and simple to grasp. The video’s message is that a healthy diet is essential for brain health, and certain foods can have either a positive or negative impact on the brain. The video’s setting, characters, plot, and resolution all work together to convey this message. The message is that a healthy diet is essential for brain health. People will be able to make more educated choices about their nutrition, which will eventually enhance their brain health, thanks to the knowledge provided in this video. This excellent educational resource gives factual and practical information.

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Motion graphics and Mise-En-Scène: It’s not easy to define motion graphics in isolation from other types of media; nonetheless, we can state that motion graphics is exemplified by a film that depicts an item in motion and also comprises the design and media aspects, including shapes, colour, sound, video, and typography. Throughout the film, the motion graphics are utilized rarely, yet they are employed well to highlight essential themes and give visual interest. The visuals are uncluttered, with effortless transitions and a unified aesthetic. This aids with keeping the audience’s attention on the material provided rather than being diverted by elaborate or distracting visuals.

For this reason, the motion visuals in this movie serve to both depict the numerous power foods addressed and demonstrate the cognitive advantages gained from eating them. The visuals are straightforward and straightforward, and they aid in conveying the message. The video’s mise-en-scène is solid, maintaining a consistent style and mood. The text and visual components are balanced and precise to read, and the choice of a single, neutral backdrop colour helps to create a clean, uncomplicated visual environment. Close-ups and uncluttered visuals assist in establishing rapport with the audience.

The explainer video’s motion graphics and mise-en-scène work together to provide a unified and exciting visual experience. The mise-en-scène and motion graphics convey complex ideas, making for an enjoyable and informative viewing experience. These pieces work together to give viewers the information and message they need.



This paper’s goal was to give a thorough and impartial analysis by looking at not one but two different types of media and many other processes and guidelines. For these media products to resonate with their target demographic, it is crucial to amass as much information as possible. The method of researching and writing this report was quite exciting and inspiring. Having worked in software development before and with graphic designers, I understood visual design, UI, and UX and their role in capturing and holding an audience’s attention. In addition, the process was intellectually stimulating since it required deep consideration and analysis in writing. Whatever the case, I learned a lot from experience, and I now have the chance to learn more about a wide range of concepts crucial to my line of work. In conclusion, one of my objectives in researching and writing this report is to learn new things I can utilize in my current and future professional roles.


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H&M website:

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