Chinese students in Australia
Approach to control hazardous air pollution posed to the environment.
Part One: Your Challenge
What is the question/issue that your team is seeking to address?
The team decided to choose to focus its goals on approaches to controlling the pollution on the environment, the importance of the plan is to achieve zero pollution from large and small companies. This industry pollutes the environment and makes it inhabitable for humans around the companies because of what it poses as a health risk. Companies damages the environment by using energy fueled machines that cause pollution from different activities done there. This issue seeks to project the approaches to be used to reduce the pollution cases from the companies from agriculture, automotive and other gas emitting companies. The approach to control the situation will be the main reason behind climate action plan
Why is the question important and to whom is it important?
Air pollution affects our health if not solved in good ways with the deserved processes both through control and other regulation actions. This will be the team’s focus to change on how activities are done to give a good staying and working environment for people around the globe. The target audience is the companies and individuals that pollute the environment spaces by engaging in this activities knowingly. This approach plan will lead to the direction on how to completely eradicate or reduce the issue of air pollution to the environment around areas that has companies exist. This plan will look into what can be done and the damages have been seen and it will be good to reverse this cause within the companies. Addressing this issue with sustainable development goals over a good working timeline can be objective in combating this menace that has been prolonging for a time.
What aspect of the question/issue will you be addressing?
The team is focused on building blocks around air pollution to achieve an environment free from emissions from companies and other residential homes. This is a long-term plan that focuses on having an eco-friendly environmental protection. More inclination will fall towards projecting approaches to control this menace in a better approaches. The approaches will be from looking into existence government’s plans and other private projects, which means incorporating preexisting plans. Addressing this will be objective in achieving results within a working timeline. Cleaning the environment requires government’s inputs and weighing on post-existence approaches will give the team the direction to be taken. This input will give foresight on the ultimate goals of a better environment with reduced intoxication levels. Having some basic plan on the same will reduce the burden from health related risks. Mobilization of resources engagement on the target audience with reliable information will be a game changer
Part Two: Background Research
Source One:
The authors Lucas RF Henneman, Cong Liu, James A Mulholland and Armistead G Russell discuss on approaches best used in air quality regulation. These authors focus more on a post-review on the frameworks used during past. policies implemented to help strategize on formulation of new approaches to reduce pollution. Assessments of previous outcomes of the approaches that have been used will determine success of what goes on afterwards to eradicate pollution totally. Accountability needs to be part of the process to weigh if the outcome will be worth it in the end. The issues surrounding air pollution are a bit wide and past policy needs to be discussed and reviewed to follow up on the influence of the action plan.
The uncertainty that happens within this process works towards regulation of air pollution and possibly research needs to be done. This range from regulation actions like banning coal use within the environment like cities and punishable if you fail to follow that. I also see change of traffic bans which is a local authorities plan was used to see as the example and the uncertainty do occur more than ever in the accountability process. Research-based methods are encouraged to look deep into past and previous air pollution regulation policies that happens. Government and other private companies should come close and have working things to reduce emissions. These initiatives will help reduce health risks that follow within sometimes (Lucas R.F. Henneman, 2017).
Source Two:
This journal published by the local department of Australia focuses on regulation actions for the people and the environment based on agreements reached and documented. National approaches deliberation are regulatory measures against pollution for instance , government divisions on how they handle management of the premises and industries between local authorities and state territories. Enforcing of measures like national environment protection measures of air toxics,implementation of ambient air quality regulation based on listing environment standards. Monitoring and evaluation of measures like diesel vehicle emmission measures with reference to vehicle emmission standards will be an ongoing approach of reaching towards clean air agreements (Library of Congress, 2020) (Yin, 2016).
The team is focus can borrow approaches that address the issue while promoting cooperative gains between state authorities and business and the individuals within the community. While at this clear responsibility should be outlined to both parties during the implementation processes. This workplan must be well documented to soothe review process. Share costing on the plan must be well tailored to priorities and working conditions to eradicate pollution from the face of earth . Fuel emmission measures that should be developed against deliberation of standards must be addressed seriously. For fastest growing state regulation of fuel quality used in companies and communities should be taken into documentation and punishable penalties to those who use pollutants.
Source Three :
The United Nations environment department fights battles to achieve combating hazardous air pollution activities towards the environment.The source illustrate use of resources to achieve green economy which has been a goal, meetings they engage in focus on actualization of their plans. Approaches like the Montréal protocol is one of their babies, progressive limitation of loss stratospheric ozone due to air pollution has deemed to be beneficial. The ultimate health risks such as cancer cannot be reduced significantly. The second approach could be addressed is the collective green economy, whereby reducing carbon related emissions and pollution in industrial and domestic environments. Transition to green economy boost human wellbeing while also encourages regulation of environmental related risks. United Nations refer to a case study done in Egypt in carbon emissions control and the results on agriculture and water related sectors. The third approach is sustainable consumption and production, food not eaten or byproducts not usable in food industries emit carbon and economic losses (UN Environment Programme, 2016). Handling the issue around food waste will be important in eradicating industrial and domestic pollution. Environment actions on basis of consumption and production can bring social equity and end hunger. The ultimate goals can be achieved if people embrace the approaches that address pollution.
Source Four:

The Aeroqual discusses data on air quality of the space of Australia which faces lots of forms of environmental damages from bushfires, combustion of fossil fuel that emit harzadous gases and vehicle emissions. Sampling of data can be an approach to climate action on the issue, this exposure for countries like Australia can boost determine cases of air pollution available in the environmental space. Data available here show premature deaths and other health risks due to activities that involves pollutants accumulate to AUD 20 Billion in terms of cost.
Due to this recurring event in places like New South Wales, the Office of Environment and Heritage have option of managing the situation through 50 monitoring stations and collection of pollution cases can be quantified. Having such monitoring software and evaluation equipment can help contain and give results on whether teams in the environmental control can use the data effectively. Monitoring of the air control can be the start of action plan considering that they measure nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon and other emits (New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage , 2019).
Source Five:
“The Conversation” highlighted the issue sorrounding environmental protection from pollution. This discussion puts America’s Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on the limelight for his backwards steps. His pursuant on making President Trump exit the “Paris Climate Accord” counting has the only country not supporting it
. However, it’s evident that Scott supports science backed regulation, the approach “Clean Air Act” which has been effective based on results . The authority he heads is mandated to formulate air quality standards on science based findings with focus on six major known pollutants. Pruitt has documented by The Conversation involves economic conditions and energy related effect in terms of the emissions when doing standards setting. Cost analysis of maintaining the air quality should be considered when doing standards setting. This means the process needs to be deliberated on grounds of public health, quality standards being set and cost of air quality management. This case reduce the back and forth, some amendments should be well-informed to keep effective approaches and perhaps work on making them work more effectively (Percival, 2018).

Part Three: Model
The team could be the journalistic feature writing that deep uses the same way journalists report in media outlets. This choice is liked because they give out important facts, they embrace description of organizations’ ideas well and help it be understood with other people out there. New target audience can easily understand the feature in a good way and this is very interesting. This model is done out of goodwill to persuade the audience to follow some pathways to reduce air pollution. Informing the target audience of the message being focused on during the writing. The different between the form, complexity and the responsibility of the article in various ways that change when doing academic writing, this includes use of the source without using them. The formal tone is evident throughout the paper.
Summary has been done on the issue and the team settled to give their all in doing these tasks. The picking of sources be it journal or websites so as not to miss the key ideas of the writing. The development of ideas is seen from the challenge step and the empty spaces like air pollution get addressed. The impression of this writing must be on point and the same investigating research problem can be a good place to be developed. The team setting on the issues focuses on giving the right of action towards the problem and different contributing ideas come up with a good course. The core values of the team are tested here in these phases and the contributing are put on the scale. The pages repeat reports on issues or policies used to make the writing a big deal in getting to understand who people have different cultures when choosing artefact model in the writing to the writing here and there. Concentrating on the issue make the practical implementation of policies that look and can be real and that is the put intention all over the place.
Library of Congress. (2020, 7 24). Retrieved from Regulation of Air Pollution: Australia :
Lucas R.F. Henneman, C. L. (2017). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association . Retrieved from tandfonline:
New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage . (2019, May). Retrieved from Aeroqual :
Percival, R. (2018, May 18). Scott Pruitt’s approach to pollution control will make the air dirtier and Americans less healthy. Retrieved from The Conversation :
UN Environment Programme. (2016, Feb 25). Retrieved from Strengthened Intergration Needed for Effective Action on Air Pollution: perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production .

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