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Nurse burnout and fatigue have continued to be one of the significant challenges facing many hospitals. Due to this, hospitals are required to implement appropriate policies to balance nursing working hours and home activities (Peters, 2018). This paper evaluates four significant articles which are related to nursing burnout. The first article aims to gain insights into the prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses. The second article seeks to investigate the compassion satisfaction, the cause of fatigue as well as the reason for the development of nurse burnout. The third article evaluates how working conditions enhance the development of job dissatisfaction and nurse fatigue. The fourth article evaluates the significance of 12-hour policy on reducing the occurrence of nurse burnout and fatigue.

Full citation of the selected article
Article #1
Article #2
Article #3
Article #4

Gómez-Urquiza, J. L., De la Fuente-Solana, E. I., Albendín-García, L., Vargas-Pacino, C., Ortega-Campos, E. M., & Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A. (2017). Prevalence of burnout syndrome in emergency nurses: A meta-analysis. Critical care nurse, 37(5), e1-e9.

Hunsaker, S., Chen, H. C., Maughan, D., & Heaston, S. (2015). Factors that influence the development of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in emergency department nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 186-194.

Nantsupawat, A., Kunaviktikul, W., Nantsupawat, R., Wichaikhum, O. A., Thienthong, H., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). Effects of nurse work environment on job dissatisfaction, burnout, and intention to leave. International nursing review, 64(1), 91-98.

Thompson, B. J. (2019). Does work-induced fatigue accumulate across three compressed 12-hour shifts in hospital nurses and aides? PloS one, 14(2).

Why you chose this article and how it relates to the clinical issue of interest (include a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of importance)

The reason for selecting this article is to gain significant insight into the prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses. This is closely related to the effects of the nurse burnout since it gives some of the syndromes of exhaustion among the nurses. The ethical considerations of the welfare of nurses when collecting the data. For instance, the study did not conceal any personal data belonging to the nurses.

The reason for selecting this article is to understand the factors that cause compassion fatigue and the development of burnout among the nurses. The ethical issue considered by the study includes hiding the identity of the nurses as well as finding their data while collecting data.

The reason for choosing this article is to evaluate how job environment influence job dissatisfaction, burnout and intention of the nurses to leave their work in Thailand. Informed consent is one of the ethical issue considered by the study. The study sought approval from people first before collecting the data.

The reason for choosing this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of 12-hour shift policy in reducing the occurrence of fatigue and burnout among the nurses. The study considered the work life and home life of nurses which is an ethical consideration among the hospitals. The collection of data also observed ethics, such as enhancing confidentiality of the nurse data.

Brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article
The article aimed to investigate the prevalence of burnout syndrome among nurses. The report recognized burnout syndrome as one of the leading occupational health challenges facing many health professionals in their effort to provide adequate health care services.
The article aims to investigate the compassion satisfaction, the cause of fatigue as well as the reason for the development of nurse burnout.
The main aim of the article is to investigate how the working conditions and its surrounding affects the satisfaction of nurses. The study also aimed to evaluate how the work environment affects nurse burnout.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate how the implementation of 12-hour policy induce fatigue among the nurses. This study provides a solution for the effects of burnout among the nurses.

Brief description of the research methodology used Be sure to identify if the method used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.

The study used content analysis to analyze the collected data. Thirteen reviews were investigated, which comprised of 1566 nurses. Quantitative analysis was used for the analysis of the data to determine the number of nurses who have suffered burnout and fatigue.

The study used administration survey and demographic questionnaire to investigate the cause of fatigue and burnout among the nurses. The article used descriptive and predictive analysis to evaluate the cause of exhaustion and the likelihood of the occurrence of burnout among the nurses.
The study employed a cross sectional survey in which it collected data form 1351 nurses who were working in 40 inpatient units in 5 Thailand hospitals. The study used a descriptive approach to evaluate how working conditions the performance of nurses and the occurrence of burnouts.
The study employed content analysis in which it analyzed 22 journals which the significance of 12-hour policy in reducing nurse burnout. The study also used a quantitative and descriptive approach to analyze the relevance of the 12-hour shift policy among the nurses suffering from exhaustion and fatigue.

A brief description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the method was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

One of the strengths of the research methodology is that it used a large sample size which helped to have a wide range of analyses and hence reducing data biasness. The study used keyword burnout and it used CINAHL, Cochrane and CUIDEN, among others to identify the keyword in the selected articles.
The study used a 1000 sample size, which in turn helped to reduce biased errors. Also, the study used predictive methodology, which helped to project the occurrence of burnout among the nurses for the next five years. The study also relied on the ProQOL 5 scale to measure the prevalence of compassion satisfaction, fatigue and exhaustion among the nurses
The large sample size of 1351 nurses helped to reduce bias errors during analysis. The use of logical regression model helped assess the association between the work conditions and the nurse rate of satisfaction and occurrence of burnout.
The strength of the study was based on the type of analysis approach used. For instance, the use of descriptive analysis helped to explain how the policy is related to fatigue and burnout. The use of various variables also expanded the scope of methodology and hence reducing the analysis error.

General Notes/Comments

The article recognized burnout syndrome as one of the leading occupational health challenges facing many health professionals in their effort to provide adequate health care services. The report showed that contusive working conditions, as well as the establishment of the professional peer groups where medical practitioners can express their feelings and emotions, have a significant influence on reducing burnouts among the nurses.

The results showed that low to average levels of compassion fatigue and burnout among the nurses. The study also showed that there is a high level of compassion satisfaction among the emergence of department nurses.

The result of the study showed that nurses who work in a better environment have significantly less job dissatisfaction, the thoughts of leaving their work as well as the occurrence of nurse burnout. This implies that working conditions an essential role in reducing nurse burnout in Thailand.

The findings of the study showed that hospitals which have implemented the 12-hour shift policy had experienced reduced cases of nurse burnout and fatigue. This implies that imposition of the system is valid for the nurses to balance their working activities and their home activities. Thus, hospitals have the obligation of implementing this policy to increase nurse productivity.

Conclusively, the analysis of the above articles has shown that nurse burnout and fatigue reduces the productivity of nurses which in turn ruins the reputation of hospitals. From the study, burnout and fatigue is caused by stress and exhaustion are perceived to be leading causes of nurse burnout which results from strenuous working conditions and also an insufficient number of nurses in the hospital is also another cause of nurse burnout and fatigue (Peters, 2018). Also, an increase in several patients in the hospital subjects nurses into much work which in turn causes fatigue and exhaustion. However, this clinical issue can be solved by implementing a 12-hour shift policy which helps nurses to engage in other activities outside the scope of their work and relax their mind. The system also helps to increase productivity among the nurses as well as reducing errors and hence improving the performance of the hospitals.

Gómez-Urquiza, J. L., De la Fuente-Solana, E. I., Albendín-García, L., Vargas-Pecino, C., Ortega-Campos, E. M., & Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A. (2017). Prevalence of burnout syndrome in emergency nurses: A meta-analysis. Critical care nurse, 37(5), e1-e9.
Hunsaker, S., Chen, H. C., Maughan, D., & Heaston, S. (2015). Factors that influence the development of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in emergency department nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(2), 186-194.
Nantsupawat, A., Kunaviktikul, W., Nantsupawat, R., Wichaikhum, O. A., Thienthong, H., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). Effects of nurse work environment on job dissatisfaction, burnout, and intention to leave. International nursing review, 64(1), 91-98.
Peters, E. (2018, October). Compassion fatigue in nursing: A concept analysis. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 466-480).
Thompson, B. J. (2019). Does work-induced fatigue accumulate across three compressed 12 hour shifts in hospital nurses and aides? PloS one, 14(2).

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