A Comparative Analysis of Talking and Texting The use of a phone as a means of communication is one of the most widely used forms of communication in the world. Communication through the use of mobile phones can be done through texting or by directly talking to someone through the phone. Texting is the process by which an individual types a piece of particular information on a given messaging platform then sends it to one specific recipient. A phone call on the other hand is done by dialling the recipient’s number whereby they are required to receive then one can have a verbal conversation with them over the phone. While talking over the phone and texting are similar in the sense that both are a platform for instant exchange of information, there are marked differences in nature by which the information is relayed (Cammarota,2016). While talking and texting are comparable in terms of the duration taken before the information is received, there are however some differences in terms of the expenses incurred when information is relayed. The exchange of information via texting is instantaneous since one can send a message and subsequently receive feedback almost immediately. The ease in receiving feedback quickly therefore means that texting can be convenient during emergencies. Additionally, texting enables one to send information to more than one person simultaneously. One can send a particular message to more than the recipient by forwarding the text to multiple contacts on the messaging platform. In terms of the expenses incurred when a specific message is relayed, texting is charged based on the number of texts sent. Individuals who send multiple texts when communicating a piece of particular information thus spend more compared to those who summarise the information on a single text. Texting therefore allows people to regulate the cash spend on communication as compared to talking. (Aguilera,2018). While texting differs in terms of expenses incurred, there are some similarities in terms of the duration it takes before a piece of particular information is received. Communicating through the phone enables people to get information instantly the moment the person on the receiving end picks up the call. Being able to obtain feedback immediately makes this form of communication more convenient during emergencies since the quick response is guaranteed. Additionally, one can talk to multiple people over the phone at a particular point in time. The ability to speak to more than one person at a specific time over the phone enables a person to relay a specific information to many people at a given point in time. Contrary to texting, the expenses incurred when one communicates by talking over the phone increases with an increase in the duration of time taken during the phone call. People who spend a considerable amount of time when talking over the phone therefore spend more compared to their counterparts who make a shorter duration of time. Therefore, unlike texting where cutting on cost depends on reducing the number of texts sent, talking over the phone largely depends on reducing the duration of the phone calls. Additionally, while both calling and texting allows individuals to communicate with another person while doing other activities, there is a difference in terms of the ability to understand the situation of the person on the other end of the line. The unique nature of texting enables one to multitask since one can engage in other activities while texting. Texting can be done even when is engaged in other activities such as attending classes or even some seminar. Texting therefore gives people the ability to communicate without having to take a break from whatever action they were engaged just like phone calls. However, texting denies people the ability to understand the situation in terms of moods of the person on the other end of the line. Somebody who receives a text is not able to know the feeling of the person who sent the text unless he or she mentioned. The inability to hear somebodies voice can prevent one from gauging the other person’s feelings (Caplan,2014). However much there is difference in terms of the ability to gauge each other’s moods when calling or texting, there is similarity when it comes to the ability to multitask. One can do other activities while talking over the phone. Many people can talk while doing other activities like driving, cycling and to some extent when watching the news. This ability to multitask is equally noted among those who text. However, phone calls unlike text messages enable different users to hear the voice of the person on the receiving end thus can enable the person to gauge moods. A person for instance based on the nature of their voice over the phone can be identified to be sad or happy. Although the cash spent when talking over the phone, that spent when texting and the ability to know the moods of the person on the other end of the line is determined by different factors, there are some similarity in terms of the rate at which information flows when one chooses to talk over the phone or text. The similarity in terms of the rate of which information flows makes both methods to be suitable where rapid response is needed. The feature therefore makes both methods to be applied in emergencies.

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