

Generally, the human body is made up of complex structures that coordinate with each other. The human body’s level of organization ranges from the complex physical body parts to the simplest invincible structures known as cells. In many cases, the human body tends to be compared to a machine-like structure. The human body is compared to a machine because their same mode of operations for machine consists of many parts, and each part of it does specifically assigned tasks. Yet, all parts have to work together to produce the overall and the desired output. This is exactly the case with the human body.
Know that the human body that enhances your form of life has tons of tasks to perform to keep the owner alive and operate. It is also important to know that the functioning of the human body operates throughout even if one is at sleep, the body operations keep going. The variety of operation occurring within the human body are super supervised such that there is no interferences or delay. Some operations can be felt, but the owner can’t control them. These are operations like digestion. Other operations are organized that you can’t detect them a bit they keep operating.
The human body is divided into many components based on their functions. The organization of body parts well schemes other cases; some are anatomically scattered all over the body. Let us primarily look at body system organization and its functions on different levels.
Organ system level
Organs coordinate to achieve overall objectives; we have organs like the integumentary system that performs general body covering, thus protecting the inner and sensitive body tissues from physical injuries. It also tends to have other functions like synthesis vitamin D, storage of minerals, muscular system. It will enhance body expressions and movements, also facial expressions. There is also the transportation of metabolic wastes like sweat. This organ also houses some blood capillaries and veins, thus supportive in blood circulation.
five basic organizations of the human body
level one:
Cells Are referred to as basic units of this life and are always the first in human body organization. These cells usually have specialized functions; thus, they are usually named according to their functions like liver cells, blood cells, nerve cells, and so on. Thus, it is important to know that these cells are formed from tiny molecules, and for finer details, cells have their structures called organelles, and each organelle in a cell has its defined function. Thus, making the cell capable of producing its desired output.
Level two
A group of different cells with similar functions combine and form a tissue; thus, a tissue usually has certain functions like cells, resulting in different cells working together. For instance, muscle tissue, cardiac tissue, smooth tissue, epithelial tissue, blood tissue, and nerve tissue all have their specific functions.
Level three
From two to several hundreds or son number of tissues are organized to an organ. Which also will have to serve specified functions. Examples of organs include: heart, brain, liver, kidney, and many more, each has a defined role in the human body. The majority of the organs are mostly comprised of four types of tissues. Like the intestine case, epithelial tissue is surrounded by layers of muscle tissue, enhancing several food boluses’ peristaltic movements along the trachea. The intestine is also supplied by connective tissues such as blood tissues whose role is to transport nutrients absorbed by the intestines. There is also nerve tissue presence, which will convey the brain’s message and all instructions.

Level four
As the case above with organs, when different organs with similar functions come up, they form the organ system, thus producing the desired output. Like the case of the heart and all blood vessels, they will together form the cardiovascular system. Also, the case respiratory system formed from organs such as Nose, pharynx, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm will all work together in the breathing system. The digestive system is also made up of the mouth, esophagus, b intestines, stomach duodenum. there are several other organ systems like the integumentary system, immune system, urinary system, immune system, renal system, and many others

An organism is referred to as a living thing made up of organized structures; it has characteristics like growth, adapting, and reaction to stimuli. The human body is a complete organism since it has all those characteristics. All organ systems will work together to carry out all and every life process in any organism. An organism’s process includes eating, excretion, growth, producti0n of young ones, and response to the environmental conditions.
Human has the most vital organs like heart, kidney, brain, liver, and lungs without which operation will be difficult, and chances of survival will be minimal or limited. Let us look at each of them. The human brain is the control center for receiving and sending signals all over the body, thus coordinating all human body activities. The human brain will accomplish this by sending signals that are secreted by hormones. The brain’s general purposes include enabling human judgment, memory, and reaction or response to the environment. The human heart is also a vital organ whose main function is to enhance proper blood circulation throughout the body. The kidney is also a primary purpose to remove waste and excess unwanted fluid in the blood. This kidney will take urea out of the blood and finally combine it with water to make urine.
There is a liver with many functions, but basic functions include breaking down drugs and other harmful chemical substances and actively involved in blood filtration. The lung is also another important organ in our body whose functions are responsible for gaseous exchange.
The recent discoveries on human body facts are that the human body contains nearly 100 trillion cells, and each is properly organized to perform its function accordingly.

Flow, K. (2014). Human body anatomy. Knowledge Flow. The recent discoveries on human body facts are that the human body contains nearly 100 trillion cells, and each is properly organized to perform its function accordingly.
Nagy, K., & Tiuca, I. (2017). Importance of fatty acids in Physiopathology of the human body. Fatty Acids.Human has the most vital organs like heart, kidney, brain, liver, and lungs without which operation will be difficult, and chances of survival will be minimal or limited. Let us look at each.

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